"Knock next time love"

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(Y/n POV)

Javon woke me up today by jumping on the bed.
"Javon the bed can break easy!" I scream because I'm mad he woke me up.
"Jaden told me to, he paid me $3. Anyway get up we're going swimming today."
"Ofc he did, where is Jaden?" I ask as I noticed he wasn't next to me.
"Outside in the water so hurry tf up." I rolled my eyes and got dressed into these bathers again:

And I brushed my hair, it was nice in volume and smelt good cause I washed it yesterday

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And I brushed my hair, it was nice in volume and smelt good cause I washed it yesterday. I put on water proof mascara then I grabbed my phone and towel and went outside. I saw Jayla, Javon, Kylee and Jaden all chillen in the water already then Jaden looked over at me and smirked. I went in the water and we all talked and laughed.
"Do you guys want take out tonight? Mums askin." Javon said looking up from his phone.
"Yeah sure." We all agreed and then kylee looked at Jayla with a smirk.
"We have to go, Javon come on." Javon looked at Kylee and smirked then they all got out leaving me and Jaden in the water confused.

(Kylee's POV)

Javon woke me and Jayla up.
"What do You want?!" I yell and throw a pillow at him.
"Ok so I heard Jaden and y/n talking yesterday. You know how they were getting along all of a sudden and being flirty and that shit." Javon blatters.
"Yeah what about it." Jayla asks.
"There like wanting to be enemies again but in a flirty way" Javon says in a sassy girl tone.
"Your point being?" I ask.
"Let's go in the water today like all of us then leave them there out of no where." Javon says excited.
"What the fuck would that do?" I ask with Jayla nodding in agreement to my response.
"Idk they may drown each other. I want them to get together. And I want to see what they do alone together"
"Mm thats stalking, pay us."
"Are you serio-" Jaden opened the door cutting Javon from finishing his sentence.
"JADEN! WE COULD HAVE BEEN NAKED!" Jayla screams laughing along with me.
"Ha ha very funny, Javon where have you beeeen" he says extending the 'e'
"Um in here." He responded.
"Nice anyway can I pay you to do something?"
"Depends how much and what"
"I need you to annoy y/n like wake her up by jumping on the bed or something for $3"
"Seriously? You can't do that your self?" Javon says with a blank expression.
"Nope I'm going for a swim. So can I pay you or not?" Javon nods then do does Jaden then Jaden leaves the room and Javon looks back at us.
"See perfect, I just gotta tell y/n to go for a swim with us" me and Jayla nod then get up and get in our bathers. We meet Javon and Jaden outside in the water. It wasn't unril a few minutes Y/n came and I saw Jaden look her up and down then he smirked. Oh something was going on in that boys mind. We talked and laughed for a bit then Javon asked if we wanted take out tonight in which we all agreed then I looked at Jayla and smirked then Javon.
"We have to go, Javon come on" I say and we get up and leave.

"So now pay us." I say with my hand out Infront of Javon.
"Oh you were actually being serious with that? I don't got money." Javon says with his hands up in surrender.
"Bitch you've been in like 4 movies you have money now give" he rolls his eyes and goes to his room and gives us $2. Rip off if you ask me.
"So what are we meant to do now." Jayla asks looking at y/n and Jaden in the water from our window since we had a good view of the water where we were.
"See what they do I guess." Javon says looking out the window with Jayla. I go look out the window with them.

(Y/n POV)

"Hmm okay that was weird"
"Not as weird as you" Jaden says, I roll my eyes then an idea popped up in my head.
"Let's see who can hold there breathe under water for the longest" I say and Jaden smirks at me and we both put our head under water. I then grabbed onto his shoulders and pushed him down but then I feel two hands go on both of my thighs, Jaden then pulled me down and took his hands and put them on my shoulders so he could push me down further. After 3 seconds he then lifted me up out the water with him. I caught up on my breathing then looked up at Jaden pissed.
"Nice try princess but you'll never be stronger then me." I then shut my eyes and fall in the water, I decided to pretend to pass out cause this boy was drowning me. I then felt him pull me out the water and began to do cpr, that was quick.

"It's a prank idiot!" I say then he takes his hands of my chest.
"Fuck you y/n you scared me" I then wrapped my arms around his neck since his body was over mine then pulled his face closer to mine. I whispered to him.
"You passed the test"
"Passed what test?" Was this guy dumb?
"The drowning test you dumb fuck" I then lifted my head up off the ground so now my facd was very close to his.
"Fuck you y/n let me go of me I fucking hate you." I ignored him then pulled him in for a kiss. It turned into a make out sesh and then we stopped after a few minutes.
"I still hate you, I'm gonna go have a shower" Jaden says after looking at the balcony then leaves me there then I see what he was looking at, I see Jayla, Kylee and Javon coming over. Wow is that why he left me, cause there coming over.
"What did we just see?" Jayla asked with her mouth dropped on the ground. I decided to play dumb.
"See what?"
"You making out with my half brother!" Kylee says shouting.
"Who Jaden? No I didn't make out with him." Javon gives me a glare and pulls out his phone and shows me a pic of me and Jaden kissing.
"So what is this then?" Javon asked with a blank expression.
"Uh I don't know that isn't me though." I say then get out the water and grab my towel and phone. Before I walked away I looked back at Javon.
"But it was a nice kiss" I then left them all there since they were to stunned to speak and went to my room and opened the door.. oh my. Jaden was standing there on his phone with wet hair in a towel just below his v line. My eyes widened and he looked up and saw my stupid ass staring.
I didn't even notice he was I front of my now.
"Knock next time love" he says lifting my chin with his hand.
"Uh.. yeah sorry" I say quickly.
"Like what you see?" He says smirking.
"Ye- no! Ew, I meant no! Your ugly" Jaden rolled his eyes then looked down at my phone. I knew what he was thinking.
"No I'm not taking a picture." I say rolling my eyes.
"Oh, that makes me sad" he says with a hurt expression.
"Mm well I'm going for a shower" I say then get in the shower.

I came out and saw Jaden on live. He was wearing sweets and no shirt, is this guy alright? He's on live with no shirt, I think we all know what the lady's are thinking 🫢.
"Oh yeah and here's y/n" he says facing the camera to me. I just wave then continue what I had to do which was clean my suit case and bag cause it was messy. Jaden ended the Live After a Little.
"Guys take outs here!" Javon says coming in with his eyes closed.
"Why are your eyes closed?" I ask confused. He then opens them.
"Just incase y'all were fucking." Jaden then gets up and Javon runs for his life then Jaden put on his shirt to give Javon a head start then he grabbed his phone and runs out of our room. I laugh to myself and grab my phone then go to dinner. I got there and saw Jaden tackling Javon to the ground then Dj came in.
"Kids! *they don't hear and continue* KIDS! Manners." He shouted because Javon and Jaden Werent listening. They then got up from the ground and Jaden sat next to me with Javon on the other side of me. We were eating then I felt Jaden's hand go on my thigh. I made no reaction but then Javon looked down and saw Jadens hand on my thigh then looked up at me with the biggest smile ever. I then looked up at him and gave him a 'no please don't' look but then he stood up.
"Jaden has his hand on y/n's thigh" he says so every one hears. Everyone looks at us.
"No what are you on about?" I ask and Jaden takes his hand off my thigh with a blank expression. Kylee and Jayla both look under the table at the same time and looked up and shrugged.

It was now after dinner and I was scrolling through TikTok then Jaden wrapped his arm around me.
"And what do You think your doing?" I ask looking at him.
"Having fun? Why?" I roll my eyes then scroll few more videos until I see Javon posted a new tiktok. I was going to kill him. He made a tiktok when he was in Kylee and Jaylas roon but in the background you had me and Jaden drowning each other. It wasn't bad but I already know what the comments is going to say.  I looked in the comments and ofc they say 'Jaden and y/n are flirting' or 'I ship y/n and Jaden' I didn't care but still. I decided to go to sleep because it was getting really late, 1 am, not that late but still late.
"Goodni-" I turned to Jaden but saw he was already asleep, he must have fallen asleep, how cute. so I took his phone out his hand and put our phones on the night stand and I turned the light off and snuggled in with Jaden and went to bed.

1800 words.

Enemies to lovers| Jaden Walton x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now