Day 2 of Suspension 🤭

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Y'all I'm back also this chapter is gonna be fun.. not in a weird way..

(Y/n POV)

"Y/n! Wake up! Y/N!" I open my eyes to see.. Jayla?
"Wha- what are you doing here?" I asked really confused right now. Shouldn't she be dropping Jaden to school or does he miss me so much he's crying in his bedroom I won't be there?
"Well Jadens having the day off because he said he didn't feel like going and since your suspended do you wanna come over?"
"Yeah sure but you could have texted me and I would have come over.. how did you even get in?"
"I slept in the living room, I'm joking your mum was just about to leave when I came so I couldn pick you pick."
"Oh okay let me go get ready." I got up and out of bed and did my usual skin care and mascara, I put on my clothes for the day and let down my hair.
"Do you want anything to drink or eat?" I asked Jayla walking out of my bathroom.
"Uh can I please have just butter on bread?"
"Yeah ofc" I say smiling, we go down stairs and I have butter and Jam on bread and Jayla just has butter on bread as she asked. We ate then I went upstairs and put my shoes on and grabbed my stuff (phone, keys, water, charger, etc) and put it in a tote bag then I brushed my teeth and met with Jayla down stairs and after I locked up my house then we went to hers.

"Ew it's you no one wants you here" Jaden says answering the door after I knock on it waiting for Jayla to walk over.
"Jayla does. So move" I say pushing him out the way as I walk though the door, I see Jess and Dj in the kitchen and when Jess sees me she smiles and I walk up to her and hug her then Dj.
"Hey sweetie how are you?" Jess asks
"Great what about you?"
"Very well thank you, you kids go have fun and I'll prepare some nuggets and chips, don't worry I won't tell your mum" she says smiling and Dj laughs and shakes his head then I smile and nod. I see a javon walking down the stairs.
"BESTIE! Omg!" He said in a girly vocie and runs up to me and hugs me.
"Hey bestie." I say back to match the vibe, we all go upstairs into Jaylas room while Jaden goes and gets snacks, we sit down and Jaden enters and looks disgusted.
"Ew I'm not sitting next to her"
"Fun fact, I don't want to sit next to you but we don't really have a choice" he rolls his eyes and sits down in the only available spot, next to me.
"Wanna play truth or dare?" Jayla asks smirking at me.
"Sure" I say.
"Okay Y/n, truth or dare?" Jayla asks and Jaden who's between me and Javon whispers in Javons ear but I could hear him since were next to each other.
"She's a pussy she'll pick truth" Javon slightly laughs and I smirk at Jaden,
"Dare" he rolls his eyes then I look back at Jayla.
"I dare you to show one of your eyes only pics" she's says smirking even more.
"Just to you?" I ask then Jaden looks at me with a smirk.
"Everyone" he says then Jayla speak up and I take my attention back to her
"Since Jaden is so interested, everyone" I nod and enter my password and show them this photo:

"Everyone" he says then Jayla speak up and I take my attention back to her"Since Jaden is so interested, everyone" I nod and enter my password and show them this photo:

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(Pretend it's you bae and the necklaces is your name)

"Dam you look hot in that" Javon says, obviously in a best friend to best friend way.
"Thanks" I say with a smile
"Who cares next." Jaden blurts out.
"Alright, truth or dare Jaden" I ask him with a smirk on my face putting my phone back in my pocket.
"Who's the pussy now?" This bitch really called me a pussy thinkin I was gonna pick truth when the man does it himself.
"What ever if you wanna complain then Javon truth or dare?" I didn't even get to say my truth to him
"Dare" he responds.
"Kiss y/n for 10 seconds, then we will see who the pussy is" Javon and I look at each other shocked and then we give each other the signal to do it. He comes over and he start to kiss, Jaden counts down 10 seconds but we keep going.
"Bro stop it's past 10 seconds! Stop!" Jaden says getting pissed.. your the one who set the dare
We pull away and I whisper to Javon
"Okay play along and he will get jealous" Javon nods and smiles and when I say this, we pretend to flirt Infront of Jaden, it gets him pissed off which is real funny.

Enemies to lovers| Jaden Walton x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now