Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

    Zhao Yiming hurriedly covered his mouth, "Ah, I missed the point. It's over, I didn't abide by the agreement with my mother!"

    Sheng Kui was very confused, not ordinary, she didn't care what Liang Jin thought about this matter, Immediately took out his mobile phone and turned to the photo of her and his second sister Sheng Ruoxi to Zhao Yiming, "Xiaobao, come and recognize me. Is this your mother?"

    Zhao Yiming released his hand, looked at it, and said in surprise, "Sister Little Sunflower, How did you know my mother? It's really fate."

    Sheng Kui's mouth twitched, "I have a fate with you, and we have a deep relationship."

    Liang Jin interjected, "Sheng Kui, what's going on? Ruoxi How can there be a child." And the child is still so old.

    What the hell is going on here. The last time he had dinner with Sheng Ruoxi and Sheng Ruojuan, to be honest, he had a very good impression of Sheng Ruoxi. This girl is not pretentious, has strong professional skills, and has zero scandals over the years. A proper goddess.

    Originally, after the meal, he asked Sheng Ruoxi to have dinner together twice, but the other party declined. If you are like an ordinary female artist, as long as you receive an invitation from him, how can you not take the initiative to go to the appointment.

    Now it seems that Sheng Ruoxi not only has a hidden marriage but also has a child. No wonder people don't come!

    Thinking about it this way, his mood has eased a little these days.

    Sheng Kui bowed to him embarrassedly and apologized, "Producer Liang, I'm sorry. Can I trouble you and your people to keep today's affairs secret!"

    She pointed behind her and kept her ears pricked up to listen to gossip, and her mouth was always open. The lady at the front desk who didn't close.

    Liang Jin is not the kind of person who has a big mouth. Besides, Sheng Ruoxi wants to deal with the matter of hidden marriage and having children in a low-key manner, so naturally he can't talk about it everywhere. Besides, it seems that even Sheng Ruoxi's younger sister Sheng Kui doesn't know about this. People are so hidden, if he speaks out, won't he cause her trouble?

    He quickly raised his hand and swore, "I promise this thing will rot in my stomach. I will also discipline my people."

    Sheng Kui bowed again to express his gratitude, and then led Zhao Yiming out.

    Walking to the green belt outside, Sheng Kui crouched down and asked again very seriously, "Little Zhao Yiming, is your mother really called Sheng Ruoxi?!"

    Zhao Yiming was a little frightened, "Sister Little Sunflower, I was just now. I missed it. I can't talk about it now."

    Sheng Kui looked helpless, this matter is too tricky, too terrifying, and today is my father's birthday banquet. If this matter is known to everyone, I don't know what kind of wave it will set off.

    "Where's your father? What's his name?" Zhao Yiming shook his head, "Mom, she didn't tell me. She just said he went to work in a very     far

    away place. I know he was lying to me, my father must be dead."

Here he bowed his head, his eyes full of loneliness.     Sheng Kui

    felt distressed and rubbed his little head, "Good. It's okay. Auntie will love you in the future!"

    Zhao Yiming raised his head, "You are my little sister Sunflower. Not Auntie!"

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