Chapter 83

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Chapter 83

    On the other side of the groom's lounge, the five sons-in-laws of the Sheng family were all dressed in decent suits, sitting or standing.

    Wen Shuoran looked at Fan Ye and said with a smile, "Brother-in-law, you look a little nervous. Your fingers have been trembling..."

    Fan Ye laughed dryly, clasped his hands tightly and rubbed them together, "I'm afraid I'll make a mistake later. What if you call Uncle Sheng the eldest brother?"

    Shi Ximing laughed, "Mr. Wen also said that the eldest brother-in-law, you don't stop breathing deeply."

    Wen Shuoran: "...I think this island Is the air a little thin?"

    An Jincheng crossed Erlang's legs calmly, "Second brother-in-law, I see you haven't sat down since you walked into this room, aren't you nervous?"

    Shi Ximing was embarrassed. , "Is there? It's a good thing to walk more when you're old."

    Fan Ye couldn't help but praise: "Look at Jin Cheng, he really is someone who does big things, and he can still be calm at this juncture. We'll see later. He will do it, there will be no mistakes."

    When An Jincheng heard Fan Ye praise him, he silently put Erlang's legs down.

    Shi Ximing laughed, "Brother-in-law, that's because you don't know Jin Cheng. This guy is indeed rarely nervous, but when he gets nervous, he will cross his legs. He hasn't put his legs down since he entered this house. "

    An Jincheng: "..." He turned his face away and lowered his head to smell the fragrance of the roses. I don't know what Xiaokui's girl looks like in a wedding dress.

    Huo Ji'an voluntarily blew himself up, "I was so nervous that I didn't fall asleep last night."

    Seeing this, Fan Ye felt deeply: "Me too! No, I've been unable to sleep since a week ago."

    Shi Ximing said quietly: " Xiaobao asked me: Dad, would it be embarrassing if you didn't hold your hand firmly when you put the ring on your mother?"

    Wen Shuoran sighed, "I've never been so nervous in court debate."

    An Jincheng snorted, "I'm fine, I'm afraid that my little Kui will do something to me again." It hurts to think of him being forced to wear women's clothes.

    The other four didn't know the inside story. Seeing that An Jincheng was going to force this on, they all shook their heads and ignored him.

    The guests were already seated. Facing the sea breeze, the coconut grove was rustling, and the waves of the sea kept coming, just like the excited mood of the five couples who are going to get married today.

    Soft music sounded, and the emcee Su Yang came on stage. To be able to preside over such a wedding, this emcee is naturally not an ordinary person. Their own job is not the master of ceremonies, but the famous TV host. The typhoon is stable and the field control ability is strong, and there will never be a situation where the mouth eats screws and reads the wrong words. Previously, only the emcee candidate was dazzling. All five families have recommended people. In addition to Su Yang, there are also film and television stars, talk show stars, variety show stars, etc., who can pick up anyone who can be shaken three times.

    It is a great honor to be the master of ceremonies for this wedding. These stars even took this as a resource to tear it apart. In the end, Sheng Ruojuan let everyone compete for the post, but all of them were defeated by Su Yang's iron mouth.     After standing firm, Su Yang said with a smile: "Hello everyone. I'm Su Yang. There are five joys in one door, five joys in the door, five joys in one, Xixixixixi. This is my first wedding hosting task in my hosting career. I didn't expect that there would be five couples standing here today. I am very honored to witness this happy wedding with everyone. Now I have five grooms to play."     Fan Ye, Shi Ximing, Huo Ji'an, Wen Shuoran, An Jin The five people had been waiting under the stage for a long time, and the guests all looked back.     Fan Ye's father and mother applauded excitedly. Shi Ximing's parents both died. Today, only his cousins ​​came to the wedding. Xiaobao, dressed in a black tuxedo, sat on a stool and waved to his father excitedly.     Huo Ji'an's grandfather and parents also rushed back from Switzerland. Wen Shuoran's mother died young and her father was alive. She and several relatives also came to the wedding scene.     On An Jincheng's side, Hao Jiatong naturally sat in the first place, her expression was indifferent, and no one else looked excited. Anyway, she just cooperated to go through the scene, as long as An Jincheng could come back for a meal every month in the future. We'll talk about the future things later, as time goes on, maybe the two of them will break up.

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