Do not enter.

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(Y/n's POV)

As usual I woke up with Jaden in my arms, he's so adorable I could just squeeze his cheeks.
"Morning" I whisper incase he wasn't awake put he looks up at me with his pretty hazel eyes
"Morning y/n" he says while getting up.
"Where you going?" I ask and he turns to face me.
"Bathroom, why do you care?" He asks in a sassy tone.
"I was just asking, don't be so rude." He just rolls his eyes and then goes into the bathroom. He came out wearing brown sweats and a white shirt with his famous white bucket hat and a gold chain. I then went in the bathroom and did my skin care and put mascara on and decided to go matching with Jaden so I put a white shirt on with brown sweats and I put on my Jordans. I came out of the bathroom and Jaden was just scrolling through some chicks instagram, I know it was a girls cause I looked at his screen for like 0.1 seconds, it was a blur but I could still tell. He turned his phone off and looked up at me.
"Love me so much you have to match outfits with me?" He smirks.
"Yep, it will be like this for a while so get used to it."

I've been sitting next to Jaden on the bed looking at his phone as he scrolls through TikTok for hours and I'm bored, really bored. Jaden gets up quickly out of know where.
"You have to go, out of this room right now."
"What why is everything okay?" I asked concerned.
"Yeah yeah the best I've ever been just get out and don't come back in." I look at him confused then Javon enters the room all of a sudden.
"Y/n can you help me with something?" What is going on today?
"Yeah sure.. bye Jaden" I get up and walk out the room with Javon and I hear Jaden scream before I went out.

I was waking around the dock with Javon going around in circles without him saying anything.
"What are we doing Javon we've been walking around in circles?!" I yell getting impatient and annoyed.
"Just wait." This guy wants me to wait? For what? He looks at his phone then he looks up at me.
"Wanna play chasey?"
"Are you serious Javon?"
"Oh" he looked pretty upset with my response so I got up and hit his back rlly hard and he looked up at me hurt.
"Ow! What was that for?!"
"Your it!" I run away from Javon then he gets up and starts chasing me. He tags me then I start chasing him and the game goes backwards and forwards until he's it again and as I go past me and Jadens room, he pushes me in there then closes the door. I start hitting the door because Jaden made it pretty clear he didn't want me in the room.
"Blah blah blah!" How rude
"JAVON! JADEN WILL BE PISSED AT ME OP-" I get cut off by Jaden grabbing my wrist and pulling me to face him,
"And what do you think your doing in here? Didn't I make it pretty clear? Do not enter." He looked down at me and he is so pretty. And yes, boys can be pretty to.
"I know, Javon pushed me in here and won't let me out." He then leans in close to me.
"Well now that your in here, we should have a bit of fun." My eyes widened and I looked up at him confused as he just smirks at me.
"Wha.. what fun?"
"Fun." He then leaned in and we started making out, he put his hands on my waist and it was a very passionate make out sesh. He then signals for me to jump on him so I do then he carry's me to the bed and he lays down with me on top of him. He broke apart from the kiss and he was about to do something else until Kylee and Jayla opened the door and there mouths dropped to the floor.
"Um.. yall didn't tell me you guys were planning on being teen parents." Jayla says.
"Huh what do you mean?" I then look down and relies I'm still sitting on Jaden while he's just lying there looking up at me. I quickly get off then Kylee begins to talk.
"Yall funny, your faces are priceless. Anyway, we're going out tonight so get ready, we're leaving in like 30 minutes and it's a fancy restaurant so dress nice" me and Jaden nod then I get up and go to the bathroom. I see the hickys are still there but slightly faded from what Jaden did the other night, I think everyone just got use to it that's why no one has sis anything, including Dj and Jess, Daelo hopefully wouldn't know what they are. I go back into the bedroom and open my suit case and look at my dresses to see which is the hottest but suitable for going out to a fancy restraint.
"Wear this one" Jaden says holding up a black dress with long clear sleeves and butterfly's on them.
"Why?" I ask.
"Because I told you to, it's not a question asking for you to wear it, it's a statement to say you will wear it" this boy choosin my clothes now? I mean the dress is cute so I can't be talkin.
"Fine." I say as i take the dress and go into the bathroom and get changed. I did my hair in a high ponytail and did my make up to match the dress. I came out with this dress:

(Also if you ever wonder wear all the bathers,  dresses and clothes I put as inspo are from, there all from SHEIN 😩💅)

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(Also if you ever wonder wear all the bathers,  dresses and clothes I put as inspo are from, there all from SHEIN 😩💅)

I came out and Jaden smirking at me and I took my necklace from the table.
"Can you put this on for me please." He gets up strait away and puts the neckless around my neck and clips it in. As soon as he does that I feel lips on my neck. He wraps his arms around my waist and starts kissing and giving me hickys.
"Jaden stop."
"Why." He stops straight away.
"Because I don't want to go out then hickeys appearing all over my neck, save it for tonight when we get back." He smirks and nods then goes into the bathroom and changes into blue Jeans and his black hoodie but without the hood. (Idk what its called guys don't attack me)

 (Idk what its called guys don't attack me)

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Guys look at our boyfriend 😩😩

We then walked out of our room and locked the door and went over to Jess and Dj's and waited for everyone else to get there. Once everyone was there we all went out and the restaurant was beautiful. I sat on the right side of Jaden and Dj sat on the left. Kylee, Javon and Jayla were In front of us and Jess was on the side of the table next to Dj and Daelo was on the other. We all ordered our food then Jaden slipped his hand on my thigh, as always I gave no reaction and we all talked and then our food came. While eating Jaden decided that was a perfect time to start rubbing his thumb on my thigh and oh my gosh the butterfly's this man gives me. We also ordered dissert and it was honestly so good.
"So what's everyone's plans for tomorrow?" Jess asks while eating her bannana split.
"I was thinking we go shopping! Oh and Javon and Jaden, your coming" Jayla says and Jaden and Javon give her the death stare and roll there eyes.
"Well that sounds like a lot of fun doesnt it Jaden" Dj says nudging his and laughing. Jaden rolls his eyes and looks at his food.
"Sounds like a lot of fun." He says in a boring sarcastic voice.
"Great so you will have no problem shopping with us all day!" Kylee says smiling at him and he just death stares her, Javon and Jadens reactions are the best.

We had paid for our food and now we're back in our rooms, I had a shower and put my pjs on and took off my make up and let my hair out after Jaden had a shower. I went out the bathroom and saw Jaden glaring at me.
"Do you have a staring problem?" I ask then he signals for me to come lay in bed with him. I fold and put my dress in my suit case then go in the bed with him.
"Good, so now I can finish what I started before we went out?" He asks looking at me and getting on top of me.
"I guess you can."

1519 words.

Enemies to lovers| Jaden Walton x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now