Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

    Xia Yin's eyes were quick, she opened Weibo, and she found that Sheng Kui actually ranked 46th in the hot search with #PassionfruitMiss. Although it counted down, it was on the hot search anyway.

    She clicked in, and it turned out that it was a fan who had watched Sheng Kui's live broadcast before. She fell in love with Sheng Kui's appearance and made a moving picture of Sheng Kui eating passion fruit.

    In the animated picture, she is dressed in white T, smiling with crooked eyes, fluttering black hair, sweet and beautiful, and her frowns and movements are full of seductive, girlish feelings.

    A real beauty can only see the real chapter in a moving picture, not to mention that the photos and videos that Sheng Kui is currently streaming are all scum quality captured during the live broadcast.

    In addition to being crazy about Amway on Weibo, this fan also uploaded a video at station B. The rainbow fart was blowing loudly. In the last scene, a line of heartfelt words jumped out: Miss Passion Fruit, I miss you. Proper straight male earthy flavor.

    Originally, this didn't lead to any splash, but when people want fire, they can't stop it.

    Perhaps it is because there are too many Internet celebrity faces in the past two years, and it is at this time that Sheng Kui's face appeared in people's hearts. Especially a group of male fans who are madly in love with the face of their first love, and they are in their respective social spaces. For a while, Miss Passion Fruit, this pure and moving girl who also has a public welfare love, unexpectedly became popular.

    Sheng Kui politely greeted the sudden crowd with a smile.

    Sure enough, this is a world where traffic is king. Today's live broadcast is very good, and it sells more than twice as much as usual. Just when she was about to have a big fight, Ji Yujun's phone came.

    When Xia Yin saw it, she quickly called Sheng Kui over. Anyone can not answer the phone, but this terrifying Ms. Ji has no choice but to answer the phone.

    Sheng Kui cleared her throat before picking up the phone and said gently, "Mom!"

    Xia Yin quietly avoided. When she went to Sheng's house to find Sheng Kuiwan, she was most afraid of meeting Ms. Ji. Even if she was laughing so hard, she had to immediately restrain her expression, bow respectfully, and behave like a quail. Otherwise, her terrifying eyes will look at you, and you will have nightmares that night.

    "Xiao Wu, what are you going to wear tonight at the Beauty Club Charity Dinner? Have you discussed with a stylist? Are there suitable jewelry accessories?" Ji Yujun's unhurried voice suddenly changed Sheng Kui's face. .

    Done. I've been so busy with livestreaming for the past few days that I completely forgot about it.

    She looked at her watch, but it was today.

    Seeing that Sheng Kui was silent, Jun Ji Yu thought she was going to break her promise, "Little Wu, you have to keep your word when you are a human being. You can't go back on what you promised your mother.

    " I guess you forgot to prepare. I made an appointment with Xiao Cheng, and you come to the mansion with me now. There are still six hours to prepare, and the time is very tight."

    Xiao Cheng's name is Cheng Xiang, and he is a stylist that Ji Yujun trusts very much. . Whenever Ji Yujun attended important occasions, he would go to Cheng Xiang's styling studio to be perfectly made from head to toe, and sometimes he would have to sit for hours. It took a long time for the Sheng family sisters to retreat.

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