Chapter 49

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Chapter 49

    Shuo Ran Law Firm.

    Sheng Ruohu just walked into the law firm and subconsciously looked up at Wen Shuoran's office. There are still no lights there today. He went on vacation to France for more than ten days, and every day he could only see his news from the circle of friends he posted.

    Sheng Ruohu took a deep breath and turned to his office.

    In these days when Wen Shuoran is away, she presides over the full-scale work of the law firm. She lives in a hurry all the time, either guiding young lawyers to find flaws in the case, or on the way to the court. But don't look at her energetic during the day, and can't help hiding in the bed to peep at Wen Shuoran's circle of friends at night. Try to figure out his mood and analyze his traces.

    What she didn't understand was that their Sheng family liked to travel as a family. She had known Wen Shuoran for so many years, and this person would always travel alone. Feel free to do whatever you want.

    Of course, sometimes Wen Shuoran would call to ask her about the progress of certain cases in her law firm, and she would naturally report them one by one. The two finished talking about work in a few words, and then the heated discussion atmosphere suddenly cooled down. Sheng Ruohu opened his mouth and wanted to ask him about his travel situation, but he couldn't open his mouth. Wen Shuoran saw that Sheng Ruohu didn't say a word, so he naturally couldn't say anything. In the end, the two of them said goodbye silently and hung up the phone.

    After hanging up the phone, Sheng Ruohu looked annoyed and pointed to his mouth in the mirror, "What's the matter with you? You're cowardly in front of him? You usually kill people to death, and when you see him, you look like a mute? It's not very good to say now, why didn't you say it just now?"

    Thinking of this, Sheng Ruohu sighed again, so she is really going to be planted in Wen Shuoran's hands for the rest of her life!

    Qi Haitang rushed in, "Ruohu, let me tell you, what the hell..."

    Sheng Ruohu said calmly, "Qi Qi, this is the first time I heard you say the word "fuck". It seems that this news is very Thriller!"

    Qi Haitang panted, pulled up the stool and sat in front of Sheng Ruohu, "Fan Ye, do you remember?"

    Sheng Ruohu hummed, "What? Did the little milk dog confess to you?"

    Qi Haitang widened her eyes and said in a very suspicious tone: "Ruohu, you guessed half right."

    Now it was Sheng Ruohu's turn to widen her eyes, "You actually fell in love one step ahead of me! I don't love you anymore!

    Qi Haitang waved her hands quickly, "No, no, no, Fan Ye confessed, but it wasn't me who confessed. It's your elder sister! So, you can still love me." Sheng

    Ruohu blinked quickly, "Qi Haitang , I understand every word you said, but I don't understand the combination."

    Qi Haitang repeated word by word, "Your eldest sister Sheng Ruojuan was confessed by Fan Ye. Hee hee, brother and sister love. Oh! I saw that something was wrong with the two of them at the time, oh, they even went to the toilet together..."

    Sheng Ruohu was a little stunned, too much information hit her brain, and she couldn't handle it.

    "No. Qi Qi, how did you know about this? When did they go to the toilet? My eldest sister is not that kind of unrestrained person."

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