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Here is a huge skip of the Bora Bora holiday

(Y/n POV)

Today we go back to Buford. This holiday of Bora Bora has been really good and when we go home we will have only 1 day before going back to school, fun. This trip so far I've had a relationship that didn't work out, me and Jaden have gotten closer and we're back to being enemies, Javon thought and still thinks me and Jaden fuck, I spent a lot of time playing games with Daelo like the good non-biological sister I am, and I've had a lot of fun.

I woke up to my alarm at 5:30am and Jaden somehow slept through the alarm so I shook him away which I accidentally made him fall off the bed.
"OW! What was that for?" He yelled looking up at me who was on the bed.
"Oops sorry, but you slept through the alarm." He rolled his eyes and got up and went into the bathroom and was in there for like 10 minutes and I didn't want to wait any longer so I got dressed in the main room. Luckily he didn't come out until i was finished, I went into the bathroom and did my hair and make up.
"Y/n! Javon texted me saying we gotta leave in half an hour!" Jaden yells from the other room.
"Okay!" I packed up the rest of my things and put them in my suit case and I went around the hole room at least 12 times to make sure I didn't miss anything.

Jaden and I were waiting with Jess and Dj for Daelo, Javon, Jayla and Kylee to get here. Jayla and Kylee came first then Daelo and Javon did and we made our way to the airport. After going through security for our bags, our selfs, and everything else, we had to wait 1 hour for our plane to get here so we can go home.
"Y/n can you come with me to the shop thing over there?" Javon asked pointing to a candy shop.
"Sure but don't get me fat." He giggled then we made our way to the candy shop and he went straight to the skittles.
"Could you get takis as well please?" That was one of Javons favourite snacks so I nodded and went to the chips section and found takis, I took 5 big bags cause why not then I went back to Wanna and we went to the counter to pay.
"Do you want to get anything? It's on me." Wanna asked looking at me.
"Well if it's on you then yes." I went around the shop and got everything I wanted, I went back to Wanna and his jaw dropped to the ground regretting his life choices.
"What? You said it was on you." I put all my snacks on the counter and the lady put it all through. He paid for it then we put all the snacks in a bag and we made our way back to the others, he looked down at the receipt and his eyes widened.
"You got $58 worth of snacks y/n! Your gonna make me go broke!"
"Oh please, you've been in three movies and two shows along with a lot of interviews and modeling things, you'll live." He sighs then smirks and looks at me.
"So how's you and Jaden" he asked with saying Jaden in a girly voice, I think he was trying to mock me but he didn't do a very good job.
"We good." I say with a straight face.
"Have y'all fucked ye-"
"WANNA!" I Wack his head with the bag in my hand,
"Ow! Hey! Those were my skittles!" He says looking in the bag, I shrug and by the time we did all of that we had 20 minutes until I'll plain arrives.

The 20 minutes went by very quick and we made our way to the plain, we didn't get first class cause all the seats there were taken but we didn't care, as long as we get home without crashing then we're fine. I went into my seat and sat on the window side then Jaden came and sat next to me and looked at me with a smirk.
"Isn't this great? We're never apart, just proves we're meant to be" he says stupidly.
"Ewwww, gross." I say and look out the window. The captain made his announcement, holy shit I forgot this plain ride goes for 12 hours. After he made his announcement I felt eyes on me and I look at Jaden who was already looking at me.
"Got a staring problem?" I ask and he has his hand cupped along his jaw line resting his elbow on the side of the seat then he looks into my eyes.
"Yep. Just admiring how much of a rat you look like." I rolled my eyes and hit the back of his head while he laughs to himself.

I decided to watch a movie to cure my boredom.
"Oooo what movie are we gonna watch?" Jaden says looking over at my screen.
"Um me watching a movie, not you." He rolls his eyes then looks back at his phone. I text Jas and Loren real quick telling them I'm on the plain going back.
I was now half way through a movie and Jas texted me back saying she was excited to see me but Loren on the other hand said I better not be pregnant or she will murder Jaden. Same people but two different minds I swear. I texted back saying I wasn't pregnant so she doesn't have to worry but she wasn't convinced enough so I just ended the convo by saying how much I miss them and I'll see them at school. I decided to take a quick nap so I wouldn't miss out on the food run so I put my AirPods in and listens to (what ever your favourites are) and dozed off to sleep.

I woke up and the plains was quiet, holy shit it was night. I slept through the food and Jaden didn't even wake me up, what a bitch. However he was awake on his phone scrolling through tiktok.
"Good morning Princess" he says smirking looking at me.
"It's night, not morning" I say and start scavenging through my bag of candy I had under neath my feet.
"Ooo can I have something, you know I love you and you know we're besties" he says with his hand out.
"Yeah, no." I take out some skittles and then he snatches them off me.
"Jaden give it back!" I whisper/ yell cause everyone was asleep.
"Will you give me some if I do?"
"Yes now give it back!" I say trying to get it cause he has his arm in the air
"What's the magic word?" He says smirking Cleary seeing me struggling to get the skittles.
"Please May I have my skittles back?" I ask rolling my eyes.
"Mmmm I'll need something in return." He says leaning into me.
"And what May that be?" I ask, I obviously know what he wants but I'm gonna play dumb.
"A kiss." He says now like one inch away from my lips.
"Fine" I give him a quick peck on the lips then he gives me my skittles back. I get my laptop and put on Euphoria and start watching it while eating the skittles and Jaden took a hole ass hand full.
"Jaden you took to much!"
"Cry about it" he says then puts them all in his mouth. I let out a sigh and continue watching Euphoria.

Now our plain landed and we go through the airport and now we're in the car driving back home.
"So how does everyone think that trip went?" Jess asks looking back at us kids in the car while Dj's driving.
"Honestly it was one of the best holidays I've had" everyone agrees with my answer and they drop me home. I say a big thanks to Jess and Dj for letting me come with them then I say bye to everyone and I get out the car to be greeted by my mum and dad. I hug them both and give them a kiss on the cheek. We have a 10 minutes convo on how it went.
"Well ima go to my room and get some sleep"
"Okay you go do that my little nugget" my dad says kissing my forehead. I giggle then go up to me room, take a shower, remove my make up and get into bed and fall asleep straight away.

The next day

I wake up, today is the last day of holidays before going back to school. I got up and unpack everything then I get my clothes out ready to wear for tomorrow. I get my house chores done then I make my lunch for tomorrow cause I didn't want the school lunch, I make sure my bag had everything I need for every class and I make sure I'm fully prepaid for tomorrow, I make sure I have all brain cells ready cause there is no debate as soon as I get to school, they will all die.

After getting everything ready to go, it's already 4 pm so I take a shower to get cleaned since I also cleaned my room, I washed my hair and did skin care and now it was 5 so I had dinner and because I finished everything, I was able to lye in bed on my phone till 10:30 without being disturbed then I went to sleep to mentally prepare myself for tomorrow.

1634 words

Enemies to lovers| Jaden Walton x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now