Chapter 63

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Chapter 63

    Huo Ji'an coughed violently, as if he had heard something extraordinary.

    Sheng Ruojiang picked out a piece of "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" from a pile of video discs, "Don't worry. I won't stay at your house!"

    Huo Ji'an was stunned, took the disc from her, walked to the DVD player, and muttered. Said : "There are many rooms in the house, so if you want to spend the night, that's fine!"

    Sheng Ruojiang couldn't hear clearly, "What did you say?"

    "No, nothing!" Huo Ji'an made an operation, and sure enough, watching this kind of popcorn movie on the super large screen is too much. sense.

    He took two lazy sofas that looked very comfortable and threw them on the stall, "Want to eat fried chicken? Or duck neck? Or hamburger pizza?"

    Sheng Ruojiang's eyes widened as if seeing a ghost, "Do you want to eat? Why, what good will fattening me do for you?"

    If the fourth sister Sheng Ruohu saw this scene, she would definitely tut and say, "Oh, my third sister actress is on her upper body again!"

    Huo Ji'an didn't say anything . Get her stalk, look confused, "What? I, I said I want to eat, politely ask if you want to eat!"

    Sheng Ruojiang shook his head, "I don't eat. Staying up late is already on the verge of death. It is no different from committing suicide!"

    She raised her eyebrows and stared at Huo Ji'an and looked up and down, "It's rare that you are in such a good shape, what tricks do you have!" Among the

    five sisters, only She is the type who will gain weight quickly after eating a little bit of food, so she is the one who exercises the most frequently among the five sisters.

    Huo Ji'an sat down and shrugged, "This is one of my troubles. No matter what you eat, you won't gain weight!"

    Sheng Ruojiang immediately picked up a pillow and threw it over.

    Huo Ji'an quickly blocked the flying pillow with his arm, and looked innocent, "Why! What did I say wrong?"

    Sheng Ruojiang gritted his teeth, "I hate two kinds of people the most in my life. The first is people who are richer than me. The second is people who are thinner than me even if they don't eat! Fortunately, you only have one, otherwise, Director Huo, you will occupy it. Number one on my hate list."

    Huo Ji'an touched his nose and glanced at the family photo on the TV cabinet.

    He got up and walked over, deliberately changing the subject, "If you don't eat it, I won't eat it either." He turned his back and

    stretched out his hand to snap the photo so that Sheng Ruojiang wouldn't see it.

    At the beginning of the movie, the pretentious Smiths have been married for many years, keeping their own secrets, but their real occupations are deadly enemies. At the moment when each other fell off the horse, Sheng Ruojiang laughed until he cramped.

    Huo Ji'an muttered: "I thought you would watch the documentary I made!"

    Sheng Ruojiang glanced at him, "How do you know I haven't seen it?"

    Huo Ji'an was stunned, "Is it good?"

    Sheng Ruojiang was serious, " I fell asleep!"

    Huo Ji'an: "..."

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