Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

    Sheng Kui said again, "I am very professional. Of course I am also very busy. Mr. An, you should have a deeper understanding of this aspect than me." The

    other party did not respond for a long time, and Sheng Kui felt a little guilty.

    At this time, An Jincheng slowly said, "Xiao Kui really makes me look up to you."

    Sheng Kui ""

    "I like a woman with a career. Go ahead. Come on."

    ""Uncle Sheng Kui An, why don't you play your cards according to the routine

    ? Jin Cheng didn't need to see it with his own eyes to know how wonderful Sheng Kui's face was at the moment, he smiled and hung up the phone.

    His laughter revolved around Sheng Kui's ears, and Sheng Kui felt that he was going crazy.

    San San hung up the phone and found that everyone was staring at her.

    The director wept with joy, "Oh, Sheng Kui, did you agree? It's really unintentional. With you participating, I think my show is half successful."

    Sheng Kui "Uncle Director, you are sure not my four sisters. Did you invite a nurse? Eldest sister Sheng

    Ruojuan pulled her aside and said in a low voice, "Little Wu, you actually pushed An Jincheng's date."

    Sheng Kui frowned, "Eldest sister, I mainly want to help you"

    Sheng Ruojuan fell down Take a breath, "Xiao Wu, you are pulling the eldest sister into the water. Mom will definitely not spare me."

    Sheng Kui raised her hands and swore, "Eldest sister, this matter is my own idea. I will tell my mother. Don't worry."

    Sheng Ruojuan "Forget it, let's go back to the mansion together to apologize to Jing."

    Sheng Kui "It's still my eldest sister

    who loves me and Wan Yi applauds, "I really congratulate Miss Sheng. With you here, the ratings It's definitely going up. Maybe, in the end, we'll all be in your favor."

    Sheng Kui looked back and smiled, "It's not a skill to flatter me in front of my eldest sister."

    Wan Yi ""

    Lu Qing looked depressed, angry and annoyed, she really wanted to find a crack to get in.

    Sheng Ruojuan came over and said comfortably, "Lu Qing, there is an audition opportunity in a few days. I will ask Yuan Meidi to arrange it for you."

    Seeing Sheng Ruojuan walking down the steps for her, Lu Qing could only say anything, but she could only be madly envious of Sheng Kui's good life.

    Sheng Kui spread his hands, "Eldest sister, I seem to be lacking an agent."

    At this time, Xia Yin rushed in with the bag, "I'll come, I'll come"

    Sheng Kui laughed, "Yinyin"

    Xia Yin rushed in front of Wan Yi and laughed Handing a bag of pomegranates, "Wan Yi, this is a Tunisian soft-seed pomegranate. It's delicious enough to be fried."

    Who is Jing Rui, isn't he a newcomer? He dares to call out Brother Wan, the famous name

    , Sheng Kui, to hold Xia Yin down and whisper. "Don't forget your identity, let your mother know that you are the daughter of the Xia family, but if you break your leg, you don't have four elder sisters to support you."

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