Chapter 89

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Chapter 89

    Sheng Kui didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Go away. Let mother and Yuesao come in."

    An Jincheng, who couldn't help much, was kicked out, and Ji Yujun walked in with his three months' sister-in-law.

    These three-month sister-in-law are super golden confinement sister-in-law, one-to-one personal service, two confinement sister-in-law take care of two boys, and the remaining one is dedicated to serving Sheng Kui. To be honest, An Jincheng just needs to sit and watch.

    As soon as the confinement sisters came in, they picked up the crying baby from left to right. It was strange. When they hugged, the two children here stopped crying immediately.

    An Jincheng came out and found that the four brothers-in-law had also been kicked out.

    The five looked at each other and laughed at each other.

    The spirit of a tense day finally relaxes, and the mother and child, mother and daughter, are all safe. What could be better than this kind of thing?

    Fan Ye's parents, who were abroad, learned that Sheng Ruojuan and Sun Li gave birth to a baby boy, so they happily bought a flight ticket back to China the next day.

    Shi Ximing explained to Sheng Ruoxi, took a photo of Peadou, went to Shijia Cemetery, told his mother the good news in person, and also told his father along the way.

    If Huo Ji'an hadn't stopped other relatives, it is estimated that there would be 100 people in the Huo family who would like to see the baby. Grandpa was the happiest. After he heard the news, he immediately called his old brothers to say that he had lived in the same family for four generations, and showed off his strength. Huo Ji'an's parents came to the confinement center to visit Sheng Ruojiang and the baby, and then the two refused to let go of the baby. After lunch and dinner at the center, they came back to Sheng Ruojiang to rest before returning. In fact, the baby in the confinement sleeps for about 22 hours, and there is nothing to see, but the baby's grandparents just can't see enough.     Wen Shuoran had only her mother alive, and she came to visit Sheng Ruohu and the baby with a pile of nutritional supplements and tightly locked gold bracelets. Ji Yujun saw in his eyes, and felt that the fourth sister, the mother-in-law, would do things. Although Wen Shuoran's mother did not need to help raise children, her grandmother could not be called in vain, and the love she should show must be shown.

    It is strange to say that An Jincheng was taken care of by a nanny since he was a child, and his mother Hao Jiatong seldom took care of him, but now she is holding the two babies born by Sheng Kui without losing her hand, one to the left and one to the right. The next billion. Sheng Kui helplessly looked at the strange mother-in-law, and secretly told An Jincheng that she couldn't hold her all the time, her grandmother's wrist couldn't stand it, and the baby would become dependent on her arms, and sleep would be unstable.

    An Jincheng understood, and went up to talk to Hao Jiatong. Hao Jiatong was reluctant and muttered, "Oh, it's really cute. It's exactly the same as when you were a child."

    Tears fell from her eyes.

    Ji Yujun looked at him and wanted to laugh, but he felt that Hao Jiatong also had a soft side. No matter how strong a woman is, she will always show these emotions when facing her child.

    An Jincheng: "Mom, you can come whenever you want to see them."

    Hao Jiatong wiped her tears and said happily, "Really? Will it delay Xiao Wu's rest?"

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