Chapter 69

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Chapter 69

    Huo Ji'an looked bewildered, "Mom, why are you here?"

    Liang Meijuan ignored her son's question and looked up and down at Sheng Ruojiang, "Son, why didn't you introduce your girlfriend to your mother?

    " She turned her head and said to Mrs. Lin, "This is the first time my son has a girlfriend."

    Sheng Ruojiang: "!!!"

    Huo Ji'an is in a bad mood, why does my mother talk about everything. So embarrassing.

    Sheng Ruojiang glared at Huo Ji'an: Quickly think of a

    way .

    Huo Ji'an glared at her back: I was thinking.

    Mrs. Lin laughed: "Mrs. Huo, your son is very embarrassed. Come on, let me introduce to him, this beautiful girl is Sheng Ruojiang, the third daughter of the second room of the Sheng family. There are five golden flowers in the Sheng family. , You have been abroad all the year round, so it shouldn't be clear. The five daughters are all amazing, especially the third young lady in front of you, but she is a strong woman, Sheng Xiansheng Mrs. Huo, you have heard of it, that was founded by Miss Sheng. "

    Liang Meijuan said in shock, "Really!" After speaking, she patted Huo Ji'an on the shoulder vigorously, "Stinky son, how did you find such a good girlfriend, hide it and not show it to your parents."

    Sheng Ruojiang waved his hands and said modestly. : "No, no, I'm average, and my career is average. Mrs. Lin, you are wrong."

    Liang Meijuan couldn't help laughing when she saw Sheng Ruojiang being so humble.

    Full of bitterness, Huo Ji'an frowned and said, "Mom, yes, this is my girlfriend Sheng Ruojiang."

    "Jiangjiang, this is my mother Liang Meijuan. People who have been in Switzerland all year round suddenly appeared in St. Kos."

    Sheng Ruojiang hurriedly stepped forward and bowed, "Hello Mrs. Huo. I'm Sheng Ruojiang. I'm sorry, I haven't seen you before, it's my rudeness."

    Liang Meijuan quickly helped her up, "Oh, Jiang Jiang, you Too polite."

    Sheng Ruojiang's whole body suddenly got goosebumps when Jiang Jiang shouted, she shivered for a while, and turned her head to look at Huo Ji'an, who had been silent.

    Huo Ji'an was also very helpless. When things got to this point, he was also very afraid that the fierce mother, who had been smiling all the time, would chase him all over the mountain when she knew the truth.

    Jiang Jiang, don't say sorry for the fire. I know my stinky son, who runs everywhere all the year round. He doesn't even have time to see his parents. How can he take you to see me and his father. It is we who are sorry for you. "

    Liang Meijuan's words made Sheng Ruojiang stunned. This Mrs. Huo is too good at talking. She is an ideal mother-in-law.

    Mrs. Lin smiled and said, "I won't bother you." Mrs. Huo, Miss Sheng, Mr. Huo. I'm going one step ahead. Let's talk. Sheng Ruojiang

    looked at her back and thought that she would know that she had met her "mother-in-law" by accident. And the mother-in-law seemed to be quite satisfied with herself . Embarrassed


    Huo Ji'an saw that there were no outsiders, so he quickly asked: "Mom, why are you here? Aren't you in Switzerland with my dad? Sheng Ruojiang

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