Saturday 😁

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(Y/n POV)

I was really excited to hang out with Jay Jay today before going to Bora Bora tomorrow. I had a shower and did my skin care and put clothes on and We were texting while I was doing my makeup.

J- Jayla
Y/n- y/n

J-y/n what time you coming over?
Y/n-I'll probably be at your place in 20minuets if I'm ready soon.
J-alright. Also my mum and I had the thought of you having a sleep over here tonight instead of you having to get up even earlier tomorrow just to drive here.
Y/n-oh yeah makes sense. Let me ask my mum.
Y-n-she said yeah that's cool. My dads home right now so it's perfect I can say goodbye to them both now.
J-alright perfect see you in a bit love 🖤

End of text

I made sure to pack everything and looked at my list of things to do before I go. I did everything and gave my parents the biggest hug goodbye since I won't see them for 2 months.
"I'm gonna miss you guys!"
"We're gonna miss you too so much! But you can always FaceTime us or call us when ever you want!"
"You sure about whenever?"
"Well maybe not at 1am in the morning but yes, when you want! And be good for Jess and DJ and be nice and don't get into trouble and no babys."
"Oh my gosh mum why do you think when I go to someone's house with brothers you think I'm gonna get pregnant?"
"Just a Little joke!" I giggled and kissed her cheek and then my dads.
"I know. I love you both! Bye!" I said letting go of the tight hug and walking out the door with my suitcase and back pack and walked to Jaylas because I was still learning to drive so I couldn't drive on my own and I wanted to walk.

I arrived at the Walton's house and knocked on the door, guess who answered it. My favourite Walton of all time 🥲.
"Yuck why should I let you in this house. You'll ruin the look of the inside."
"Because I'm here to see Jayla not you. Now unlock the door and let me in Jaden."
"No." He then closed the door on me. What a bitch. I texted Jayla telling her that her idiot brother didn't let me in. I soon heard Jayla yelling at Jaden.
"NO SHE STINKS AND I DONT WANT THAT DISGRACE IN THIS HOUSE!" She opened the door looking pissed.
"Sorry about that. Come in!" She said opening the door and pulling me into a hug.
"Let's go to my room." As I followed her upstairs I looked back at Jaden who had a smirk looking me up and down. Weird...

We were just talking and chatting about life when Jayla got a notification from Kaylee.
"Ooooo Kaylee said there's a party just down the street we should go! All of us!"
"Mmm okay!"
"You go ask Jaden if he wants to come and I'll go ask Javon."
"Uhhhh alright." I went down stairs to see Jaden on the couch watching tv with Daelo.
"Hey um Jaden there's a party just down the road if you want to come with me and Jayla and possibly your brother."
"What's it worth?"
"Free food and drinks at the party." I say with a blank expression.
"True True alright I'll get ready." I went back up stairs and got dressed in a dress that I had already packed for Bora Bora.
"Alright let's go!" Jayla said coming down the stairs with me behind with Javon and Jaden following.

We were at the party and I didn't drink, nor did Javon, Jaden and Jayla because we had to get up early tomorrow and we didn't want to be sick or hung over.
"TRUTH OR DARE EVERYONE!" We all gathered in the living room. I would guess there's was around 23 people so there was not that much. All the truths and dares were really good, some were dirty and some were simple.
"Jaden, truth or dare."
"Dare I ain't a pussy"
"Make out with y/n for 30 seconds." I gasped and then Jaden shrugged his shoulder and started walking over to me. He looked down and stared into my eyes then cupped my face with his hand and smashed his lips into mine. Ngl, he was a really good kisser. Why did I enjoy this? I felt him smile while we were still making out which felt like 1 minute went by but the timer didn't go off. He wrapped his hand around my waist and mine went around his neck.
"OOO YEAH MY BROTHER GETTING INTO IT!" Jacob yelled then Jayla after
"5 4 3 2 1!" We pulled away and I unwrapped my arm which was around his neck and he took his hand away from my waist and sat back down where he sat.
"Looks like you two enjoyed that 2.3 minute make out sesh!" Jayla said smirking. (2.3= 2 and a half)
"2.3 MINUTES? YOU SAID 30 SECONDS!" Jayla shrugged and I felt eyes on me, I looked at Jaden who was looking at me with a smile but when he saw me looking at him he quickly looked down. I shrugged it off and it was 8pm so we all decided to go home. Kylee came home with us to sleep over since she was coming to Bora Bora.

"Alright mum, dad we're home!" Jayla said opening the door letting us all in.
"Oh good, now were is everyone gonna sleep?"
"I didn't think of that, y/n would you mind sleeping with one of the boys since Kylee will sleep with me?"
"Uh um I don't mind but-"
"Your not sleeping with me you gonna have to sleep with Jaden." Javon said going upstairs. I looked at Jaden who just rolled his eyes with a huge sigh.
"Fine what ever but you'll be lucky if I don't push you off."
"I prefer the wall side anyway." I said walking up the stairs and put my things in Jadens room. His room was nice and I hopped in the shower and then obviously had a shower then got out. Fuck. I forgot my clothes!
"Uhh Jaden!"
"Um could you please get me some clothes I forgot to bring them in here!"
"Yeah.." it had been a minute then he knocked on the door.
"Do you want me to come in or.."
"Uh yeah just don't be a pedo"
"Alright." He opened the door and I had my towel rapped around me but I was still in the shower. I watched him in a small gap of the shower certain to see what he would do walking in a room with me naked. Although he's been such a dick, calling me a slut and that shit, I could see he was being respectful. He looked down the hole time and placed the clothes on the counter then walked out.
"Your clothes are there!"
"Thank you!" I got dressed and did my skin care then got ready for bed and I sat on his bed while he took a shower.

I was scrolling through TikTok when an edit of me and Jaden was there from a live, shipping us. I looked at the comments and all of them agreed on the ship and said we would be such a cute couple. I blushed a bit then I heard the door open and there walked in a shirtless Jaden with wet hair and grey sweats on. I looked him up and down, dam why does he have to do this to me?!?!?!? I then stared hard at his abs.
"My eyes are up here."
"Yeah I know." I then looked back at my phone and he came and got in the bed with me. He looked so cute lying there I just wanted to cuddle with him, I couldn't resist it at this point, he was so hot and cute mixed together lying there shirtless like what do people think I would do, just lye there and suffer? No. I went down lower in the bed then rested my head on his chest and put my arm on him with my phone in my hand. He wrapped his arms over my arm and it was really comfy and I was comfortable and felt safe. An hour went by.
"We should probably get to sleep since it's 11 and we need to get up early tomorrow."
"How early?"
"We got to be at the airport by 6."
"What?! That's so early!"
"I'm sure if you go to sleep now in the position your in, you will have a comfortable sleep."
"I do need that tho."
"Good then go to sleep. Goodnight." He kissed my forehead and I drifted to sleep still cuddling with him.

Look how cute you to are 🤩🤩🤩SLAYED 💅💅💅💅💅💅💅

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Look how cute you to are 🤩🤩🤩
SLAYED 💅💅💅💅💅💅💅

1522 words.

Enemies to lovers| Jaden Walton x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now