Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

    An Jincheng's words were like water pouring into a frying pan, and it exploded with a crackling sound instantly, shocking the hearts of those present.

    You must know that he has always seemed to have little interest in anything, and he has no interest in the topic of tearing between girls. what happened to him today? The cold boss fell into the mortal world, and he still spoke passionately about trivial matters?

    Wu Feiyu naturally did not expect that his cousin would speak for Sheng Kui. She has always used her cousin as a backing tiger, and her little fox walks in the front and shows off its power, so she is not happy. Who knew that today the tiger pushed the little fox away and started chatting with the little white rabbit, how could she not be stunned?

    Wang Meixin glanced at Wu Feiyu. According to the original plan, she had more vicious words to be thrown in front of Sheng Kui. Now that An Jincheng took action, she did not dare to pull the tiger's beard.

    Wu Feiyu calmed down and smiled: "Cousin, don't you hate the taste of passion fruit? Last time I remembered that Li Yi bought the wrong drink, and you scolded him so much."

    An Jin Cheng lowered his eyes slightly, "Really? Maybe my taste has changed recently, and all I think about is the taste of passion fruit." When he said the last word, his eyes fell on Sheng Kui again.

    Xia Yin began to frown again: I always felt something was wrong. She couldn't help grasping Sheng Kui's hand, thinking that if she couldn't do it, she hurried to ask for help.

    Wu Feiyu was extremely embarrassed, "Cousin, you may not know. This is Sheng Kui, the fifth young lady of the Sheng family. She was recently..." Before

    Wu Feiyu finished speaking, An Jincheng smiled: "I Why don't you know?"

    When he didn't smile, he gave people a full sense of distance, but when he smiled... it gave people a sense of distance. Wu Feiyu rarely saw his cousin smile, but today he laughed many times. She couldn't tell for a while whether he was happy or unhappy.

    "Sheng Kui, the fifth oldest, is the fifth miss of the Sheng family. There are four sisters. Your eldest sister, Sheng Ruojuan's artist Wan Yi has just signed a brand cooperation agreement with my Anshi Group. Your second sister Sheng Ruoxi is my jewelry brand Xi. Rui's spokesperson. As for your third sister, we have attended a business banquet and have a good friend. As for your fourth sister, she once fought a lawsuit with our company, we lost, and she won, but she is also a powerful person." An Jincheng said slowly The appearance of such a precious family made Sheng Kui think whether he was interested in her. Otherwise, check her thoroughly so clearly.

    She sneered and said a word to Xia Yin in a low voice, "Let's go!"

    But before she could lift her foot, An Jincheng said again, "As for you, Miss Sheng, I don't have any friendship with you at all..."

    Sheng Kwai: "That's good!"

    As soon as she said this, everyone took a deep breath. Everyone present was warned by their elders that even if they can't have any friendship with An Jincheng, they must respect him and get along well. Otherwise he doesn't know when to stab a knife in the back.

    An Jincheng actually laughed, "That's why I bought your three thousand catties of passion fruit. Our friendship...isn't it coming!"

    Sheng Kui was angry: "..." Is this man panicking? Talking around and around, don't your bowels hurt?

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