Your girlfriends a bitch Jaden Walton

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(Y/n POV)

I woke up to see no Jaden in bed but I hear noises coming from the bathroom. It was disgusting. I got up and opened the bathroom door to see Jaden and his girlfriend making out, he had his shirt off and it looked like she was about to take hers off. So that was the noise. Ew.
"Uh sorry.." I say but I really wasn't sorry. What a great start to my morning. I then close the door and hear the girl start to talk. I stayed there to listen into there conversation, I know it was wrong but I was curious.
"Uh shes so annoying, and it annoys me that you guys have to sleep together. I mean, we should sleep together. She probably takes up the whole bed she's that fat." A tear was going down my cheek, yes, her words hurt me.
"Nah don't worry about it, y/n and me will never be a thing, we're enemies and will always be. Plus's she has a boyfriend that is just as ugly as her."
"Yeah your right, honestly if I was her I would be embarrassed to look like that. I'm supersized she could pull someone." I heard Jaden laughing but I think he heard me crying and running out of the room. I couldn't care less, why was he like this?

(Jaden POV)

"Uh shes so annoying, and it annoys me that you guys have to sleep together. I mean, we should sleep together. She probably takes up the whole bed she's that fat." Makayla said after y/n had walked in on us making out.
"Nah don't worry about it, y/n and me will never be a thing, we're enemies and will always be. Plus's she has a boyfriend that is just as ugly as her."
"Yeah your right, honestly if I was her I would be embarrassed to look like that. I'm supersized she could pull someone." I felt bad for the way I was talking about y/n but I knew if I stood up for her, Makayla would get mad. I laughed at her response because I didn't want her to think I disagreed which I did, I heard crying coming from the other side of the door, shit. Y/n must of been listening. I could hear her steps getting further and further away. I lightly pushed Makayla off me and opened the door and ran out.

I saw y/n with Tyler and she was crying in his arms. He looked down at her with a 'sorry' face then looked up and saw me, his face turned into an angry face, oh shit. I walked up to them and spoke.
"Hey Tyler could I speak to y/n for a minute please."
"No she doesn't want to talk to you and nor do I, if you want to talk shit about y/n, say it to her face instead of behind her back. Fuck you." He left with y/n to his room and he looked back at me, he was more tense and he clutched his jaw then looked back at y/n and continued walking. I feel so bad for what I said about y/n. I didn't even mean any of it.

(Y/n POV)

I was with Tyler in his room. I saw sitting on the floor against the wall while he was oh his bed.
"Hey I'm really sorry about what Jaden said about you and what his girlfriend said as well. He doesn't deserve your friendship and I just want you to know that I'm here to talk to when ever you want." I'm glad I said yes to being Tyler's girlfriend, idgaf if we met yesterday, he was nice and actually cared for me.
"Thanks, same goes for you, if you needa talk to someone you can to talk to me." He let out his hands signaling for a hug, I got up off the floor and went over to him and we cuddled and talked about all different things.

It has been 2 hours now, it felt like only 20min, if only time could go by that quick when we're at school, I would love life.
"Hey do you want to go for a swim?" Tyler asked as soon as he got a notification from his phone.
"Yes! I'll have to get changed though let me go back to my room thing and I'll meet you back here in 5." I say smiling and getting up.
"Ofc! Could we make that 10 though cause I gotta do something? I love you."
"Oh I'm yeah, Love you too." As I went out of his room and walking back to mine, I saw Jaden' s gf walking in my direction with and she gave me a smirk then as she was going past she bumped my shoulder, tbh it wasn't a bump it was a full on push. I fell over and almost when over the bars and Into the water, I looked back at her with a very annoyed face and she just kept walking then looked back at me,
"Oops sorry!" She laughed then she took a right but I'm pretty sure to get to her room, you have to take a left. I rolled my eyes and then got up and went back to my room. I walked in and saw Jaden sitting there on the bed shirtless, he looked hot.

Enemies to lovers| Jaden Walton x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now