Chapter 92

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Chapter 92 The Finale

    Since the birth of An Jingyu and An Jingshan brothers, Sheng Kui and An Jincheng seem to be separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, and there are always various situations that prevent the two from developing a stable and friendly close relationship.

    In particular, Sheng Kui's mind was almost on her two sons. The elder sister and their parenting efforts were one share, and she wanted two. The two brothers are really energetic. There are two nannies at home, and she is exhausted together.

    Sheng Kui is not the kind of mother who leaves everything to a nanny. Except not cooking, she has to crawl with the two little guys, go out for walks, tell stories, and do almost everything herself.

    An Jincheng took her hard work seriously. Sheng Kui was still a child when she gave birth to these two babies, and her identity changed suddenly overnight. She thought she would be at a loss, but she didn't know what to do. When I started to get pregnant, I began to actively learn about parenting knowledge. I bought a bunch of related books, and even mixed into the mother group to steal the teacher to learn the art. Stumblingly, she's doing a pretty competent job as a mother.

    When the two babies were over one year old, An Jincheng suggested that Kui be weaned, so that she could be relieved a little from the heavy feeding.

    Who knew that the two little guys had just been weaned, and they had a cold and fever for a whole month. In the end, Sheng Kui couldn't bear the two of them crying, and let them eat again. Finally, when the weaning is real, the two guys are already one and a half years old.

    On the first day of weaning, An Jincheng forced Sheng Kui onto the plane and took her out of the country.

    An Jingyu and An Jingshan were dumbfounded, not knowing what happened.

    Sheng Kui was sitting on the plane, looking at the endless sea, and thinking about the two babies crying for their mother at home, she threw the pillow on An Jincheng on the spot and glared at him.

    An Jincheng picked up the pillow from the ground, "Xiao Kui, six children were born on the same day, the eldest sister, the second sister, the third sister, and the fourth sister's children were all weaned six months ago. This guy has been pestering you..."

    Sheng Kui snorted, "My sons love me, it's nature, not pestering!"

    An Jincheng hurriedly changed his words, "Sons will be weaned sooner or later, it has been delayed for so long, no one can persuade you to persuade you, if I hadn't cruelly dragged you away for vacation today, they would still be asking mother to eat Nene. !"

    Before Sheng Kui said anything, tears had already fallen, and since becoming a mother, even her eye sockets have become much shallower.

    An Jincheng was startled, and quickly dragged her into his arms, "Xiao Kui, I'm sorry, I was too anxious."

    Sheng Kui turned her face away and wiped her tears, "I know, if you don't help I, I can't make up my mind yet. I just miss them... it hurts to think about it!"

    An Jincheng was so distressed, he stretched out his hands to support her shoulders, "Look at me!"

    Sheng Kui looked at him with red eyes.

    An Jincheng stared straight at her, "I'm also your baby, big baby!"

    Sheng Kui was stunned, "

    Huh?" An Jincheng said cruelly, "You think about my big baby too! I... I need your hug!"

    Fortunately, this was a private plane, and the flight attendants were not allowed to come in without being called. Anyway, no one around, no one heard such words.

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