The beach ☀️

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I took over a year off to cut you bitches some slack, tell a friend to tell a friend.. she's back..

(Y/n POV)

"So did u ask Jayla yet about the beach?"
"Nah not yet she said she was coming home anyway" I nodded and Jayla walked through the door.. spoke to soon.
"Hey!" She says entering the room
"Hey, do you and Javon wanna come to the beach with me and J?"
"Hold up you calling Jaden my nickname now?" She said with her hand on her heart and her mouth opened
"Yes and no, your nickname is spelt as j-a-y and Jadens is just 'J' but anyway wanna come?"
"Yeah I'll ask Javon"
"Alright J and me are going to my house to get my bathers and all my other clothes since obviously I'm staying here"
"Oh shit we getting everything u need now?" Jaden said wining
"Nah next year, yes now" I answer back sarcastically.
Jayla left the room and I turned to Jaden and grabbed his arm and pulled him up from his bed.
"Come on let's go big baby" I say struggling to pull his ass up.
"Why, you'll look cute in my clothes if you where them"
"No I can't where your clothes for I don't  even know how long, now let's go hurry up" he finally gets up and we drive to mine and get all my clothes that I needed, I also got my laundry stuff (towel, brush, toothbrush, deo, etc) and everything else.

*time skips your all back at the Waltons and you've all got dressed in your bathing suits)

(Y/n's POV)

I put on this bathing suit:

(U can change it obviously)

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(U can change it obviously)

"Alright is everyone ready to go?" Jayla asks as we're all in the living room.
"Yep" we all reply and get in the car and Jayla drives us. On the way we sing our hearts out and talk shit about certain people *cough cough Ava and your other exs from Bora Bora*
When we got there Jayla was lucky to find parking in the parking lot because most bays were full.
"We here bitches let's go" I say and we all hop out the car
"Yayyy I'm excited" Jayla says jumping up and down, I think she's excited.
"Y'all acting like little kids" Jaden said looking at Jayla seeing her jumping up and down.
"Oh shut up" I say looking at him and he turns his eyes to look at me with a death stare.
"Y/n I'm sorry" Javon says and I turn to look at him (and I said Johnny you hit me, you just hit me)
"What do you me-" before I couldn't finish my sentence Javon picked me up and started running to the water, I wanted to tan tho 😔
"Nah" he threw me in the water, well that was refreshing 😩😃. I come up and out the water trying to catch my breathe and look at Javon who's in the water next to me, we're deep in the water but not so deep, it's up to Javons sternum (look it up if u don't know what that is).
"You'll regret that you little shit" I say and wrap my legs around him to re-adjust since the water was deep for me, obviously we were completely comfortable like this cause we are really close and we always have been.
"Your little boyfriend's jealous" Javon says looking over at Jaden and back at me with a smirk.
"Huh what you mean?" I ask looking at Javon with confusion.
"Look at Jaden, he looks like he's gonna kill me when I get out" I look at Jaden and start smirking then look back down at Javon.
"Let's fuck with him, play along" I say and put my finger on his lip and then move it away and cup his face, with my other hand playing with his hair (I know he ain't got like no hair but he got enough to do so lmao)
"Now get us out I'm cold" I say and remove my hands from his face and hair.
"What ever you say mam, but he looks really mad" I look over and now Jadens jaw is clenched and his eyes are squinted and you can tell, he was about to punch someone, I'll sacrifice Javon because I don't  volunteer as tribute for once.
"Ooo he does" I say laughing, I get on Javons back and he picky backs me to shore, I jump off and grab Javons hand
"Am I still playing along or.." Javon asks me
"Yes Javon"
"Okay just making sure, didn't want a misunderstanding" I roll my eyes and type on my phone 'Javon and I are gonna make Jaden jealous so play along' and I went up to Jayla letting go of Javons hand
"Jay look at this" she reads what I typed
"Oh my gosh send that to me right now!" She says excited, no wonder why she's an actress, she's good at it.
"Alright, Wanna can you please get me my towel so I can sit on it?"
"Yeah.. wait. We forgot one towel didn't you bring yours?" He asks looking at me.
"Oh shoot no I forgot it" my acting is so good right now I deserve an Oscar award, but my towel was in Jaylas bag.
"Doesn't matter, you can come sit with me on mine" Javon says smirking at me. I nod and go to lay down with Javon, Jaden just stares at me like he's gonna burst.
"Okay now move and make some space for me" I say to Javon since it's one towel and two people.
"Alright" he moves so we laying like this

*time skips and you and Javon ended up falling asleep but get woken up and Jayla*

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*time skips and you and Javon ended up falling asleep but get woken up and Jayla*

"We should go on the boat to chill"
"Yeah good idea" Javon says getting up adjusting his eyes to the outside light along with me. I look at Jaden and he still looks pissed after 20 minutes of sleeping which felt like 4 hours.
"Jaden are you okay you didn't talk at all this whole time?" I ask him he looks at me even more pissed, he's really on his period.
"I'm fine just leave me alone let's go on the boat" he says and get up and grabs his towel and starts walking.
"Someone's moody" Jayla says and looks at me.
"Shut the fuck up!" Jaden says shouting as he turns back to us, how did he hear her say that.
"You two go I'll talk to Jaden before he punches the wrong person"
"Alright be fast" Javon said and Jayla went Ahead with Javon and i court up with Jaden walking beside him, now there wasn't as much people here at the beach as there when we got here.

"As your boyfriend said 'be fast'" he says mocking Javon
"Boyfriend? Are you jealous?" I ask looking up at him, I knew he was but that alright.
"IM JEALOUS CUS YOU BE TO TOUCHY AND FURTY WITH ME AND SHOWING ME SIGNAS THAT YOU LIKE ME THEN GO WITH MY BROTHER AND ACT LIKE YOU TWO ARE IN RELATIONSHIPS! IF YOU ARE HAPPY WITH HIM IM HAPPY FOR YOU BECAUSE YOU LOOK HAPPY SO DON'T EXPECT ME TO NOT BE JEALOUS CUS I LO- never mind" he said saying that last bit calm, the rest was yelling, a lot of people stared to look at us but then when he finished his speech they went on with there day. I was speechless and didn't really know what to say
"Uh um Jaden I'm sorry.. I am, me and Wanna are just friends, we were messing around and I-"
"K I get it" he said cutting me off rolling his eyes. Is that attitude I'm getting 🤨?
"You two coming?" Jayla asks as we almost at the boat.
"Yeah" when Jayla turned away I kissed Jadens cheek then grabbed his hand and we ran to the boat. We let go hands when we got on incase Javon and Jayak was looking.
"Took you lovely doveys long enough" Javon says smirking, Wanna, never,EVER. say that again 😃.
"Shut up" Jaden says, his face was going a bit red so he turned away so I couldn't see his face anymore.
"I wanna go and surf" Jaden says turning back to face everyone after what felt like an hour.
"Jayla and I will tan" I say and she nods her head, I read her mind.
"I'll go with Jaden" Javon says and looks at Jaden, they both nod and I go to tan with Jayla.

(Jadens POV)

The girls went to go tan and I looked at Javon.
"Did you bring them?" I ask him and he looks at me with a smirk.
"Yeah!" He takes out 2 large water guns from his bag and we went to the water and filled them up. After they were full we went to the back of the boat and started spraying y/n and Jayla with the guns, I feel bad, they looked peaceful resting there, I'm joking, y/n deserves this for what she did today and Jayla deserved this for drowning me. (If y'all haven't seen the TikTok of Jayla drowning Jaden I wish I could show u guys but WP only allows access to certain vids 😭)
"JAVON AND JADEN STOP!" Y/n screams, no we won't.
"Oh your dead" Jayla says and me and Javon look at each other confused as they start running to us, y/n pushed me in the water but I grabbed her arm pulling her in with me and Jayla pushed Javon but he grabbed her leg and pulled her in with him.
"Dumbass!" Y/n says holding on to me.
"Love you too" I say and swim back to the boat, imagine the boat was to have taken off right now and we would be stranded in the ocean with nothing to contact anyone. We all get up on the boat and we all out of breathe and lay down on the ground.
"So do we wanna do something or.." Javon asks looking up.
"Javon how do you have so much energy?" Y/n asks looking up at him.
"He never gets tired, that's the problem, he will come home from reshooting the same scene 2000 times that day and still come home with energy" Jayla says referring to the time Javon went to do Euphoria and he shot the same scene around 150 times then took the plane home that day and still was full of energy without sleeping. I went to go lay down on a seat/couch thing but it was only room for one person then y/n Walked up.
"I was gonna lay here" she says very sassy. I look up at her and smirk.
"Who says you can't?" She rolls her eyes then lays on top of me, I'm comfortable and I'm pretty sure she is to cause she fell asleep, I started to close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

1866 words.

Enemies to lovers| Jaden Walton x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now