My birthday 💌

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(Y/n POV)

"Y/N WAKE THE FUCK UP!" I heard Jaden shouting shaking me awake, what a way to start my morning.
"Uh what.. the alarm didn't even go off yet!" I say complaining getting under my covers.
"It's Saturday?" He then pulled the covers on my and jumped on me
"OW! JADEN! GET OFF!" I scream and he just lays there's with a stupid annoying smirk on his face.
"No" I roll my eyes then push him off making him fall of the bed.
"Deal with it." He rolls his eyes and gets up to leave the room but before he exits he turns around
"Jayla wants you down stairs in the kitchen, now." He then walks out and I get out of bed and quickly do my hair and put on clothes then I do my make up after my skin care then head down stairs to see Jayla, Javon, Daelo, Jess and Dj all with a smile.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY Y/N!" Jayla says running up to me hugging me, oh shit I forgot it was my birthday.
"Thanks you!" I say then Daelo runs up to me
"Happy birthday!" He says in his adorable voice I smile and thank him then Javon hugs me and says happy birthday and after him, Jess and Dj do the same.
"Sooo here is your presents from me and this one open In front of Jaden in his room, not here" Javon says and whispers the late bit with a smirk. The present he told me to open later was wrapped up and the other was in a big/ hugs bag, I opened the bag and saw a card and a shoe box.
"Read the card first" he says as I open the card
"That's what I'm doing" I say rolling my eyes as a joke

'Dear little shit :)
I love you so much obviously as my sister in law and I hope you have a great day and hope you will enjoy the gift I got you to open In front of Jaden but anyway the gift your opening now I know you've wanted these shoes for 1 year and 2 months now so I got you the 'Nike Dunk, black and white' and now you can stop stealing Jadens pair. Happy birthday have a great day
Love your favourite Walton twin, Javon'

"Aww you didn't have to get me those shoes! There expensive Wanna!" I say hugging him then opening the shoe box to see the Nike dunks I've been wanting

"Aww you didn't have to get me those shoes! There expensive Wanna!" I say hugging him then opening the shoe box to see the Nike dunks I've been wanting

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(Btw Jaden does actually have these shoes so yeah)

"$150 is nothin" he says smiling, I hug him and thank him again then Daelo, Jess and Dj all give me 2 bags and one card.
"Theres one from Daelo and one from me and Dj then this card is from your parents." Jess says with a smile, I smile back and thank them and opened the bag Daelo had, it had a huge tub of skittles and it had 3 of my favourite chocolate bars and a card with $5 in it, he's so adorable, remember how I said I was gonna steal him from the Walton's? Yeah I'll do that when my parents get back from there trip.
"Thank you Daelo! Although you will need to help me eat all of this" I say laughing and hugging him, he smiles and then I go on to my mum and dads card, inside had $100 note.

'Dear y/n,
We love you so much and we want you to know that no matter what goes on or how days go bye, we love you more and more and I hope today is just as special as every other day should be in your life, unfortunately due to work we aren't with you to celebrate your birthday but just know we are thinking about you today as we do every other day, we love you much
Happy birthday y/n
Love mum and dad'

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