Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

    New Fan 90: Eat, eat, eat! I want to eat melon!

    New Fans 101: Now fans are all on Taobao. If you're happy, buy a bag to encourage yourself, and if you're unhappy, you spend money and buy two bags to vent your anger. Gee! Really on the way.

    New Fan 120: Who is Wen Qin! Why haven't I heard of it?

    Iron Fan 13: Did you bully my young lady and ask my opinion?

    Xinfan 124: You proposed to my family, Wen Qin, and have you asked his other wives for their opinions?

    Sheng Kui laughed angrily, "Wen Qin, your agent Qian Yan lied to fans to raise money for you, you don't know it."

    This happened by coincidence. In the process of reviewing Qian Yan's fraud, it was unexpectedly discovered that this greedy woman had once raised funds in the fan group under the pretext of helping Wen Qin in advertising and buying birthday gifts. Fans raised 200,000 yuan and gave it to a fan. As a result, Fantou ran away. Under Qian Yan's suppression, he did not call the police, saying that he was afraid of causing adverse effects on Wen Qin. It was only now that I found out that the running fan was Qian Yan himself. To say that Wen Qin did not know about this matter, Sheng Kui would not believe it. The interests of the two were entangled, and Wen Qin probably didn't know it at the time, but later knew that it was suppressed. After all, Qian Yan brought him a lot of good resources.

    With such a good opportunity, Sheng Kui naturally explained the matter well. After saying this, the fans who were instigated by Wen Qin's assistant Qiu Ren to come to make trouble instantly exploded.

    New Fan 111: I seem to remember this. The fundraising money was gone, and many sisters were crying.

    Xinfan 125: In the front, you are the sailor of Sheng Kui.

    New Powder 132: What the hell. I paid out a thousand yuan at the time, and that was my lucky money.

    New Fan 156: Damn it. I heard that Qian Yan was arrested before, and it turned out to be true.

    New Fan 178: Let's go! Go to Weibo to break the news.

    Iron Fan 24: Ah ha ha ha. Dog bites dog.

    New fan 203: Wen Qin sells bags next door, go there and ask him.

    At the same time, the traffic of Wen Qin's live broadcast room suddenly surged. The owner of the bag shop who invited him was very happy, and shouted from the side: "My family's bags, even little brother Wen Qin is full of praise. You buy my family's bags to support him and like him. Buy buy buy , don't miss the opportunity, it's cheap. After selling five more bags, I'll invite little brother Wen Qin to appear."

    Wen Qin, who was resting for a while, turned dark, but for the sake of money, he didn't refute. Most of the live broadcast rooms are his fans, and the purchasing power of fans is the fundamental reason why the boss invited him to live broadcast. He has been in Taoism for three or four years, and although there is no fire, he has accumulated some die-hard fans.

    The boss left the assistant to continue selling the bag.

    He avoided the camera, walked to Wen Qin and asked in a low voice, "When did your rich fan who spent a lot of money enter the arena? Today's sales are much worse than last time."

    Last time Wen Qin was persuaded by Qian Yan He came to this factory's live broadcast room to sell bags. Originally, he didn't want to come. It was Qian Yan who said that he should not get along with money, so he surrendered his identity and came here to live broadcast and sell bags. As a result, the effect exploded, and 200,000 were sold that day. Among them, there is an order of 100,000, which was donated by Sheng Kui. She bought twenty of all the bag models the owner sold that day. The boss was so happy that he made an appointment with Wen Qin on the spot for the next live broadcast, which is today.

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