Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

    Qian Yan's face changed immediately, "Sheng Kui, you..."

    Sheng Kui stepped forward and stared at her closely, "What am I? As far as I know, Wen Qin is the only child and has no siblings. It's a coincidence. He Uncles, aunts, aunts, and uncles all have sons. I've searched, but Wen Qin doesn't have a sister."

    Qian Yan opened her mouth, "He has a sister, I've seen it before."

    She shouted at this point . Get up, "That's right. Sheng Kui, you've seen it too. We met Sister Nuan in the coffee shop together."

    Sheng Kui laughed angrily, "Warm? You even named the person you made up. Warm? If Wen Qin knew that you were behind his back and gave him a sister that he didn't even know, would he still call you sister kindly?" The

    fourth sister Sheng Ruohu stood up with a cute face With the usual smile on it, "I see. Miss Qian, you are suspected of fraud."

    Qian Yan took a step back, trembling, sweating on his face.

    Sheng Ruohu suddenly realized, "Law blind? Come and come. Let me give you some common legal knowledge. You see that my little five is easy to bully, so you make up a woman named Wennuan and call her the sister of Wen Qin Xiao Spicy Chicken. And then, in order to coax my little five into believing, you even found someone to pretend, you and that person sang the double reed together, right? If you don't say anything else, the watch in your hand is worth 200,000 yuan, which is enough to sentence you to three New Year's Prison!" The

    eldest sister Sheng Ruojuan was trembling with anger, "Qian Yan. It is rare for my little five to care so much about a person. As the eldest sister, I don't want to pour cold water on her and let her go after Wen Qin. I also know that you are greedy for money. , let my little five donate a lot of good things to you. But I never imagined that you would dare to blatantly deceive and step on my little five's sincerity..."

    Sheng Kui was stunned, it turned out that the eldest sister didn't know anything. Since the eldest sister knows, the other sisters must also know.

    Qian Yan knelt down with a thud and whimpered: "I'm obsessed with my mind, I'm delusional. I shouldn't, I shouldn't cheat Xiaokui's money."

    Sheng Kui sneered, "It's no use begging for mercy."

    She turned to look at the fourth sister Sheng Ruohu, and said lightly, "Fourth sister, I want to call the police and need a lawyer."

    Sheng Ruohu looked excited, "No problem. This is my daughter of the Sheng family! You can't kneel when you like a person. If you like it, you can't let others bully you!"

    Sheng Peiran was sitting on the sofa, tears streaming down his face, this time he wasn't choked by peppers.

    Seeing that it was useless to beg for mercy, Qian Yan immediately got up and stared viciously at the five sisters of the Sheng family, "Want to sue me? Okay! Who is afraid of who!"

    The second sister Sheng Ruoxi, who had been silent for a while, took out her mobile phone and smiled at Qian Yan. It's very cool to be harsh, but unfortunately, please find out how much you have before you throw it away. Before I sue you and put you in jail, you have at least a few good days to live. Unfortunately, I don't like you the most. So I'll give it to you first. Let 's try some appetizers?"

    Qian Yan looked vigilant, "What are you going to do?"

    "I heard that Wen Qin finally won the second male lead of "Chaotianque". He should be very excited to play male N number all the year round. I have to trouble you to tell him, don't get excited. Director Meng Yao finds another suitable person who looks better and has a lower price, and you will receive a notification from Director Meng's assistant later."

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