Chapter 47

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Chapter 47

    It takes three hours to fly to Qingguo Island. After a long journey, Sheng Kui took out the iad and pulled out the beloved sand sculpture comedy look.

    These ten-minute funny web dramas are popular now, with dense laughter points, quick laughter, and people can't stop watching.

    Sheng Kui lay down comfortably and watched, smiling like a fool.

    An Jincheng glanced at the screen with disgust, "What's so good about this?"

    Sheng Kui pointed at the screen, "The heroine stared at three men around her. She is 28 years old, but she only remembers herself. Just 18 years old. These three men said that they were her boyfriends and that she should be held responsible. Hahaha. It's so miserable."

    An Jincheng saw her smiling happily, "Why do I think you are quite envious?!"

    Sheng Kui squeezed his eyes: " could it be!" You can choose from a variety of styles of men. The heroine will date whomever she wants, that is, she has to say I love you every day, it's too tiring!

    An Jincheng leaned over, just in time for the heroine's birthday in this episode, the warm boy Qingmei asked her to go swimming at the beach, the boss Aojiao asked her to go on vacation in the mountains, and the milk dog next door asked her to go to the cinema to watch a movie. The three men came to the door of the hostess' house at the same time, grabbed the hostess's arms together, and asked her to go with them.

    "This plot is too poisonous." An Jincheng took a breath, he really couldn't understand the taste of the audience now. But the hit rate of this web drama is extremely high, and the barrage is flying. They are all saying that all the dog and men will start it for me, and the heroine is mine. Probably the heroine of this web drama is too beautiful and has a soft personality, and many people have become her husband fans.     "But, why does she lose her memory? Why can she date three boyfriends at the same time? Why do three boyfriends know each other's existence and still love the heroine? Who will the heroine choose then?" An Jincheng asked with a frown. A question, "If the screenwriter can't explain clearly, he will be dead!"     Sheng Kui shrugged, "Because the plot is toxic, everyone wants to know the result. So I couldn't help but chase it."     An Jincheng changed In a comfortable position, I closed my eyes, "Look at it slowly. I'll sleep for a while."

    Sheng Kui hummed, holding the iad and giggling until the chair trembled.

    The hostess is really miserable. How easy is it to sit and enjoy the joy of everyone? ! If she wants to get back her memory, she can only remember slowly with these three boyfriends. Three men, three styles, saying and doing completely different things. The heroine is about to be tossed insane.

    Sheng Kui looked at it and felt that there was an extra look next to her. She turned her face and caught An Jincheng's eyes and glanced at the screen. Seeing that the corners of his lips were still curved, the smile was about to be hidden. .

    She immediately put the iad between the two of them, "Come on. Let's watch together! Look generously!"

    An Jincheng seemed to be injured, "Who said I wanted to see it."

    Sheng Kui ignored him, just the heroine was here At that time, I was invited to dinner by three men. I just finished eating shrimp porridge on the front foot, and then ate steak on the back foot. The steak was still not digested, and I ate a hamburger with the milk dog neighbor. Keep her alive.

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