Chapter 84

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Chapter 84

    Fan Ye: "Master of ceremonies, where is my wife?"

    Shi Ximing: "Master of ceremonies, where is my wife?" Wen     Shuoran: "Master of ceremonies, where is

    my wife?" Huo Ji'an: "Master of ceremonies, where     is my wife?" Staring and asking for his wife, if he wants to, he still wants five wives.     He suddenly cocked his head, "Grooms and officials please be calm. The brides let me ask each of you a question. Only those who answer correctly will have the opportunity to go over there to pick up your brides."     Grooms: "... "…"     "Mr. Fan, your bride wants to ask you: How deep is your love for her? Please write a poem on the spot, within seven steps!"     Fan Ye: "?" Let a science student write a poem in seven steps , which is too difficult.     The guests laughed and loved watching the groom being groomed.     Shi Ximing patted Fan Ye's shoulder, "Brother-in-law, come on."     Fan Ye lowered his head, thought for a few seconds, raised his foot and took a step, stretched his arm to the position where it could no longer be extended, "I The distance that my arms can stretch is the depth of my love for you."     Sheng Ruojuan, who was hiding behind the curtain, held back a smile.     Fan Ye took another step, stood on tiptoe, and stretched his arms to the sky, "As high as my hands are raised, I will love you more."     Sheng Ruojuan secretly lifted the curtain and saw Fan Ye's silly appearance and smiled. Got tears in my eyes.     Fan Ye took another step forward and suddenly stood upside down, with his hands down and his feet up, "I love you till my toes!"     All the guests laughed. This kid from the Fan family is absolutely in love, and he really put all his strength into it.     Fourth sister Sheng Ruohu quickly grabbed the elder sister who was about to rush out, "Sister, please bear with me. Brother-in-law has four steps to go."

    Fan Ye regained his standing and pointed in the direction of the sea, "I love you, far across the sea, to the South Pole!"

    "I love you until the moon."

    "I love you until the moon, and then back again. My heart."

    Before the last sentence, Fan Ye held it back for a long time before he could say, "I love you so deeply that I don't even know myself."

    Su Yang took the lead in applauding, "Okay!"

    Fan Ye breathed a sigh of relief, " It 's too difficult!"

    Sheng Ruojuan was pushed from the curtain to the outside by his sisters, and everyone exclaimed.

    I'm used to seeing the A and Sa eldest sister, but this is the first time I've seen her so charming. It was also the first time that Fan Ye saw Sheng Ruojuan wearing a wedding dress, and was dumbfounded on the spot.

    Sheng Peiran walked to Sheng Ruojuan's side, choked up before he could speak, and tears fell from the tear frame.

    He knew that he would definitely cry today, but he didn't expect that he wouldn't even be able to stand seeing his daughter in a wedding dress.

    Sheng Ruojuan walked over and hugged her father tightly.

    The audience burst into warm applause.

    Su Yang shouted: "I have invited the bride's father and the bride to come on stage. The groom, please be prepared. Now you will take over the bride's hand from the bride's father, and you will be the bride's most solid backer..."

    Fan Ye whimpered When he got up, he cried even more violently than Sheng Peiran.

    Qi Haitang couldn't stand it any longer, so she took a tissue and handed it to him, "Mr. Fan, eldest sister is not doing well, why are you crying so hard?"

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