Chapter 25

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Chapter 25 (1)

    Sheng Kui was so shocked that his mouth could not be closed. An Jincheng listened quietly beside him, with a very subtle expression on his face.

    "Xiao Wu. This time you have an accident, I heard from your eldest sister that Jin Cheng went earlier than her. What does it mean?" Ji Yujun was earnest and enticing.

    Sheng Kui was stunned, "It means that he is a good person"

    An Jincheng ""

    Ji Yujun didn't hear the answer he wanted to hear from Sheng Kui, he snorted and said, "Think about it."

    Sheng Kui scratched his head, " It shows that he is a rich and good man."

    An Jincheng was almost startled by Sheng Kui's whimsy, and took two deep breaths before he choked to death.

    Ji Yujun "Xiao Wu, Jincheng is chasing after you before your child is enlightened, and you still don't understand his mind"

    Sheng Kui was about to die of embarrassment, and her mother said this in front of An Jincheng , really kill her.

    She coughed and coughed, touched her forehead, put on a weak look, and said weakly, "Mom. I suddenly feel a little dizzy."

    Ji Yujun hurriedly said, "Oh, you quickly call the doctor brought by Jin Cheng over here. Look."

    An Jincheng watched Sheng Kui play with a funny face.

    Sheng Kui squeezed out a miserable smile, "Mom. Maybe I've been talking for a long time, and my body is a little uncomfortable."

    Ji Yujun "Okay, okay. You have to rest."

    Sheng Kui waved softly and said goodbye to her mother.

    Putting away the phone, Sheng Kui breathed a sigh of relief, and then saw An Jincheng staring at her with a half-smile.

    "I'm really dizzy." Sheng Kui tried to ease the embarrassment.

    An Jincheng hummed, "It's okay. I can understand."

    Sheng Kui ""

    At this moment, An Jincheng's cell phone rang.

    He glanced at it and turned the screen over to show Sheng Kui.

    It was the mother-in-law

    , Sheng Kui, who didn't want to talk, just wanted to lie down.

    An Jincheng put the phone's voice out very intimately.

    "Hey Mother Sheng" someone's face is well-behaved, which is very different from his usual appearance.

    Ji Yujun's voice came from inside, "Jincheng. Thank you so much today. Thanks to you, my little five was able to save the day."

    An Jincheng "Mother Sheng, you are too kind. This is what I should do."

    Sheng Kui "" When did Nani become his responsibility

    ? "Jin Cheng, I have a few words to tell you."

    "Mother Sheng, please tell me.

    " I'm not happy, I have a great responsibility as a mother. I always feel sorry for her." Speaking of which, Ji Yujun's voice trembled, "Forget it. I won't mention the previous things. It's okay now, there are Jin Cheng, you love her, I'm really happy."

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