Monday 🙄

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(Y/n POV)

I woke up today feeling so tired and got out of bed, I had a shower then wrapped a towel around me while doing my skin care. I got dressed into the clothes I wore yesterday because there not dirty and then I did my makeup, packed my lunch then had some breakfast. My mum dropped me off to school on her way to work, I kissed her check and said goodbye then I walked into school only to be tripped over Infront of everyone by Jaden. Everybody knows we're enimies so there pretty used to it.
"Watch your step princess." He said laughing to all his stupid friends. I just rolled my eyes, got up and walked over to my locker to be greeted by my friends, Jasmine and Loren.
"Hey!! Are you alright btw, I was waking to my locker and saw Jaden trip you over." Jas (Short for Jasmine) asked me while pulling out of a hug.
"Yeah I'm fine he's just annoying."
"No shit,  I swear soon I'm gonna punch him." Loren spoke up, she was always the one to use violence to fix everything.
"Now now no need for any violence Loren keep it PG." we all laughed then went to our classes.

~skip to lunch~

It was lunch now and me and the girls got our food and sat down. We were talking about life and having fun then out of no where, I felt a liquid being pored on my head going down into my shirt. It was milk. Motherfucking milk. I knew exactly who did this. I stood up holding my arms away from my side and turned around to see Jaden having a smirk on his face and laughing with his friends. I was pissed.
"What the fuck Jaden!" I shouted and everyone turned to look.
"Stop being a slut y/n I can see your tits." He laughed looking down. I looked down to see.. yeah they were showing because of mother fucking Jaden, the milk was all over my shirt making it obviously wet, sticking to my skin and it was turning see through. I just looked up at him in disgust.
"I mean.. it's not like I haven't seen it before." He said laughing even more I just death stared him and walked out to the bathrooms.

~A little flash back from what Jaden means "I mean.. it's not like I haven't seen it before~"

Bye bye to the flash back it wasn't that bad if ppl continued reading the story they would think much different of the story but ppl are to quick to judge

(Y/n POV)

I was in the bathroom washing the milk out of my hair and I put my PE top on since my other one was completely wet. I walked out of the bathroom to overhear a conversation in the boys bathroom.
"What are u gonna do now?"
"To complete her look I got this.. frosting. I'll put it on her seat and hopefully she doesn't see it cause normally she just sits down and doesn't look at her seat, then she'll sit in it and her pants are ruined to"
"My man getting sneaky!"
"But Jaden why do u keep doing this shit to her, shes actually really nice" I heard one of his friends say, probably Michele, he's the nicest guy out of that group, he respects people and if I have a problem I always ask him for advise and he trusts me with his problems as well.
"Because she's a bitch and a slut, she's probably fucked half of the schools population."
"Dam bro has she fucked you yet?"
"Nah but hopefully soon.. I'll record that shit and post it.. I'm joking I'm joking I don't want to do that with her she's disgusting. She may have good looks and a good body but nah I would never fuck her." Disgusting is all I can say. How teenage boys talk about girls is so disgusting and disrespectful in my opinion. The bell went for next period so I quickly hid as the boys walked out. Our teacher, Miss. Taylor is always late to class so we always enter class before her. When I walked in to class I saw Jaden look at me for one second then kept talking with his friends. His desk was behind mine so I quickly switched our seats around and sat down on the nice clean seat because Jaden had already put the frosting on my seat.

The teacher came in and told us all to sit in our seats and when Jaden went back to his.. he didn't look down at his seat and sat down with no hesitation, perfect!
"Y/n could you please come up and answer this question on the board for me? I quickly need to gab something from the printer I'll be back soon, if u need help with something on the board, ask someone." The teacher walked out and I got up, turnering around to see Jadens face with fear. He knew exactly what I did.
"Mhmm.... I don't know.. hey Jaden could you please come up here and help me? I know your really good at math." He just looked up at me with a death stare mixed with a 'no'
"No fuck you"
"Why not?"
"Because I don't want to"
"Why don't you want to get up? *gasps* Jaden.. are you Bricked up?" Everyone started laughing along with myself.
"Why would I be?"
"Idk and tbh idc, just come up and help me"
"So you are bricked up?!"
"IM NOT! Gosh it's like you want to see it if It was" He started to get real angry but I couldn't care less.
"Well then.. COME UP HERE AND HELP ME! And no I don't want to see." He rolled his eyes and knowing I would tell the teacher if he didn't help, he got up and started walking to the front of the
Class with all the frosting on his ass. People started giggling and laughing and when he took the marker off me I quickly took it back.
"Oh wait! Never mind! You can go back to your seat, I remember how to do it! Thanks for helping though"
He gave me the biggest glare and walked back to
His desk, took his bag and left the classroom. Someone had his man period today 😀.

It was the end of the day and Jayla picked me and Jaden up from school since I was gonna hang with her for a bit.
"Hey! How's you guys day?"
"It was great Jayla! Jaden even got up to help me solve a math problem!" I said In a happy mood.
"Stfu! You switched those seats!"
"Yeah.. so? Maybe you should have looked at your seat before sitting down. And I guess now, we both equal since of the lunch incident."
"What incident at lunch? What happened?" Jayla asked driving back to there house.
"Nothing!" Me and Jaden said in sink.

When we were at there place, we went live and then javon came home from his boxing training.
"Yo do you guys wanna get boba?"
"Yes!" We all responded and got in the car. Jayla was driving with Javon as passenge, leaving me and Jaden in the back. I felt eyes on me but didn't think much of it until for some reason, who ever was looking at me, it felt like they were relaxed and not tensed. I looked up from my phone and looked at Jaden who was already looking at me, he looked so cute if I'm being hone- stop it y/n.
He looked straight back down at his phone and I shrugged it off and looked back down at my phone.
When we arrived at boba, I got my regular (what ever is your favourite) and then Jayla dropped me home after making a few TikToks. I said goodbye to everyone besides Jaden and then went into my house.
What a day I've had.
I put my top that jaden ruined in the wash and Washed my hair, had a shower, did my skin care after I removed my make up, had dinner and went on my phone till 11:42pm and then went to sleep. What a day.

1475 words.

Enemies to lovers| Jaden Walton x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now