Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

    Ji Yujun took two photos of Sheng Kui and sent them to the #worldonly mother is good#family group.

    Dad Sheng Peiran immediately blew a rainbow fart: [Oh, my little five is so beautiful in the sky, it's even more beautiful than the colors produced by the collision of chemical elements in my laboratory. 】

    Eldest sister: 【Beautiful Kwai! 】

    Second sister: 【It's so beautiful. In the future, it will be more honorable to take Xiaokui out, and I am too proud to be a sister. 】

    Sanjie: 【Little Wu, throw away all the old clothes in your closet. I will wear this type in the future. 】

    Fourth sister: 【Mom is so partial, she gave Xiao Wu all her good genes. ps: Second sister, can't you take out the former Xiao Wu? 】

    Second sister: 【Second sister, don't be picky! In the past, Xiao Wu also listened to me. Who among you can take her out of the house? 】

    Fourth sister: [………………]

    Mom: [Xiao Wumei is beautiful, but no one came to chat with her. anxiety! 】

    Everyone disappeared immediately. This topic is too dangerous to say anything.

    Sheng Kui came out from the balcony and saw the anxiety of the mother, and almost didn't fall down.

    Back in her seat, she saw Wang Meixin and Zhang Shuxian chatting with laughter. When they saw her, they turned their faces and pretended not to see her.

    Sheng Kui didn't care at all, sat down, smiled and called her mother, then poured Ji Yujun a glass of water.

    She had never served her parents, and now all experiences are fresh and warm.

    Many dishes on the table could not be eaten by Ji Yujun. Sheng Kui carefully asked Ji Yujun which dishes could be eaten and which ones could not be eaten. When Ji Yujun saw that she was so caring, the mother and daughter discussed the reasonable combination of nutritious meals and calories without anyone else.

    Sheng Kui listened with relish and praised: "Mom, you are comparable to nutrition experts."

    Ji Yujun smiled extremely happily, "Xiao Wu, your mouth is getting sweeter and sweeter. How can I compare with those experts. "

    Sheng Kui tilted his head, "You have to compare. You can publish a book, I've helped you think about the topics, such as "Lady Development", "Three Meals a Day", "How to Tame Your Husband"... "

    Ji Yujun was stunned for a moment, and suddenly patted the back of Sheng Kui's hand, obviously very happy but put on a reprimand, "You child, you started talking nonsense again."

    Sheng Kui laughed twice.

    Mrs. Wang and Mrs. Zhang saw that the mother-daughter relationship of the Sheng family was so close, and the corners of their mouths twitched and burst sour.

    At the end of the dinner, Sheng Kui took Ji Yujun's arm and walked towards the door.

    Hao Jiatong, president of the Beauty Club, was standing at the door saying goodbye to the guests. An Jincheng stayed by the side. Wu Feiyu held her mother Hao Wantong's arm and whispered something with a smile.

    Sheng Kui saw An Jincheng from a distance, and lowered his head instantly, pretending not to see it.

    Ji Yujun: "Xiao Wu, let's go too."

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