Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

    Sheng Ruohu laughed dryly, "Xiao Wu, what Ming Yaru said just now is wrong. I have nothing to do with Mr. Wen. Don't think about it too much."

    Sheng Kui spread her hands, "Fourth sister, I didn't say anything. Ah."

    Chu Qianqian burst out laughing, "Sister Kui, you just stared at President Wen and looked up and down, you didn't say anything, you were thinking about it."

    Sheng Kui hissed, "Qianqian, you are too smart. It's not good."

    Sheng Ruohu's head was heavy for a while, "Okay, okay. Now the focus is on Miss Shi's case. Let's continue."

    Sheng Kui knew that the fourth sister was thin-skinned, and hurriedly said: "Yes, yes. Sinong. The matter is important."

    Several people gathered together and talked for a while, Sheng Kui's cell phone rang.

    It is An Jincheng.

    She picked it up, "Hello!"

    An Jincheng: "Are you still in the hospital?"

    Sheng Kui: "Me, Si Nong, and Qianqian are in my fourth sister's law firm!"

    An Jincheng immediately became nervous, "Going out What's the matter?"

    Sheng Kui couldn't say it on the phone, but said, "This matter is more complicated. I'll tell you later!"

    An Jincheng snorted, "I happened to pass by your fourth sister's law firm, I'll wait for you downstairs to go home with you." The

    driver Li Yi heard the sound and immediately adjusted the driving route: Look, how funny and clever I am.

    Sheng Kui hurriedly said, "I'll have to wait a while to finish. Would you like to go home first?"

    Sheng Ruohu looked at Sheng Kui with a half-smiling smile: An Jincheng was chasing quite tightly.

    An Jincheng: "It's fine. I'll stop by. I'm very busy today."

    Sheng Kui also began to have a big head, and he had no choice but to say: "Okay. Come on then. Go upstairs to the living room and have a rest." The Boss An was waiting downstairs, she couldn't bear it.

    After hanging up the phone, Chu Qianqian smiled and said, "Mr. An is coming?"

    Sheng Kui hummed with a sullen head.

    Chu Qianqian looked envious: "It's good!"

    Sheng Kui glared at her, "What's so good!"

    Then she saw the fourth sister Sheng Ruohu hesitated, and hurriedly said: "I and An Jincheng do everything. No. Fourth sister, don't think too much."

    Sheng Ruohu learned from her just now, spread his hands and said: "Little fifth, fourth sister didn't say anything."

    Sheng Kui: "..."

    However, An Jin Before Cheng appeared, the eldest sister Sheng Ruojuan suddenly appeared outside the corridor of the law firm.

    Sheng Ruohu was startled, and quickly got up to meet him, "Sister, what happened?"

    Sheng Ruojuan took a deep look at Sheng Kui and said solemnly, "Xiao Wu, you were secretly photographed by the paparazzi. Say you have a son!

    " Kwai: "????!!!!!!" The

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