Chapter 90

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Chapter 90

    Fifth son-in-law: "..."

    They walked silently to the balcony together, couldn't help but lit a cigarette, and reflected on why this happened.

    Fan Ye touched his face, "Look at me, am I old?"

    Shi Ximing's face was ashen, "If you are old, we will be so old."

    Huo Ji'an took a deep breath, "Women? I always feel strange and think about it. Inertia."

    Wen Shuoran said faintly: "Seeing strange thoughts and moving, these four words often describe our men... In the divorce cases I have experienced, there is a high probability that a man has a strange feeling and abandons his wife."

    He said this . When they came out, everyone fell silent.

    An Jincheng suddenly sneered, "Could it be that after giving birth, the hormones in their bodies became unbalanced, and even the things they liked changed?"

    Fan Ye raised his hand weakly: "Jincheng, we are not things..."

    Finished speaking , I found myself scolding myself, and it was dry at the time.

    An Jincheng flicked the ashtray, "Don't think about it so much. It's just an actor, and they will lose their freshness in a few days.


    This incident made the five sons-in-law of the Sheng family feel aggravated, and they became more and more kind to their wives. At the same time, they tried to clean up their faces. What the sea blue mystery fairy water, the powerful skin care products are all covered on the face, and even Fan Ye went to the beauty salon to get a new year card, ready to take good care of himself while he was young.

    Then one day the eldest sister was very distressed and @other sisters in the WeChat group.

    Eldest sister: [Your brother-in-law may have cheated...]

    Fourth sister: [Oh. It looks like you need a good divorce lawyer. Find me, I'll give you a 20% discount, eldest sister. 】

    Second sister: [Fourth sister, get out of the way first. Eldest sister, don't think about it, the eldest brother-in-law loves you so much, he won't. 】

    Sanjie: 【Eldest sister, it's okay. Which leg of his cheated on, which leg I unloaded. 】

    Sheng Kui: 【Big sister, why do you say that? 】

    Eldest sister: 【He is super-beautiful recently, secretly using all kinds of skin care products, behind my back for fear that I will know. 】

    Second sister: 【Brother-in-law, he is afraid that he is laughing at him. 】

    Sanjie: 【He is too strict with himself. I am envious of his good skin and use these. 】

    Fourth sister: [Eldest sister, to be honest, my teacher Wen has been a little strange recently. Go on a shopping spree for clothes and your wardrobe is full. I get up early every day and go out and dress up in front of the mirror for a long time. If I hadn't been with him almost 24 hours a day, I would have suspected him of cheating. 】

    Second sister: 【Huh? With that said, Ximing has also been a little strange recently. He went to the barber shop several times in a month, just to fiddle with his less than ten centimeters of hair... Super attention to his image. 】    Sanjie: 【My director Huo has also started wearing sunscreen recently. Saying that the face is black and old? ? I said that I just like your black skin, he insists that he is a woman is duplicitous...]     Sheng Kui: [Wow! Oh my God. My uncle An is even more exaggerated, filling the house where he can put his photos. I wanted to protest, what he said: just to make him appear in the corner of my line of sight, and I can only see him forever... Are you nervous? 】    Eldest sister: 【Are they all cheating? Funnyface.jpg]     Second sister: [Eldest sister, can you say something nice? 】    Eldest sister: 【Circling in circles is not my true nature. I'm going to ask your brother-in-law now, why do you treat yourself like a little white face? 】    Immediately the second, third, fourth and Sheng Kui all went to question their husbands.     Five minutes later, all five people went online.     Big sister: [I even forgot about that little star after confinement. 】

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