Suspension day 1 😍

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(Y/n POV)

Today I actually got a lay in, no one woke me up and no alarms went off either cause I was suspended. I got out of bed and had a shower because I felt like it then I put on some cleans clothes and brushed my hair, I put it in braids and then headed downstairs to see my mum there.
"Morning, I took today off work so we can go down to the station and see what they can do and to have a talk with you principal" she says as I walk down the stairs, she's making her breakfast.
"Yeah just don't embarrass me at school please" she laughed a bit then kissed my forehead and pulled me into a quick hug.

"You ready to go?" She asks as she waiting at the door, I nod having the bag of my nails in my hand (🤭😃😍) and my phone, we were driving to the station and when we got there we hopped out and went to the front desk where people report crimes.
"Hi so my daughter yesturday was walking home early cause she got suspended and on the way she was hurt and possibly raped" my mum says quickly, you could she wanted to her words over and done with because her voice began to crack and she started to cry.
"Do you maybe have any vision or anything of the suspect?" The man asked behind the counter. I nodded and put the bag on the counter.
"When one of them attacked me, I dug and scratched my nails into him because I knew that his DNA might have been like collected, if that makes sence and I do have a rough idea of what one of them looked like."
I say calmly.
"Okay I'll take you to officer Brandon to speak more of this."

After tests, and a 2 hour talk and waiting and me describing what the one of the guys looked like, we got somewhere.
"Here, is this him? The guy that held you against the wall?" The officer shows me a picture of the guy who pinned me against the wall.
"Yes that's him!"
"He's been in jail before and the same method you used to contract his DNA, another girl used. We keep everyone's DNA and files for this exact reason. Since he's done this before and Cleary hasn't learnt, he will be suffering major consequences and a fine. I would like to ask if you are okay though throughout everything that happened. Did you maybe take a plan B pill by any chance incase something was to of happened?" The cops were really nice and didn't rush things and asked if I was okay every 10 minutes with what we were talking about.
"Yeah I took a plan B pill and I'm fine but there was another guy with him"
"Could you describe him?"
"I'm sorry I can't I- I don't remember." I say starting to tear up, the things is I feel bad and stupid not knowing how the other guy looked but it's not entirely my fault considering the guy punched me in the face knocking me out. After the station and all that we made our way to the school.

We walked in the school through the hallways and right now it was period 3 so no one should be out of class unless there late or going somewhere. My mum didn't even knock she just swung the door open and walked in and sat down in my principals office, my principal was concerned and shocked she just bursted through without knocking.
"Um can I help you Mrs.y/l/n?" He said tryna act calm, I went in and sat on the chair next to my mums which was opposite the principals with his desk in the middle separating us.
"Yeah you can help me with something. Why would you suspend my daughter for twisting someone's arm as self defence in which that Ava girl pulled her hair first?" My mum said leaning back on the chair with her legs crossed, she looked pissed.
"Uh well there's no evidence Ava pulled y/n hai-"
"How the fuck are you meant to get evidence for that?" The principle was to stun to speak at my mums words and he looked down on his desk and back up.
"Look I don't  know but what I know is y/n twis-"
"I don't give a fuck about what my daughter did, she did it for the right reason. Where is this Ava girl? I want her here right now" oh gosh no..
"Unfortunately her mum called in saying she had to go to hospital because of y/n actions" my principal spoke.
"That was fucking nothing! How could she end up in hospital?!" I snap
"Y/n! You will not talk to me-" my mum cut him off.
"Oh she can talk to you that way, you are completely out of your mind! Your school and yourself will be getting a report" then my mum got up and grabbed my hand and pulled me up and we went out of there.

As I was walking into the car park with my mum I heard someone call out my name.
"Y/n!" I turn around to see Jaden out of breathe, he must have ran all the way from the cafeteria seeing me go by since it was now lunch time.
"Hi Jaden"
"Why did you come out of the principals office?"
"Because my mum had a go at him for suspending me yesterday." I can see he was trying not to laugh.
"You can laugh it's fine" he then let out his laugh, it would be pretty funny if I was Jaden seeing my mum go to the principal and have a go at him.
"Well I gotta go back to school before I get suspended for leaving school grounds" Jaden says and hugs me? Strange. I hug back and to be honest I needed that hug more then anything.
"Bye J"
"Ain't that your nick name for Jayla?" He asks confused.
"Yea put I spell Jaylas as J-a-y and I'll spell yours as J" he rolls his eyes and shakes his head thinking I'm stupid or something.
"Well bye" he says going back to school grounds, I get in the car and see my mum smirking at me.
"You and Jaden huh?" You gosh I hate it when she acts like she's 16 like me talking about boys.
"Nooo! Ewwww. Gross" she just laughs and shakes her head and when we get home I didn't have much to do, to be honest I thought the point of going to school to have a go at my principal was for him to let me come back and be un-suspended but apparently not.

It was now 11:30 at night and I had dinner and all when I got a FaceTime call from Jaden, I ofc answered it.
"Hey" I say accepting the call
"Hey, when you coming back to school?"
"Uhhh 2 days"
"Fuck I need to wait that long?"
"You could come over after school or something I don't mind"
"Looks like I'll have to. Oh and we're having a camp like the whole grade so when you come back there gonna give you your note"
"Oh cool, where and when?"
"It's Twin Lakes Rv Park and we going in 3 weeks and you'll have to pay $50 I think, yeah it's $50" he says checking the note in his bag
"Dam okay, that camp place is nice tho. Anyway why you call?" I ask curiously.
"Wanted to see you"
"Hhhmmm I'm tired. Wanna keep on call while we sleep?" I've always wanted to do this with someone so this mother fucker better.
"Yeah yeah let me brush my teeth" he got up and he was shirtless.. holy shit y/n breathe.
"Nice shirt" I say smiling.
"Thanks, thought you would like it" he says exiting the bathroom. I laugh then set my phone on my night stand and he does as well.
"Goodnight J"
"Goodnight y/n"

(Jadens POV)

Y/n fell asleep pretty easy, she was cute when she slept.. that makes me sound creepy. I took a screen shot with the audio thing on and pet it on my story on insta. And then went to sleep.

 And then went to sleep

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(I know it's blurry)

Guys this chapter is pretty wacky but I know  being suspended there's not much to do so just wait for next chapter.

1434 words.

Enemies to lovers| Jaden Walton x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now