Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

    In the middle of the night, the second sister Sheng Ruoxi came home. Sheng Kui walked out of the bedroom with sullen eyes, the second sister rubbed her hair and let her go to bed earlier.

    Sheng Kui saw that the second sister's face was not very good, and there was still a hint of alcohol on her body, so she wanted to ask a question. But seeing that she looked tired, she stopped talking.

    Who knew that early the next morning, the second sister asked her to move back to her own house on the grounds that her house was going to be redecorated.

    Sheng Kui looked at the perfect home decoration of the second sister's home and expressed her understanding. Women's preferences, especially rich women's preferences are really unpredictable.

    No way, Sheng Kui could only pack up and roll home.

    Less than half an hour after I got home, I heard someone knocking at the door.

    Sheng Kui

    stepped forward and saw through the cat's eyes that it was An Jincheng whom she hadn't seen in a few days.

    Gee. Did this person put gs on him? He just showed up in this community, he ran to Huo Huo, she was

    across the door, Sheng Kui squeezed out a smile, "Mr. An, what's the matter with you?"

    This is the first time for An Jincheng Talking to people through the door, this little girl has really set a precedent in his life experience many times.

    "Xiao Kui, what is the recipe for the chicken feet you made before?" It

    was too uncomfortable to speak through the door, like a river and a mountain.

    After Sheng Kui heard it clearly, she shouted loudly, "The secret recipe is unique, not to be shared"

    An Jincheng"

    At this time, Sheng Kui's cell phone rang, she saw that it was the eldest sister, and quickly picked it up, "eldest sister"

    An Jincheng almost closed her ears . pasted on the door.

    He heard Sheng Kui's cry, and seemed a little panicked.

    He knocked on the door again, "Xiao Kui"

    at this moment the door suddenly opened.

    Sheng Kui said unsteadily, "I can give you the recipe for chicken feet, can you go back now?"

    An Jincheng saw Sheng Kui keep looking at the elevator entrance.

    He looked back and saw that someone was taking the elevator up.

    With a half-smile, he said, "Where have you been these days?"

    Sheng Kui was almost in a hurry. The eldest and fourth sisters are coming soon, and this fellow is still chatting here.

    At this time, the elevator on this floor rang with a ding-dong.

    Sheng Kui's eyes were quick, she stepped forward and grabbed An Jincheng, dragged him into the room, and closed the door with a bang.

    The eldest sister Sheng Ruojuan and the fourth sister Sheng Ruohu lifted their feet and walked out of the elevator.

    Sheng Ruohu was stunned, "Why did I hear the door closing?"

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