Chapter 65

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Chapter 65

    Shi Hongfei said apologetically, "I came back to China temporarily because I wanted to meet you on a temporary basis, so I didn't prepare any greetings."

    Then she took off a ruby ​​ring from her finger, "This ring was when I married Fan Ye's father. The greeting gift from Grandma Fan Ye. I waited for twenty-eight years, and finally it was time to give it to the next hostess. Ruojuan, please accept it."

    Sheng Ruojuan immediately covered her mouth with a look of disbelief, " Really?"

    Fan Ye laughed stupidly, "Mom, you are so kind!"

    Fan Linong patted his shoulder, "Silly son, you have found us a good daughter-in-law!"

    Shi Hongfei personally helped Sheng Ruojuan put it on. Looking at it carefully, "Beautiful. Ruojuan's fingers are slender and white, and it looks just right with a ruby ​​ring."

    Sheng Ruojuan was speechless with excitement. She originally thought that the age difference of eight years was between the two, and Fan Ye's parents might have some prejudice against her.

    Who knew that they were so open-minded and generous, and did not hide their love for her at all.

    Except for her parents and four younger sisters, no one has ever treated her so well.

    Sheng Ruojuan looked at Fan Ye and his heart was a mess. This is probably God's best arrangement.

    The second old man had limited time, and he had to catch a plane back to the country where he was stationed in the afternoon. The four of them barely touched their chopsticks and were all chatting.

    Shi Hongfei asked Sheng Ruojuan's work situation and asked her to pay attention to her body and not to be too tired. He also called on Fan Ye to learn to cook and cook soup, and to be more concerned about the health of his daughter-in-law.

    Fan Linong asked about Sheng Ruojuan's family situation. When she heard that her father was a professor of chemistry at the university, and Fan Ye was a colleague at the same school, she immediately showed a respectful look on her face, saying that scientists are the cornerstone of the country's prosperity, and that Fan Ye should be well engaged in scientific research and doing well. Research, to learn from the future father-in-law.

    Sheng Ruojuan was deeply impressed by Fan Ye's father's view of the overall situation.

    When they were about to part, Shi Hongfei called Fan Ye aside to talk in private. Sheng Ruojuan led Fan Linong to the door of the hotel, chatting about interesting things about Fan Ye's childhood. This was a car with a diplomatic license plate.

    Fan Linong smiled and said, "Next time, my mother and I will take a long vacation, and we will make a special trip back to China to visit your parents. Let's discuss the marriage."

    Sheng Ruojuan rarely blushed, "Okay. Uncle!"

    Fan Ye scratched his head. From the inside, I walked out with my mother, Shi Hongfei. Sheng Ruojuan glanced at him, and he trotted over quickly, "Sister!"

    Sheng Ruojuan: "..." Forgot to explain to this little silly goose that he should not call her sister in front of his parents.

    Fan Linong and Shi Hongfei laughed together, and Sheng Ruojuan's face turned even redder.

    After sending off the second old man, Sheng Ruojuan pulled Fan Ye and asked, "What did Auntie tell you?"

    Fan Ye scratched his head, blushing a little, "I didn't say anything!"

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