Chapter 91

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Chapter 91

    Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, six babies are in kindergarten grade.

    The Sheng family collectively suffered from anxiety disorders as early as a month ago.

    The eldest sister looked at her son, Fan Tianning, worried that he would bully other children in the kindergarten, and then be scolded by the parents of the other party in the WeChat group! Some time before school started, she looked at the various toys that her son had violently demolished at home, and said to Fan Ye, "When the time comes, you will join the parent group by yourself. If you tell the parents to go to school, you will go!"

    Fan Ye accompanied him amusedly. Say it well, as long as it is the occasion of being scolded in the future, I will go.

    The third sister looked at her son Huo Fang'er's fat face worriedly, "This child eats two eggs, two bottles of milk, and all kinds of chicken and beef at home every day, and he still feels very hungry anytime, anywhere. Go to kindergarten. Will I be hungry?"

    Affected by her mother's anxiety, Huo Fanger desperately stuffed snacks into her schoolbag, but she was confiscated by the teacher on the first day of school, and she wanted to cry without tears.

    As for the fourth sister, she has a delicate and seven-sighted heart and gave birth to a son of a gourd. He has a quiet personality since he was a child. She was also worried, "Our son sees going to kindergarten because he is being bullied..."

    Wen Shuoran smiled and said, "You forgot that Sister Pea is in the same class as him? Whoever dares to bully him, my sister will definitely beat him back!"

    Fourth sister When I heard it, I was even more worried, "His personality is like a sister at all. Do we have to take him to check his genes to see if he has a genetic mutation?"

    Wen Shuoran: "..."

    At the same time, Sheng Kui Looking at my two stinky boys, my sorrow has become double.

    Brother An Jingyu is not afraid, and his domineering energy is exactly the same as his father An Jincheng. Fortunately, he listened more to the words of the second sister's daughter, Wandou, so as long as he explained it well to Wandou, An Jingyu would not be able to make a comeback. The younger brother, An Jingshan, has always been a follower of his elder brother, and acts as an accomplice to his elder brother every day. When the elder brother knows that he will be scolded by his parents, he will tell his younger brother to do it. The younger brother must be the scapegoat every time, and then he is scolded every time, and he will continue to be the next time.

    September 1st finally came. The five families brought Ji Yujun and Sheng Peiran together to send six babies to school.

    Every year on this day, there will be heart-wrenching cries all around the kindergarten. This is a must-play.

    When five nanny vans appeared at the gate of the kindergarten, there were already many children around three years old crying loudly at the gate. Some were lying on the ground, crying and crying, saying that they couldn't go to school, some were scared to cry, and some had their legs caught between their parents' legs and refused to let go, and even more parents who cried more than their children were wiping it. Tears waved while waving, which was similar to the feeling of sending a child to prison.

    When Shi Muqing was carried out of the car by her father Shi Ximing, she was shocked on the spot when she saw this scene. Although she followed her parents to the kindergarten to participate in parent-child classes before school started, the children were all happy and no one cried.     When Shi Ximing saw this battle, he couldn't help frowning. He glanced worriedly at the precious daughter in his arms. Seeing that she was a little confused, he couldn't help coaxing: "Good pea, don't be afraid."     Shi Muqing blinked . He asked, "Dad, why are these children crying?"     Shi Ximing snorted, "They may be reluctant to leave Mom and Dad!"     Sheng Ruoxi came over and touched her daughter's face, "My peas shouldn't cry, right?"     She As soon as the voice fell, a boy's sharp cry exploded.     Shi Muqing was so frightened that she shivered, she pouted and wanted to cry.     At this moment, the five cousins, handsomely dressed in the same garden clothes and carrying the same schoolbag, were carried by their respective fathers and got out of the car.     An Jingyu looked around excitedly, broke free from his father's arms, and waved desperately to the eldest sister Shi Muqing, "Sister! Sister!"     Seeing that his brother was looking for his sister to play, An Jingshan quickly jumped out of his father's arms. , muttering: "Brother, wait for me!"     Shi Muqing wanted to cry, but when she saw the twins of the An family running towards her, she straightened her face and forced her tears back.

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