Truth or dare 😏

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(Y/n's POV) People keep in mind this chapter has missing, straddling and hickey giving.

Truth or dare was held in the room that me and Jaden were already in so we didn't have to get up.
"Okay here are the rules, if you don't do the truth or dare you are out, when your out you have to leave the room so we know not to include you anymore but before you leave you have to truth or dare to someone else." There was now about 20 or more people in the room.
"If you don't know the name of people, just look at them and whatever" keep in mind there were no adults at this party, and I love competing in games so no matter what truth or dare I get, I'm doing it.
Some of the dares were intense and some were dirty, the truth side of the game just consisted of sexual questions. There was a guy sitting next to Jaden as the truth and dares were going around.
"Hey I'm Harry, have you been to Bora Bora before?" He asked Jaden who was sitting in the middle of me and Harry.
"I'm Jaden, nah I haven't. Have you?"
"Nah.. who's the girl next to you?" He says whispering to Jaden but I hear.
"Oh uh that's y/n"
"Are you two dating?"
"Uh no." Jaden said a bit disappointed.
"Hmm.." then Harry was called upon for truth or dare.
"Harry truth or dare?"
"Out of all the girls in this room who would you fuck?" Harry looked a bit worried.
"Fuck nah I ain't answering that.." he gets up to leave the room but stops and scans the room to ask someone 'truth or dare' when his eyes land on me.
"Y/n, truth or dare?" I'm gonna say dare cause I'm not a pussy.
"Dare" I say smirking.
"I dare you to get comfy on Jaden." My eyes widened and Harry just laughed to himself and left the room. I didn't know what to do but I was not gonna be a pussy.
"Uh are you okay with this?" I ask Jaden who was smirking.
"Yes" he put his arms along the top of the sofa back and leaned his head back.. oh gosh. I went and sat on his lap. I start getting uncomfortable and fidgety, I start moving around on Jadens lap until he groans.
"Oh my gosh y/n" he says groaning.
"What? You alright..?" I ask
"Mm yeah" he says uneasy. I wanted to piss him off so I started moving more.
"Fuck y/n." He says groaning then closes his eyes, clutching his jaw.
"What I'm uncomfortable bitch. Maybe you should take out what ever is in your pockets and we wouldn't have this problem." I say giving him sass. He opens his eyes and looks at me with a smirk bringing his head forward.
"There's nothing in my pockets" he says continuing to smirk. Oh.
"Oh.." I say and turn back to look at everyone playing when I feel hands wrap around my waist.

"Let's see.. Jaden! Truth or dare?" Someone random asked Jaden.
"Dare I ain't a pussy."
"Let's see if your a pussy when I say spend 20 minutes in the closet with the chick on your lap and do it."
"Wait.. do it? But we.." he got cut off by the guy speaking.
"I don't mean fuck." Jaden's unsteady face turned into a relief face then lifted me up off him and we went into a closet. It wasn't big but it wasn't small.
"What did he mean by do I-" I was cut off by Jadens pointer finger over my mouth.
"Shhh" I stay silent then he leans in and we start to make out. At this point I was pinned against the wall then he put his hand on my thigh and signalled for me to jump up so I did, I wrapped my legs around hips and he put one hand around my waist and the other on my ass.
"Your so.. fucking.. beautiful" Jaden says in between kisses. He then pulled away one final time and started to kiss my neck. He found my sweet spot and I did let out a few little moans.
"Was that good?"

(Jadens POV)

"Was that good?" I ask y/n taken my lips away from her neck. She doesn't respond so I kept going and started to kiss all over her neck, she's so beautiful tonight even though she is everyday but anyway I heard a few little noises out of her mouth. I stopped kissing her neck again and looked up at her.
"Was. That. Good?" I ask taking pauses between every word so it was clear to her that I wanted an answer. She just nods.
"No, I want an answer, I want to hear it." I say with my arms now around her waist. She's lost of words so I keep going. I reach down to the higher area of her breast and she looks down at me with a smirk.
"If you don't answer this then it's gonna happen. Was it good?" She keeps smirking and doesn't answer.
"Fuck you y/n" I say and start leaving hickeys on her upper breast. Someone knocked on the door.
"Yo are you two fucking in there? It's past 20 minutes!" We hear someone call out from the other side of the door.
"Uh yeah I mean no we're not fucking uh we're busy!" I say, that was stupid, I shouldn't have said we're busy cause that sound like we are fucking. I hear the guy laugh then I hear his footsteps go further away.
"Jaden." I hear y/n sweet voice say quietly.
"Truth or dare" she still says quitely but with a smirk.
"Two in a row? Dare I ain't a pussy like you." I say smirking back
"Let me straddle you." My eyes widened. Was she drunk? I wasn't cause I'm pretty sure I was drinking juice.
"Y/n have you drunk today?" I ask worried, I could have been kissing her and giving her hickeys without her consent.
"No. So are you a pussy?" Oh this girl.
"Never said I wasn't going to do it. Let's go upstairs shall we?" I say smirking then getting out the closet.
"24 minutes, must have enjoyed your selfs" a random says smiling. I nod then take y/n's hand and go up stairs to a room.
"This doesn't even feel like we're in Bora Bora anymore" y/n said as she locked the door looking over at me.
" yeah.." I say sitting on the bed. She comes over and sits on my lap and starts. It's like she's done this before 100 times cause she knew what she was doing.

(Y/n POV)

I was straddling Jaden then he threw his head back groaning with his eyes closed. He put on hand on my thigh and gripped it tight the more I straddled him. This was a very fun way to get him pissed off.
"Fuck no I can't do this" he says
"Backing out of the dare in only the first 2 minutes?" I say smirking.
"Your doing it to good.. I can't fucking do this" I knew what would happen if I kept going, so I kept going for another 3 minutes. He groaned even more and then I knew it was time to get off. I got up and as soon as I did he layed on him tummy on the bed.
"What's the matter Jaden?" I say laughing
"I feel sick." He says hiding his face.
"Bull but okay" I went Into the bathroom to go toliet and when I washed my hands I looked in the mirror and gasped at all the hickeys on my neck and around my breast.

1327 words

Ooooo Jaden that's naughty 🙄

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