Night out 🍾

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(Jadens POV)

I woke up to see no y/n in bed. I got out of bed and saw her with Jayla and Kylee in the water with other people but I noticed a guy was focused on y/n. He had hair like mine, he had hazel green eyes and a good lip size for a guy, he had a darker tan then me but I shrugged it off and had breakfast then put on my swim shorts and got in the water with all of them. (Guys Bora Bora, the ocean around the little houses you stay at I'm just gonna call it water cause idk if it is an ocean.)
I know it was wrong but I decided to ease drop in     y/n and the guy that was moving to her's convo.
"Hey what's your name?"
"I'm y/n. What's yours?"
"I'm Tyler, you seem nice, that's hard to get out of a girl."
"Thanks. Did you come here with family?" Why was she being so nice to him. I mean I can't lie if I was a girl I would think he's hot but not hotter then me 🙄.
"Yeah, I came with my mum and dad and my annoying older brother. You?"
"I came with my family's friends."
"Nice, you seem like weirdly familiar though.." I couldn't take this anymore. I walked in the water and went to y/n and put my arm around her waist and pulled her to me.
"Jaden what are yo-"
"OH! That's how I know you! Your y/n y/l/n! So you came here with the Walton's? You must be Jaden!" I just nodded with a fake smile but y/n could tell it was fake and looked up to me with the 'are you serious' look. I shrugged and she got out of my grip. They kept talking to Tyler the whole time and it hurt me because I felt like I was third wheeling a relationship that isn't even a thing and it hurts to see the girl I love but hate with my life talking to some guy and now, he's giving her his number. Great. I got mad and just got out of the water and took a quick shower then put on some grey sweats and went on instagram while chillen on my bed.

A little while y/n comes in.
"Jaden! Why were you so mad when he gave me his number? We're not dating!"
"I'm not mad! Just piss off!"
"What is wrong with you? You've been an asshole to me my entire life and then you all of a sudden switch into me 'boyfriend' who's so overprotective and gets mad when I speak to other guys! What is wrong with you?!"
"I DONT GIVE A FUCK IF IM BEING 'OVERPROTECTIVE' I CARE ABOUT YOU BUT YOUR TO SELFISH TO UNDERSTAND THAT I DO! YOUR A BRAT WHOS GETS EVERYTHING SHE WANTS! FUCK OFF!" I saw her starting to cry. I felt bad right there and then. I didn't mean to make her cry or to- shit. She walked out. I didn't mean to yell at her. I went back on my phone then saw a post saying y/n liked an edit of me.

Something like this. He's so hot 🤩.

I searched the post on TikTok and read the comments.
^nah FR she likes him
^yall needs clam down she may of accidentally liked it.

I was reading the comments when kylee and Jayla bursted into the room.
"WHAT THE FUCK JADEN!" Jayla shouted
"What? What do you want?"
"You made y/n really upset" kylee said looking back at Jayla.
"JADEN IM SICK OF THIS! YOUR SO RUDE TO HER FOR WHAT REASON?" Javon then came into the room.
"What's happening? Where's y/n?"
"Well maybe Jaden can explain that! He made y/n cry and I'm tryna get a reaosn out of him for why he's such a bitch to her."
"Cause I love her.."


(Y/n POV)

When I ran out of the room from Jadens words I saw Kylee and Jayla.
"Y/n what's wrong why are you crying?" Kylee asked pulling me into a hug.
"It's fucking Jaden. He always has soemthing against me for what reaosn?!" I say crying even more. I look up to see Tyler coming towards us.
"Hey y/n- y/n what's wrong? Who made you upset!? TELL ME!"
"It was my brother. Could you keep y/n company while me and Kylee go talk to him." Jayla asked looking at Tyler.
"Ofc!" We went back to his room thingy.
"Are you alright? He didn't hurt you in anyway did he?"
"No. Just verbally." We walked in and I was greeted by his mum. She seemed nice.
"Tyler could you- oh hello! I'm Calara Tyler's mum! Nice it meet you! What's you name?"
"Hey. I'm y/n."
"That's a lovely name."
"Thanks you!"

Enemies to lovers| Jaden Walton x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now