Chapter 68

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Chapter 68

    The third sister looked gloomy, "Mom, you are really trendy. I just said it was a joke. Huo Ji'an is willing to come. I said that our food is super delicious, first-class delicious. He just came."

    Ji Yujun's face was full of disappointment, "You mean Huo Ji'an is just here to eat." The

    corner of Sanjie's mouth twitched, "Probably so."

    Ji Yujun still couldn't believe it, "He can eat a big meal wherever he goes. Why do you want to run to our house?"

    She said a little resentfully at this point: "Even if he doesn't like you now, he still has a very good impression of you." The

    third sister curled her lips, "Mom, you really have confidence in your daughter."

    Ji Yu Jun: "Anyway, your father and I have a good impression of Huo Ji'an. You work harder and try to take him down." The

    third sister was embarrassed, "What are you taking? Just want to be the one who is proud and independent..."

    Ji Yujun gave her a burst of chestnuts, "You are not proud and independent, you are lonely for life." The

    third sister whined twice, hugged Ji Yujun coquettishly, "Mom, Think about it, the four of them have husbands and children, so they will inevitably be busy with their own small family, and I happen to be alone, so I can spend more time with you and Dad."

    Ji Yujun snorted, "You stop coaxing me. Even if you don't fall in love and don't get married, you are too busy for your company and you don't have much time to accompany me."

    The third sister, who was ruthlessly exposed, smiled, "So, I have to spend more time. With you and Dad."

    Just as the mother and daughter were bickering, Xiaobao led a man up.

    "Grandma, third aunt. My third uncle came to celebrate my birthday with me." Xiaobao held Huo Ji'an's hand and jumped with joy.

    Ji Yujun and Sanjie glanced at each other, one with a surprised expression and the other with a horrified expression.

    The third sister hurried forward, "Why are you here?"

    Huo Ji'an looked busy, with a backpack behind him. He smiled and said, "I finished my work ahead of schedule and bought an early flight back. Xiaobao's birthday is such a big happy event, how could I not come to congratulate him."

    Three Sister oh, my mood is a bit complicated.

    Huo Ji'an walked up to Ji Yujun and said apologetically, "Auntie, I'm sorry I'm late."

    Ji Yujun looked at Huo Ji'an with the expression I knew you liked my daughter earlier, "It's fine. It's fine if you can come. Xiaobao really likes the hands and guns you made for him."

    Huo Ji'an bent down and picked Xiaobao up, "Really. The third uncle has a lot of craftsmanship. In the future, the third uncle will teach you personally."

    Ji Yu Jun took a look at the third sister, and the third sister looked inexplicable. Huo Ji'an's third uncle shouted really smoothly.

    Xiaobao: "Okay, okay. Third uncle, you didn't come before. Third aunt is not happy." Huo Ji'an smiled and looked at the third     sister

    , "Really?"

Seeing her unhappy with only one eye?

    Xiaobao ignored Aunt San's questioning eyes and nodded, "Yeah."

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