Chapter 75

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Chapter 75

    Wu Feiyu's affair disappeared for a day, except that everyone no longer cared about a person who strayed through the earth, of course, An Jincheng deliberately criticized. After all, Wu Feiyu is a relative of the An family, and she is dealing with the future wife of the An family. The family scandal cannot be made public. Naturally, this matter cannot spread too far.

    Sheng Kui was discharged from the hospital that day, just to see Zhang Shuxian hurriedly leaving in a car with a dark face. Her father and mother yelled at each other with no manners, and everyone was watching this wonderful couple. On the day of the dance, in addition to Wu Feiyu's murder of Sheng Kui, another scandal was exposed.

    I don't know why Zhang Shuxian, who was dancing well at the ball, ran to a room upstairs, and then personally arrested her mother and her driver. The two were naked and applauded for love without shame. This time, the hornet's nest was pierced. Zhang Shuxian's father slapped her mother a few times, and then ordered the driver to be tied up and thrown outside the resort overnight, without even giving him a set of clothes. The driver was just walking on the road naked, knowing that the nearest home was still 20 kilometers away from the resort. Presumably this night will be an indelible memory for him for a lifetime.

    As for the cheating wife, Zhang Shuxian's father won't let it go easily when he is wearing a cuckold. The two quarreled from the inside to the outside, and everyone knew about the quarrel. Now that the quarrel was finally enough, Zhang Shuxian's father dragged his mother to get a divorce.

    When Sheng Kui saw Zhang Shuxian, she remembered the first time she saw her. She followed Wu Feiyu and Wang Meixin timidly, with a delicate white lotus flower. In fact, she knew that this girl was pretending. Sheng Kui didn't know that there was Wu Feiyu's means in the Zhang family's scandal, so the hatred Zhang Shuxian showed when she looked at her made Sheng Kui inexplicable.

    But Zhang Shuxian was too busy to take care of herself, even if she had some thoughts, she didn't dare to move Sheng Kui again, after all, there was Wu Feiyu's lessons learned there.

    Sheng Kui shook her shoulders, throwing away the uncomfortable scene just now, and went straight to the mother's villa in the car.

    As soon as Ji Yujun saw her, he said that he had lost weight, and called Aunt Quan to cook soup for her.

    Several sisters and brother-in-law were also there.

    The eldest sister: "Since I was born, I have come to Sancos for vacation every year, and this is the first time I have had such an uneasy life. It's really anything." The

    second sister followed: "Yes. Don't let people succeed."

    Ji Yujun interrupted the second sister, "The past is gone. Xiao Wu came back safely, and everyone is relieved." An Jincheng was also beside him, although this matter had nothing to do with him. It doesn't matter, but Wu Feiyu is his cousin after all, broken bones and tendons, this matter can't be mentioned again, otherwise both parties will be embarrassed. Fortunately, An Jincheng handled it properly, and she, the mother-in-law, was more satisfied with the son-in-law.

    The third sister laughed, "Oh, there are still a lot of fun activities to participate in. I can't hold back." The

    fourth sister teased: "Third sister, since I can remember, whether you are participating in any tea ceremony or flower ceremony, Golf bowling has never won an award. Your spirit of persevering in participating even though you won't get an award is commendable." The

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