Friday 🥳

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(Y/n POV)

Today I was so happy to wake up, only because it's my last day of school and one day closer to going to Bora Bora with my favourite people, besides Jaden. I got up and ready for school with some fresh clothes, skincare, put on my make up, had breakfast, and blah blah. I got a call from Jayla asking if I wanted to be picked up and taken to school, we normally do this every morning as you could tell so we were use to it, I agreed and 10 minutes later I heard a car beep outside. I went out and locked up the house since my parents weren't home and walked up to the car to see Jayla and then Jaden sitting in the passenger seat. I shrugged and went to sit in the back, I got in the car and leaned over and kissed Jaylas cheek.
"Morning Jay Jay!"
"Morning!" I then turned to Jaden who was staring out the window, pretending to not see me. I shrugged and then kissed him on the cheek.
"Morning to you to Jaden." I said rolling my eyes and sitting back in my seat while Jaden was rubbing his cheek with his t-shirt.
"Don't pretend like you didn't want that." I said to break the silence as Jayla was driving.
"Bull shit like I would want a kiss from you!"
"Yeha it's not like you wanted to fuck me either." I muttered under my breathe.
"What did you say?"
"I don't know but I'm not saying it again." He shrugged and looked out the window again. We arrived at school and I said goodbye to Jayla and as I was getting out the car, jaden pushed me then tripped me and I fell over Infront of everyone.
"Your so fucking annoying Jaden!" I shouted.
"Not as annoying as you are." People were now crowding around us, it's not like we were gonna fight like dam. Because of everyone crowding us the principal must of thought me and Jaden we're about to fight.
"MRS Y/L/N AND MR WALTON! MY OFFICE! NOW!" I rolled my eyes and everyone went away as we followed the principle to her office. When we got to her office she put two chairs In front of each other and Jaden signed and sat in one and I sat in the other making it so we faced each other.
"Right! I don't know what has gotten into you to, but it has to stop."
"Mrs nothing was gonna happen. Jaden just pushed me and I told him to stop and people crowded around thinking there was gonna be a fight."
"No y/n, it's not just this time, it's everyday now, you two have been in and out of my office, and for the last day of school for this year, you two have been in my office for a tot of 68 times this school year. You both hate each other and I want to find out why. This better not happen next time. Do I make my self clear?" Nun of us answer he because were to busy glaring at each other. "Are you two listening? Jaden, you go first why do you hate y/n?" I glare at him harder and then I smirked. He blinked and then I mouthed the words 'you lost' to him. Jaden let out a big sigh and looked up at the principal.
"Because she thinks she's better then everyone having the richests parents in town, she's so full of her self and doesn't work for anything in life, she just gets everything handed to her on a plate."
"Your calling me self scented?" I say as he looks back at me. He rolled his eyes and then leaned it, our faces were inches away from each other,
"Nah, not self scented, just a bitch." He get up and toke his bag and left the room.
"Mrs, it's fine, me and Jaden can handle this." I say and get up and leave her room.

Warning!!!! Violence and also no hate to Ava in this part of the book even though she did cheat on Jaden 🙄.

On my way to my class room the halls were empty when I all of sudden hear footsteps running, I got dragged by my hair into the janitors closet. I don't know by who but I wish I could scream for help but I couldn't, someone had there hand over my mouth. The person pushed me and my head got slammed into a wall really hard and I fell down from the pain in my head and the forceful push. I couldn't cry out for help, my head hurt so bad and I felt sick like I was going to throw up. I tried moving on the ground but the person lifted my head up by pulling hair up to look at them. I got a quick look at them before they punched me in the face and I completely blanked out.

I woke up from the school bell going, I was in so much pain but I had to get up and find jaden, we may not be close but he could help. I took my phone out my pocket only to see that it's lunch. I got up and fell back down straight away, I got up slowly and struggled to walk but I managed. I opened the door and went out in the hallway. I know what class Jaden had last so I went upstairs and saw him after searching for a good minute. I was crying and limping towards him, I didn't care that people were staring at me,
"Jaden! Jaden!" I said trying to get his attention before he went away. He looked back and saw me limping to him, crying in pain. His eyes widened, he looked furious. He speed walked up and to me and pulled me into a hug.
"Y/n what happened?! Who did this to you?!" Jaden asked taking me into a private area.
"Ehh uh I don't know but I saw a glimps of them before they knocked me out!"
"Wait tell me what you remember happened and decribe this person."
"Well uh when I left the office I um felt someone pull my hair and went to the janitors closet then um they pushed me into a wall then my head got slammed into it really hard then I fell down and they punched me in the face." I said crying even more. He hugged me even more, I felt save in his arms even with all this pain.
"And the person?"
"It was a guy, with blond and black hair, the blond was on his right side and the black was on his left side and he had a ear pearcin-"
"There only one guy in this school who has that hair, Daniel Craig."
"Fucking little shit! Uhh! He's best friends with Ava!"
"Ava? Your ex? I haven't seen her in a while though."
"Yeah well she came to school today and I wonder why. Im not letting this slide." He got up and helped me up and we walked to the cafeteria. We saw Ava and Daniel in a corner talking and laughing.
"Come on let's go!" Jaden grabbed my arm lightly and dragged me with him to Ava and Daniel.
"Hey Daniel you piece of shit! Leave y/n the fuck alone! And you! Stay out of our lives!" He said pointing to Ava.
"Why should I? Do you just love your girlfriends face now? All swollen up and bleeding, I think it's better."
I just stayed quiet and didn't say anything.
"What was the point in getting him to beating her up huh?"
"Because I don't want her with you! I should be with you! You and me were meant to be together! Not her!"
"WE ARENT TOGETHER! ME AND Y/. ARENT DATING! AND YOU LOST THAT CHANCE OF YOU AND ME BRING TOGETHER! YOU CHEATED ON ME! YOU CAME BACK TO ME AGAIN JUST BECAUSE OF MY FAME! YOU ARE NOTHING IN MY LIFE AND WILL NEVER BE! SO LEAVE ME AND Y/N ALONE!" He snapped. I loved seeing Ava in a shocked, humiliated face with everyone watching and whispering about her around us. Jaden took my arm and we went to the hall ways.
"Thank you Jaden"
"no problem. I'm still gonna be mean to you though." I rolled my eyes then hugged him. I was really grateful to have him in my life for stuff like this.

I went to the nurses office with Jaden and the principal asked me question about what happened while the nurse was fixing my face. My face was bandaged up but felt much better and looked better and I think Ava is getting a call home definitely. I attended the rest of my classes as usual.

It was the end of day and everyone said goodbye to each other being the last day of school and I went straight home. I need to double check that I packed verything for Bora Bora considering the fact that I was packing at like 12am and my brain was half asleep last night. I made a list of what to pack that morning and things to do before we go. I was so glad school was over and tomorrow I had asked Jayla if she wanted to hang out and she said yes. I got a text from Jas asking if I wanted to come over to help Loren get ready for her date. Ofc I agreed because this should be when best friends hang out. I went over and we helped Loren pick out an outfit, do her make up and hair and she looked so stunning and beautiful when she came of her closet.
"I AGREE YOU LOOK SO CUTE!" Jas said after me. Loren smiled and we pulled into a hug. We heard a knock on the door and said goodbye to Loren as it was Liam.
"When you get back message us on the group chat and tell us everything that happens okay?" I say excited.
"Yes yes I will I love you guys and thank you for helping!"

It was 11pm and I was now relaxing In bed cause I ate dinner and had a shower and everything. My parents had a go at Ava's parents for what Ava and her best friend did, my parents gave me ice cream to cheer me up. I got a text from 'sluts🤪🍾💅' gc.

L- Loren

L: you girls still up?
J: yes!
Y/n: yesssss! So what happened?
L: well he asked me to
Be his gf and I said yes!
L: THIS SUNDAY! I was wondering if you girl wanted to come over and help me get ready again?
Y/n: shoot! I can't I'm going to Bora Bora with the Walton's and Kylee. I forgot to tell you guys!
J: Lucky tho.
L: oh! Luckily! No sweat you go have fun. Jas do you want to help tho?
J: yesss ofc. But y/n imagine you have to share a bed with Jadennnnnn 🤪🤪🤪
Y/n: ew stop ✋
Y/n: alright I'm going to sleep goodnight love y'all xx
L: Lmao. Goodnight tho xx
J: goodnight guys xx

End of text

Honestly I was blushing from what Loren and Jas said about me and Jaden. I signed and put my phone on charge then went to bed.

1965 words.

Enemies to lovers| Jaden Walton x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now