Chapter 88

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Chapter 88

    The six treasures are born together. Although this grand occasion is not uncommon in the obstetrics department of the hospital, the mothers of the six treasures belong to the five sisters, and they have a grandmother and a grandfather, which is strange. The news spread, and immediately aroused a crowd of onlookers. The childbirth contest begins here.

    Sheng Kui started the fastest and was the first to get on the birthing bed. The eldest sister originally had labor pains in the second, but the second sister broke the amniotic fluid first and couldn't wait to go directly to the delivery bed, so the eldest sister was a little behind.

    The third and fourth sisters followed closely behind in labor pains, and they were still waiting in the delivery room because they were still a long way from the opening of the five-finger cervix.

    In the delivery room, Sheng Kui and the second sister sat on the delivery bed, waiting for the last great moment.

    Dr. Jiang and her assistant were always watching, cheering on the two brave mothers-to-be.

    The second sister was in pain to death herself, and she was still thinking about Sheng Kui. From time to time, she turned her head and shouted, "Little Wu, come on. Sister is with you. Ah...

    it hurts!" Sheng Kui burst into tears. The pain is concentrated below, the head is blank, and all the muscles and bones are going through the most difficult time. It was like being dismantled and refurbished, almost like being tortured in purgatory.

    An Jincheng was about to hit the wall in a hurry outside, no, except for him, the other four sons-in-law wanted to hit the wall, Sheng Peiran took on the important task of appeasing them, and kept saying: "It's okay, soon, it will be over in a while... Wuwuwu, my poor eldest sister, second sister, third sister, fourth sister, little five..." As

    he spoke, he also cried, Fan Ye's feelings were the most exposed, and he immediately hugged his father-in-law and cried together. stand up.

    At this time, the nurse ran out to report the situation, "Second miss is about to give birth. She has the fastest cervix opening. Fifth miss is still working hard, and the other three will have to wait for a while."

    An Jincheng burst into tears, Turning around and walking in front of Li Yi, "Go, tell the medical experts I hired with high salaries, whoever makes it easy for a woman to give birth to a child is as easy as laying an egg, I will reward you with 10 million yuan."

    Li Yi's mouth twitched hard, is the boss confused? He is not a chicken, how do you know that it doesn't hurt to lay eggs? Besides, isn't childbirth pain a natural law? If it doesn't hurt, how can you survive.

    However, looking at An Jincheng's tearful eyes, he couldn't say this kind of reality, he could only say yes.

    In the delivery room, the second sister felt the most intense pain, took a deep breath, and then used all her strength to sink down, and suddenly a cry resounded in the delivery room...

    "Wow! I'm born!"

    "Cut the umbilical cord, I'm going to tie a beautiful belly button to the second lady's baby girl."

    "Oh my God. I've never seen such a beautiful baby girl. She's pink and tender, so cute."

    "Even crying is so cute, my My heart is melting."

    Several midwives rushed to watch the newborn.

    Sheng Kui was in so much pain that she endured the pain when she heard the cry of the baby, and shouted, "Show me!" The

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