Sleep over 🤭

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(Y/n POV)

I woke up today with my face feeling like shit, it hurt really bad, worse then yesterday, at least it was Friday today that's something positive. I got up and went straight to the bathroom and looked at my face, dam, it looked well, um.. beautiful? Nah joking I looked like shit I had a big bruise on my right cheek spreading to my nose and under eye area. I did my skin care carefully cause it hurt really bad when I touched my face and then I did my hair and put on some clothes, I went downstairs and had breakfast, I was eating then saw a note on the counter
'On very short notice your dad and I have to attend a very short business trip and we will be away all weekend and come back Monday night, there should be $200 next to this paper for you to order food if you want and you can have someone or some people, not to many, come over to sleep over every night if you want, be safe!
Love mum xx'
I knew exactly who I was gonna invite over, Jayla, maybe Javon and .. yeah that's it. I'm used to my parents going on business trips in a last minute notice so it didn't bother me. I finish getting ready and Jayla picked me up and when I was walking to the car Jaden was in the back, I opened the door and sat in the passenger seat.
"Morning y/n" Jayla greets me.
"Morning Jay, hi Jaden" I say the last bit in a high pitch girly voice while turning to look at him, he looks up from his phone and just says 'hi' with a straight face. I roll my eyes and face the front.
"Your no fun Jaden you know that?"
"I can be fun with other things" what did he say 😃. My dirty mind does not like to be played like that.

On the way to school I asked Jayla if she wanted to sleep over.
"Hey jay, do you want to sleep over tonight and Saturday night, you can Sunday if you want as well cause my parents aren't home and they said I can invite some people over for a sleep over, you can bring Wanna to"
"Yeah ofc. I'll ask Wanna when he's finished with his little home school thingy what ever he's doing" I smiled then Jaden began to speak.
"Hey what about me?"
"Your annoying and your not fun"
"I can be fun with certain things like I said before"
"Like what? Giving hickeys to every girl you meet?"
"Ha ha very funny I'm not  a guy version of Ava."
"Well your annoying" I argued back.
"So are you! Your so-"
"Jaden! Unless you want to walk the rest of the way to school, shush!" Jayla shouted, I scoffed in a laugh and Jaden rolled his eyes and looked back down at his phone.
"Yeah I guess you can join" I say quietly with no energy put into that sentence, I mean why would I waist my energy talking to him.
"Yay" Jaden relied giving off the same energy.

We arrived at school and me and Jaden got out the car and Jayla said she would pick us up after school, we said good bye to her then as soon as she was out of our sight Jaden looked at my face.
"Your face looks worse, not that it was ever good"
"Jees thanks Jaden, what a way to start school with a complement" I say sarcastically, I see Loren and Jas and I haven't seen Loren since Wednesday when the rumours started but when she saw me she smiled and came up to me and gave me a hug.
"I'm very sorry-" I cut her off but very politely
"Don't worry about it, I'm just glad everything worked out" I say breaking apart from the hug and smiled at her, she smiled back then gave a hug to Jas and the siren went so he made our way to our classes. The first class I had was with Jaden in health,
"Yo y/n, come sit here" he pointed next to him and I walked up to him and checked the seat to make sure he wasn't pulling no frosting on the seat shit again and there was nothing so I sat down.
"Why did you check the seat?"
"Incase you were pulling your little frosting trick that backfired"
"I still hate you for that."
"Mm well why did you want me to sit next to you?"
"Cause of the topic we're learning today." He says smirking.
"What are we-" I got interrupted by the teacher walking in and he starts talking.
"Alright today we will be learning about sexual interaction between two people of the opposite sex, male and female."
"Oh my fucking gosh Jaden" I say embarrassed putting my arms on the desk then my head on them hiding my face, it was bright red. He rubbed my back lightly then leaned into my ear.
"It's okay princess, toughen up" he says so only I could hear. I put my head up and then the teacher keeper blabbing random shit that I don't  give a shit about.

It was after class and Jaden was laughing his head off at my face expressions to some of the words and sentences coming out of my teachers mouth.
"So why did you want me to sit next to you with that topic?" I ask clearly annoyed
"Had to make sure one of us knew what was going on, cause what if that us one day and nun of us know nothing, then we screwed"
"Ewwww well I wasn't listening so I hope you were if that's what you wanted" I say extending the 'w' in ew.

It was now the end of the day and all my other classes were borning as usual, we were said to get our results from the big exam we took yesterday on Firday, happy one day ealry birthday present to me from the school. Jayla picked us up and asked us how our day went.
"So how's your day, what did you guys learn"
"We learned how to have sex safely, y/n really enjoyed it" Jaden said laughing at his own words. Jayla started laughing her head off but still paying attention to the road.
"Between you and me, your the one who enjoyed the most" I say turning to look at him
"Whatever" he says with a smirk and he rolls his eyes.
"Anyway, Javon can sleep over so I'll drop you home then me and Jaden will go home and get our things and then we will all come back to your house, what time do you want us there?"
"Any time, just if I'm in the shower-"
"Still answer it, just wrap a towel around you self and answer the door it ain't hard" Jaden said cutting me off.
"That's called being a pedo Jaden so no, if I'm in the shower then you'll have to wait for me to get out"
"Hmm okay" Jayla dropped me home and I went inside and got everything ready, I decided to build a fought cause why not, I baked some goods then hopped in the shower and took my makeup off and did my skin care, I got dressed in a cropped white shirt and grey sweats then I went down stairs and took the goods I made in the oven out (sounds like I'm meaning weed but I promise we do not involve in such illegal activity 🙄✋) I baked brownies and white and dark chocolate chip cookies and then I heard the door bell ring and I opened it and greeted Jayla, Javon and sadly Jaden.
"Smells good in here"
"I've been baking some stuff. Do y'all want take out?"
"Yeah sure, McDonald's?"
"Agreed" I say back to Jaylas responce. I order maccas and then Jaden looked at the order to confirm it.
"Who the fuck is getting a happy meal?"
"Me. Why? Do you have a problem with it?" I say in a very moody tone, how dare he disrespect the happy meals like that tho.
"Your such a kid" he says then confirms it.

We were all chillen making TikTok's then the door bell went, maccas. I rushed down stairs and paid the delivery person the money and gave them a $5 extra tip cause I'm nice and then I took the maccas upstairs to me room.
"Fooood!" I shout entering, we were all eating then I felt someone throw a fry at my face. I looked at Jaden who was looking at his phone but I could see he was trying to hold on to his laugh
"Oh you bitch" he runs off out the room and I get up and start chasing that mother mucker around the house, I love how we were eating maccas and now we doing a full on ass marathon running around, I got a stitch and stopped running.
"Fuck! I got a stitch!" I say leaning over holding my hip.
"Oh poor baby" I roll my eyes then Jayla suggested we watched a movie. We all agreed and I was under the cover on a blanket and I was in the middle of Javon and Jaden and Jayla was on the other side of Javon. Durning the movie I felt as hand being placed on my thigh, it wasn't Jadens though, it was.. Javons.. I'm joking it was Jaden. I gave no reaction as usual but I started to get really tired cause we were watching some Disney movie that was really boring cause Jayla loves Disney and begged to put it on and so I rested my head on Jadens chest and then I slowly, joking I very quickly went to sleep cause the movie was that fucking boring.

1666 words.

Sorry it's late 🤍

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