Sunday free day

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(Y/n POV)

I woke up feeling happier then usual, probably because it's Sunday. I took my phone off my bedside table and I was checking all my social medias when I received a text from my favourite Jayla.

Jayla 🤪💅 

Are you awake??
Read 8:22am 
Yes yes I'm awake 🙄
Read 8:23am  
Good! Can you come over
today if I pick you up in 15?
Read 8:23am
Yes!! So I'll see you
In 15?
Read 8:24
Yesss see you then xxx
Read 8:24

~end of text~

After replying to Jayla I quickly got out of bed and put some fresh clothes on, perfume, and my lucky necklace with some mascara and some lip gloss because I didn't have time for a full face of makeup. I quickly brushed my hair out and I washed it last night so it looked and smelt good today. Soon I heard the door bell ring.
"Y/n! It's Jayla!" I heard my mum call so I rushed down stairs grabbing my phone from my room on the way and kissed my mum on the cheeks with a goodbye and since dad was at work I obviously couldn't say goodbye and I opened the door revealing my favourite Jayla.
"Hey!!!" She said holding her arms out then giving me the tightest hug.
"Heyyy! So what are we gonna do today?" I replied letting go of the hug and hopping in the car.
"Well I was thinking just chillen in my room and maybe go live.. OH! And get boba!"
"Yess okay I love that!" I said excited as she drove off to her house. The car ride was just us singing our hearts out to music playing on her playlist. Before we knew it, we were at the one and only Waltons' house. 

She unlocked the door letting me in first.
"Thank you!" I say
"Your welcome!" Jayla replied. When I walked in I was greeted by the one and only Javon walking down the stairs.
"OH MY GOSH BESTIE!" He said in a girly voice runnging down the stairs with sass and hugged me tight.
"Hey bestie!" I replied and we all went into the living room. Fuck. There sat Jaden Walton. The guy I hate most in the world. He looked up at me and rolled his eyes then looked back down at his phone.
"Why the fuck is she here?" Jaden looked up from his phone asking Jayla.
"Because she's my friend and she can be here. If you have a problem with her you can go into another room because she's the guest if you didn't know." I loved Jayla, she would always stick up for me against her brother.
"What ever, she a slut anyway.." he muttered the last bit under his breathe but I heard it and looked up at him disgusted.
"Excuse me?"
"What you just called me? Do you have any respect for anyone besides youself?"
"What ever. Your just a pick me who thinks there so cool cause she has mummy and daddy's money to buy her what ever the fuck she wants when she needs it and is served everything on a platter for her. Unlike others, we have to work for what we want." He said annoyed and got up and walked out the room. Gosh he was annoying.. and his words hurt.
"Hey.. you okay?" Jayla asked looking at me smiling trying to make me feel better.
"Yeah.. it's just your brother doesn't understand that I work for my own things, I was never bought up getting everything I wanted. My parents taught me to be greatful for everything you have.. hes just annoying and doesn't get that." I said getting mad.
"Yeah he can be a real dick sometimes.. anyway, wanna go live in my room?" Javon asked putting his hand on my shoulder.
"Yeah that would be fun." We all headed up to Javons room and started a live and answered peoples questions.
"How old are you all.. I'm 16, y/n's 16 and Jayla is turning 18 very soon."
"Is y/n and Jaden dating? Ew no I hate Jaden with my life"
"Who's your favourite character from Euphoria? Um I don't know there all ready good actors and love them all equally besides Nate and his dad." We answered a couple more questions until the storm cloud came in. Jaden. He came and sat next to.. me? I was suprized he didn't sit next to Javon on the left who's was next to Jayla in the middle but he choose to sit next to me.
"Fucking move no one wants you here so get lost"
"I was here first so if you have a problem you can move." He just glared at me and got up pulling my arm up and he dragged me outside closing the door behind him. He slammed me against the wall and reached level with my face. Gosh he looked so hot an- what. The. Fuck. What. Are. You. Talking. About. I snapped back to reality realising what I just thought of.
"You fucking listen here. Your a little girl who thinks she can get what ever she wants but sorry for you to hear this but not when it comes to talking to me, you don't get everything you want. You can seriously fuck off out of this house because no one wants you here. Yeah it feels bad not getting everything you want in life doesn't it? Well put up with it! So your gonna go in Javons room, take your phone, and move your slutty self out of this house and walk home Instead of being a lazy bitch and taking a car. Goodbye." He said and let go of my arm and walked back into Javons room like he didnt do anything. I just put my head against the wall and dragged my self down and cried silently.

It had been about five minutes so I got up and walked in the room not showing my face since it probably looked like shit and I didn't want Jayla or Javon seeing me crying and took my phone and started walking back out the door.
"Hey I'm not feeling so well so I'm just gonna walk home.. bye. Love you." I said stuttering and speed walking to the front door. I left the house and while walked home I received a call from Jayla. I accepted it ofc.

J- Jayla Y- y/n

J- y/n what happened! You didn't even give me a chance to ask and when I got out the bedroom you had left the house. Did Jaden say something?"
Y- no he didn't, trust. I just wasn't feeling well sorry.
J- y/n i know something happened. You can tell me please?
Y- um if you wanna know ask him.

~end of call~

I felt bad so declining on Jayla but I really was not feeling it. I went home and made cupcakes from scratch because cooking makes me happy and when it was done, I took two of the cupcakes and put it in a bowl, went up to my room and rapped up in a blanket and watched my favourite show while eating the cupcakes.

It was now 9:30pm so I got up and had a shower, took my make up off, got my clothes ready for school and I was really tired for some reason so I brushed my teeth at 10:14pm then went straight to sleep, getting ready for a wonderful day at school with Jaden walton.

1313 words.

Enemies to lovers| Jaden Walton x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now