Rumours 🙄

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Guys I changed my username if you even noticed incase yall are confused but anyway here's the new chapter. Also this chapter is ass af so don't be hating I know it's bad.

(Y/n POV) also this chapter includes a rumour being spread and its not good one also again no hate to Ava but yeah anyway.

I woke up from my annoying ass alarm. I got up and out of bed and got dressed into some fresh clothes, I would have worn what I wore yesterday but that got soaked in the rain. I brushed out my hair and put it in a high pony tail and did my skin care and my make up. I made sure I had everything in my bag before I waited outside for Jayla, I grabbed my lunch and put my shoes on then just had butter on bread for breakfast cause I wasn't that hungry. I went back upstairs in my bathroom and brushed my teeth and made sure I looked hot for Ja- school. I grabbed my back pack and phone and headed down stairs, not to my suprize my mum isn't home and nor is my dad but anyway I locked up the house and went out the front door, I saw Jayla and Jaden coming down the street so I locked my front door and walked up to them and hugged Jayla

"Morning. Surprised to see you outside before we got here" Jayla said breaking apart from the hug.
"Yeah. Morning Jaden" i say looking at him, he was Infront of us so he had his back to us.
"Hi" he's so dry. He didn't even bother to turn around and say it, he just kept walking and looked straight ahead and said it, rude.

Me and Jayla were gossiping about shit then I remembered I had Jadens hoodie in my bag. I took it out then Jayla looked at my confused.
"Love it's fucking 100 degrees you do not want that on"
"Oh I'm returning it, hey dipshit here's your hoodie." I threw it at Jaden and it his the back of his head, good aim.
"Oh. Why did you have his hoodie?" Jayla asked with a smirk on here face and nudged my arm softy.
"It was raining and I could see her bra" Jaden said still looking straight forward.
"Wasnt that your aim in the cafeteria one time when you poured the milk on my head and you dilerprabty looked down and said 'I can see your whole world' or some shit like that?" I ask, he stops walking for like one second then keeps walking.
"No my aim was to pore the milk on you" I scoff and under my breathe I say 'yeah sure' cause I didn't want anyone to hear. Jayla looked at my confused.
"Wait what when did that happen?"
"Uh don't worry about it" I say with a smile, I didn't want Jaden to get in trouble by his parents and he would go off at me.

We arrived at school and I hugged Jayla a goodbye and me and Jaden walked into school together cause Loren and Jas weren't at the front of the school, nor was his friends, werid. We walked in to school and everyone stared at us both in discuss. What the fuck was going on?
"Um did I miss something?" I asked looking at Jaden, he had a confused look on his face as well.
"Uh I think I did to" we continued walking and everyone made a gab for us to walk through the middle, the fuck? While walking through the hall trying to find our friends we heard some people call out things,
"Man whore!" Okay what the actual fuck. Me and Jaden looked at each other confused, we saw Loren and Jas talking to Jadens group of friends, why was I nervous to go up to them?
"Hey guys" I said unsure walking up to Loren and Jas. They gave me and Jaden a disgusted look.
"Looks like you have a boy toy." Michele said, what the fuck out of all people I would have never thought of him to say that.
"What do you mean? Can someone tell us what the fuck is going on and why people are saying that shit?" I say Cleary pissed off.
"Maybe you should tell us y/n, your fucking disgusting you know that right?" Loren said looking at me still disgusted.
"Look me and Jaden don't know what the fuck is going on."
"Would you two fucking at this age then you going to Ava's boyfriend and trying to make a move on him ring a bell?" My jaw dropped to the floor with what Jas said to me. I looked back at Jaden and he was shocked as well.
"Wait okay number one since when did Ava have a boyfriend and number two I don't cheat and me and Jaden never did that that's weird we're minors." I said disgusting at this rumour.
"Bullshit! The evidence is literally on everyone's phone."
"What of me and Jaden fucking? We never did so how could you have that?"
"No the messages between you and Ava's boyfriend."
I was getting really annoyed now, what has Ava done?
"I DIDNT EVEN KNOW SHE HAD A BOYFRIEND! DO YALL REALLY TRUST THAT LYING CHEATING BITCH AFTER EVERYTHING SHES DONE?" I snapped and everyone heard me shout that out, I didn't mean to snap, everyone knows I don't yell, in fact, no one here has heard me yell like what I did but I was getting fucking mad.
"Woah calm down slut!" I heard some random say in the hall ways, everyone laughed at that responce, I felt humiliated like I wanted to dive into a little hole and not come out. I felt a tear going down my cheek,
"Your fucking crying? Your fucking disgusting." Jas said after seeing a tear go down my cheek, I just walked out of there and into the bathroom, I don't  know where Jaden went but I don't really care right now. What the fuck am I meant to do? I would never have sex with someone at this age and I would never cheat, that's disgusting and I didn't know Ava had a boyfriend, I'm surprised she does but that's beside the point.

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