Thursday 🥱

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Also I just realised that I didn't put/write on Monday chapter saying that it was the last week until summer holiday, so this chapter and next chapter will obviously be Thursday and Friday being the last two days before summer holiday love y'all!


(Y/n POV)

I woke up today knowing I still had to go to school, problem is, I have a massive headache from lastnight since I did drink. Wait... how did i get home last night? Maybe someone dropped me home. I had to try my best to hide that I was hungover a bit because if my parents found out there underage daughter was drinking, I don't want to know what will happen. I got up and got ready for school, you know the routine.

I got out of my room hoping my mum and dad had already gone to work and they both weren't home, good. I rung Jayla asking if she could pick me up and take me to school in which she agreed. 20mins later, I heard a car beep outside so I grabbed my bag and went outside to see Jayla and a moody Jaden in the car. I walked over and sat in thr passenger seat because for once Jaden was in the back.
"Hey Jay Jay!" I said pulling her in for a hug.
"Morning ml."
"Hey do you know how I got home last night?"
"Yeah, Jaden!" She said smiling then pulling out of my drive way. I was shocked. I turned to look at Jaden who was sitting behind me on his phone.
"Thanks Jaden."
"Mhmm." He just kept looking on his phone scrolling through something, he looked mad while scrolling through what ever it was. How rude. I was talking to Jayla when I felt something pull my hair, jaden.
"OW! Jaden! What was that for?" I said holding my hair and looking back at him.
"Because your hair was just staring at me telling me to pull it." I rolled my eyes and turned back to the front and continued talking to Jayla.

We arrived at school and I saw Jas and Loren as usual and I went up to them and gave them a hug.
"Hey y/n! So what happened last night with you and Javon?"
"Oh.. you guys were at the party?"
"No.. have you checked your social media?"
"What? No wait let me check." Oh. My. Gosh. Someone had filmed me and Javon making out and people posted photos of it when we did it to make Jaden jealous. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. I took my eyes straight to look at the comments faster then the speed of light.

⚪️ user1234

Liked by user12345 and 3837 othersUser1234: @y/n

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Liked by user12345 and 3837 others
User1234: @y/n.y/l/n and @onwardwanna, looks like you guys had fun 🍾🍾

Onwardfandom: looks like he's taken ladies
Onwardwanna: delete this it was only to make Jaden jealous me and y/n aren't dating!
Luke.Trevor: she really went for Javon and not me?
View all 2473 comments.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing, and with that, someone posted the full make out video. The bell rung so I put my phone away and tried to forget about it.
As I was walking through the hall trying to get to my first class, people were all staring at me, some people with judgy looks. I went to the bathroom because I didn't know what else to do. Oh holy mother of my grandma, I forgot to cover the hickeys from Javon. I quickly opened my bag and took out my little make up bag and luckily there was foundation. I tried to cover it as well as I possibly could. Now, I wish I never had made out with Javon just to make his brother jealous, but ofc karma always has its way. The second bell went and I have the strictest teacher in the school for first period so I knew I was getting a detention for being late.
"Mrs. Y/l/n! Why are you late?"
"Because she forgot to cover her hickeys sir" everyone laughed at what Jaden said, I felt embarrassed and humiliated. I looked over at Jaden who just glanced at me while having a smirk on his face.
"Who said that?" Everyone went silent and Jaden just sat there acting like nothing had happened.
"Fine don't say. Y/n, lunch time detention with me for being late. There's only one seat left next to Jaden." I rolled my eyes then sat in my seat. The teacher handed out the work sheet for today.
"Now everyone, since it's the last class you have with me for the year because tomorrow you guys don't have me, I'll consider for you guys to talk, BUT ONLY.. to the person next to you. Now do your work." Great. The one time this teacher allows us to talk is when I'm sitting next to Jaden. It's not such a bad thing because now I can have a go at him.
"Why the fuck would you say that?" I say doing my work.
"Say what?"
"Saying 'because she forgot to cover her hickeys,' do you know how embarrassing that is?"
"That's your problem and your fault for getting those hickeys not mine."
"I only got them and made out with your brother to make you jealous" I say very quietly under my breathe.
"What did you say?"
"Nothing" I say and continued on with my work. We didn't talk for the rest of the lesson, in fact the whole school day.

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