Day right Night wrong 🫠

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(Y/n POV)

I woke up today as always, Tyler wasn't next to me in bed so I got up and walked back to my room after texting him saying I left. Jaden wasn't there either so I just got ready for the day. I did my skin care and put some cleans clothes on and put mascara on. I went out of the room and walked along the dock and admired all the beauty and nature Bora Bora had. If I could, I would buy with hole island and live here. I look at water the after and then see Jaden, Mkalya and Tyler there. But something wasn't right. Mkalya was next to Jaden and Tyler was behind her but it looked like they were holding hands secretly so Jaden wouldn't see.. what the fuck. I couldn't tell if I was seeing things. Jaden moved away from Mkalya and got out of the water then Tyler started to make out with Mkalya and my heart just sunk.

(Tyler's POV)

I woke up today with y/n beside me. I went on my phone and then started to hear y/n wimping. I looked over and she was still asleep but she started to cry, she was having a bad dream. I knew what to do in these situations, if someone's having a bad dream, you should hug then to make them feel safe and more comfortable and it kinda tells the body that it's just a dream. I wrapped my arms around her her and snuggled in with her and she started to calm down instantly.

Y/n woke up with redish eyes but she still looked cute.
"Oh thank gosh it was just a dream." She said in a quiet voice.
"What was your dream even about?"
"You um cheated on me." She said looking up at me.
"What? I just want you to know I love you so much and I would never cheat on you! You know that right?"
"Hey we should go out tonight if you want." I say changing the subject
"Just us two? Like a date?" She said joyfully. She looked so innocent and cute right now.
"Yeah, like a date, 5pm good?"
"Yes I would like that thank you. But I am going on a boat trip with the Walton's today and we should be back by 4.30"
"That's fine oh and tomorrow I'm going somewhere for the day."
"Oh alright."
"What time do you have to go on your day thing with the Walton's ." I ask as she pecks my lips and stands up
"Now. I love you." I smirk and then say I love you back and she leaves the room.

(Y/n POV)

The dream I had today felt so real. It didn't even feel right. I walked over to my room and walked in where I see Jaden shirtless as usual with sweat pants on reading a book. He looked up at me and gosh he's so cute. I don't care if I have a bf it's the truth.
"Morning, where's you gf"
"In the bathroom." I nod and knock on the door to the bathroom.
"It's me y/n can I please come in."
"No uh I'm busy.. fuck off!" I hear her say in a
Stuttering voice like shes just been caught- itching powder. I tell say to myself. She comes out of the bathroom 1 minute later and looks at me with a smirk. I walk in and go to her bathers and I see the smallest red dot knowing she put it on. I switched the bathers around and put on my nice clean and fresh bathers and did my hair then walked out as Mkalya walks in the bathroom and closes the door.
"You look pretty." I hear Jaden say.
"You think? Well thanks I guess. But you have a gf won't she be that you said that?"
"Mka can get mad at me all she wants, I'm just saying the truth." I smile at him then Jessica walks in and tells us
"meet us at the boat at the end of the jetty in 5 minutes so that they know how many people are going on the boat because we only rented it for today." We both nod and now we just have to wait for Jadens stupid little gf to hurry tf up.

We were all on the boat and I was playing water basketball with Daelo because he's my favourite Walton.
"Looks like you would do pretty good as a mother if you were to be one." I heard Jayla say to me as her and Kylee were making TikTok's.
"You think?"
"Yeah!.." Jayla said something after so quietly only Kylee could hear and they laughed a bit.
"Come on! What did you say?"
"Nothing nothing! Love you!" I rolled my eyes and continued playing with Daelo.

Enemies to lovers| Jaden Walton x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now