Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

    Although Fan Ye's voice was small, it entered Sheng Ruojuan's ears without a word.

    My heart, which I hadn't beat for someone for a long time, suddenly thumped, and I couldn't hold it back anymore.

    The key is that when Fan Ye said this, he lowered his head, but looked shy, it was really... so cute!

    Sheng Ruojuan felt that he might do an incredible move in the next second.

    She took a step forward, took a step back quickly, and finally made a circle, as if escaping, pushed the door open and ran away.

    Fan Ye: "..."

    When she returned to her seat, Sheng Ruojuan's heart was still beating, and after a while, she realized that she was holding the two business cards that Fan Ye handed her tightly in her palms.

    He lowered his head and looked at it carefully. This man was not very old and his title was not small.

    The corners of his mouth curled into an arc, and he tucked two business cards into the innermost compartment of the bag.

    As soon as she put it in, Sheng Ruojuan looked up and caught a glimpse of Fan Ye smiling warmly at her in the opposite corridor. The eyes were curved like the moon.

    Sheng Ruojuan pretended not to see it. But out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of Fan Ye giving her a heartfelt match! ! !

    Annoying child! So many people are watching, really! Sheng Ruojuan turned his face and put on his usual serious face.

    Fan Ye didn't see the response, and waited for a while before returning to Qi Haitang's office angrily.

    "I said, Master, why doesn't your face look so good!" After watching the sultry and refusal scene for a while, her heart of gossip is burning!

    As soon as Fan Ye came in, it was as if he had switched modes. He was immediately attracted by the data on the screen, and did not hear Qi Haitang's question at all.

    "I know who made trouble for that scum surnamed Wang on the Internet."

    Fan Ye's pale face rarely burst into ruthlessness, and Qi Haitang didn't have time to worry about Fan Ye's gossip at this time, so she quickly stepped forward and asked, "Yes Who?"

    Fan Ye snorted and talked eloquently, "Look, through the data transmission program, I started to sort out the data from the microblogs with the highest number of retweets, clicks, and likes. According to the propagation path, I went back to the earliest retweets about rumors. The person from Shuo Ran Law Firm, whose online name is Ning."

    Qi Haitang knew a little about these technologies, and saw the dense and cluttered data that finally pointed to Ning's account. But this account must be an empty vest, just to relay rumors this time.     "I cracked the i password behind this account again, and then, do you know?" Fan Ye was a little smug, "I found the shadow of an old acquaintance from the encryption program of this account. If I guessed correctly, Ning is the owner behind this account. It 's the king." The     king is a hacker who has just emerged recently. He is ruthless and has no bottom line. He only recognizes money and ignores reason. It must be Wang Haoji who gave him enough money to start this cyber war.     It's just that a mountain is higher than a mountain, so Fan Ye caught him.     Qi Haitang: "Do you have his contact information?"     Fan Ye shrugged, "No. But I can leave him a message." He pointed to the jumping code somewhere on the screen.     He stretched out his hands and calmly typed the next line of code to send. After a while, a line of phone numbers appeared on the screen.     Qi Haitang looked excited, "Sure enough, there is nothing that can't be done if you ask the master to come out! However, what did you tell the king, and he contacted you so quickly?"     Fan Ye smiled, "I said, do you want to ? Do you know how I can crack your encryption system?"     Qi Haitang: "..." Really a dark man obsessed with technology.     Fan Ye called the king with a virtual number. The other party picked it up wonderfully, but the voice that came out was obviously added with a voice changer.     "Giggle! Master, we meet again. Last time you broke my business, this time it's you again!"     Fan Ye laughed twice, "You haven't remembered the lesson I gave you last time, don't you? Don't you know that thieves have a way?"

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