Only day 3

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This chapter is shit 😍

(Y/n POV)

As always the alarm woke me up today, I woke up facing the wall while Jaden was behind me, I turned the alarm off and started to get out of bed but someone decided to be a pain this morning.
"Jaden we have to get ready for school" I say as hes not letting go of my waist
"No" he says in a raspy voice moving his body up against mine
"Jaden, we have to get ready I can't be late again"
"You can you just don't want to" he says with not a care in the world.
"Jaden I'm serious"
"Fine" he let go of me and I got up and out of bed then got ready for school and did my usual, you know the ruiteen, I had breakfast and did the things I had to do before school.

"What class do you have?" Jaden asked as we're walking inside the school late, he grabbed my hand as were walking
"Jaden what if someone sees?" I say worrying looking down at our hands then up at him.
"It's fine, we're late and everyone's in class" I nod then he continues
"So what class do you have?" He says Asking the same question
"Sport, what about you?"
"I have-" he stopped taking and walking and just stood still,
"What's wrong?" I ask him, now I'm gonna be even more late.
"Did you hear that?"
"Hear what?" I ask confused looking around
"I must be hearing things, thought I heard a door open"
"Jaden what if someone watching?"
"Nah I don't think so" he then continues walking and we go our separate ways to our class when we reach the end of the hallway.

"Mrs.y/l/n, why are you late?" The gym teachers asks as I walk inside the gym, everyone turns to look at me and I put my bag down on the bag rack
"Uh I had to wait for Jaden"
"Jaden Walton? Well spending time with your boyfriend isn't a valid excuse for being late, you'll be getting a detention in my office lunch time" I nod knowing he was gonna say that, everyone knew he assumed people were dating so no one gave a reaction, I got put in detention 34 times last year cause of this teacher.
We were doing jumping Jacks when our teacher had to step outside to talk to a student, as soon as the teacher went out everyone's phone buzzed off. I took out my phone and my eyes widened and I started panicking, I looked up from my phone and everyone and I mean EVERYONE was looking at me with there eyes widened and some Jaws dropped.. this surely isn't happening. Someone got a photo of me and Jaden holding hands walking in the hall way.. only 3 days it's been and now everyone knows. The thing is, everyone still thinks me and Jaden are enemies and still hate each other but I guess not anymore.

The teacher came back into the room and I asked to go bathroom and he let me, I rushed in the toliet stall and looked more into the profile of the person who took the photo, fuck, it was 'Buford high school drama' page, someone sent the pic to them and now they went and posted it and now even my parents and his parents are gonna see it.

(Pretend y'all have school bags on and different clothing and I know, my editing skills are just to good dont gotta remind me 🤪)


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Enemies to lovers| Jaden Walton x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now