Thank you Waltons

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(Y/n POV)

"Y/n! You gotta wake up!" Jayla shouted shaking me awake.
"Wha- what? OH SHIT SCHOOL! Fuck I didn't set my alarm!" I jumped up out of bed and looked at my clock and I only had 8 minutes to get ready, I rushed to the bathroom and put my hair up, did my skin care and put on mascara quickly and put my clothes on for school and I grabbed my lunch, shoes and bag and brushed my teeth and by that time, we had to leave for school.
"Okay are we ready to go?" Jayla asked as we are all downstairs now.
"Yeah I think so, I completely forgot we had school today since you guys were sleeping over" I say hitting my head with my hand. I locked up the house and sadly sat in the back of the car with Jaden while Javon was driving and Jayla was the passenger.
"Why couldn't you swap with Jayla so I could sit with her?" I say complaining to Jaden that I had to sit next to him.
"I'm sure deep down you prefer to be next to me" he says with a grin
"Ew no" I roll my eyes and look out my window and see we're pulling up to school.
"Okay Javon hurry up so I can drive out here before it gets busy" Javon gets out and Jayla sits in the drivers seat and said goodbye to us and she left to go home or where ever she was going.
"Wait Javon why are you here you do homeschooling?" I question really confused.
"The school offered me to teach the students here some basket ball stuff and they were gonna pay me so yeah"
"Oh makes sence, make sure you don't get paparazzis"
"If you go here and Jaden goes here with no problem then I should be fine" I nod and I walked into school to see Jas but no Loren.
"Hey, where's Loren?" I ask curiously pulling away from a hug.
"Her mum saw me as she was coming out of the principals office and told me Loren's in hospital cause she broke her leg" she answers.
"Wait what how did she do that?"
"She didn't tell me how but Loren will be back tomorrow just in a wheel chair."
"I hope she's okay though cause I know breaking a bone is very painful" Jas laughed at that then I laughed with her.

~Back ground story on how you broke your nose~

Y/n tells everyone she broke her nose by falling over and hitting her face on the floor but really what happened was y/n, Jas and Loren where having a sleep over at Loren's house and they went to go get snacks from the kitchen. While doing so y/n opened the fridge door looking for something to snack on, when she found an apple she took it out then was closing the door but she threw her head into the fridge door while sneezing causing her to hit her nose really hard on the door, and that's how y/n broke her nose, because she sneezed really hard and fit her face on the fridge.

(Y/n POV)

"Gosh as much as I laughed during all that pain of getting me to the hospital, I wanted to cry"
"It was so funny, I wish I was recording though!"
"NO IM GLAD YOU DIDNT" I say laughing my ass off, honesty if they recorded it that would have been funny but just no.
"I gotta go to class, see you next period?"
"Yes" me and Jasmine go our seprate ways and I make my way to my favourite subject ever, maths 😍
.I'm joking. I sat down in the far back corner when I realised there was no more seats left in the classroom besides one next to me and guess who came late, not Jaden but Jadens ex 🥰
"Fuck sakes" I say to myself as Ava comes and sits next to me, she gives me a fake ass smile then just rolls her eyes and faces the front.
"Yeah keep rolling your eyes and see what happens" I say very quietly and I thought she was def but no apparently not since she heard what I said.
"Excuse me?"
"Your excused" I say taking my hair out of a pony tail cause it was giving me a headache.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?"
"Nothing what's wrong with you?" I ask happily, I'm over this girls shit.
"Your so fucking rude!" She then pulled my hair, this bitch wants to start a bitch fight, I grabbed her hand and took it off and twisted her arm to stop her touching me which led to her screaming and the teacher telling both of us to go to the office.
"It's her fucking fault she started it!" I answer back complaining
"Y/n! That language is not appropriate, go now!" I roll my eyes and walk out the classroom with Ava behind and now we're walking to the office.
"Why can't you handle a little twist to your arm?"
"Well it hurt so I'm gonna scream"
"Pussy" I Mutter quietly under my breathe which she didn't hear.

Enemies to lovers| Jaden Walton x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now