School Project 🤧

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(Y/n POV)

Like any other day, I woke up but thankfully by my alarm so I didn't have 10 minutes to get ready for school. I got up and had a shower then put on some fresh clothes, I put on a white cropped top with baggy jeans and put my hair in a claw clip. I headed down stairs after doing my skin care and make up, I had breakfast and the house was silent meaning no one was home so I texted Jayla asking if she could pick me up, she agreed and i got everything else ready for school and waited inside by the front door for Jayla then looked outside and there were storm clouds, lovely 🥰.

Jayla arrived and I went outside after locking up the house and Jaden was in the front seat
"Nope I'm not moving get into the back with Javon" he said looking straight forward, he knew I was gonna ask him to move
"Fine but I'll do it in a very annoying way" he looked at me confused then I opened his door and sat on his lap facing him.
"Hey Jay, hi Wanna how are you guys?" Wanna started laughing then Jayla replied
"I'm great how are you?" She asked with a smile
"I'm really good" I said playing with Jadens hair.
"And how are you Jaden?" I asked looking into his hazel eyes that I want for myself.
"I'm great." He said with a straight face. I moved off him and jumped in the back with wanna and Jaden put his school bag on his lap and then Jayla drove us to school.

We arrived at schoo and I had English with Jaden. I walked to English and when I got there, there was one seat left next to a kid named Ethan, he was good friends with Jaden. The teacher walked in and I sat in my seat, she was preparing some shit but anyway Ethan tapped me on the shoulder and I turned to face him.
"How was your summer?"
"It was good what about you?"
"Mine was great" A chair pulled up Infront on my desk and Jaden sat in it.
"Why are you here?" I asked in a moody tone.
"Well Ethan happens to be my best mate" I rolled my eyes then the teacher got everyone's attention.
"Okay so we have an upcoming presentation and I will be assigning your partners. First we have Ava and Ethan, (all other kids) and last we have Jaden and y/n. Now I don't want to hear any complaining about your partner" great, it's always Jaden. 
"Looks like your stuck with me" Jaden said looking at me with a smirk.
"Well I think me and y/n should go together and you can go with Ava" Ethan said looking at Jaden.
"No!" Jaden yelled but only for me and Ethan to hear.
"Well think about it, me and y/n can work better just the two of us." Ethan said in a lower tone. Jaden didn't respond at all.
"Well then y/n do you want to hang out after school?" Ethan asked taking his attention from Jaden to me. I was gonna answer but Jaden spoke.
"She can't we're doing the project after school" Jaden said making eye contact with Ethan, they both looked like they were gonna punch each other.
"Fine how about tomorrow y/n?" Ethan was not giving us was he?
"She's busy tomorrow as well, actually she's busy all this week and next week." Jaden said and he put his hand on my thigh under the table to no one would see.
"Jaden! I can answer the questions my self. Yes I will be busy this week and next week sorry" as soon as I said that Jaden smirked then Ethen rolled his eyes and went to sit with Ava, for the rest of the period me and Jaden worked on the project.
"Even if you free or not, this project is meant to be with your assigned partner" Jaden said to me while glaring at Ethan who was on the other side of the room.

It was now home time and Jayla was meant to pick me up and I waited out the front of the school for Jaden. He was coming on my direction but walked straight past me, rude. I grabbed his back and pulled him back.
"And where do you think your going?" I ask looking at him.
"Well ain't no one gonna pick us up cause Wanna is training and Jayla had something come up so we gotta walk" he then started walking again and I went beside him, it start to sprinkle, shit, that sprinkle turned into rain, fuck my stupid ass for wearing a white shirt. I tried to cover my breast cause you can Cleary see my bra. Jaden had his hoodie in his hand and held it to me, I pushed it away, I didn't want his germs. A little after, the sun decided to come out and now my shirt was sticking to me.
"Y/n I can see your bra put it on" he said and put the hoodie in my hand, I put the hoodie on then smirked at him,
"And why were you look?" I asked still smirking, he shrugged then after a few minutes of silence, he spoke.
"Do you wanna come over to work on the project instead of going home?" He asked looking at me. I rolled my eyes then smirked again.
"Yeah sure for the project" i responded.

We were in his room and we were fucking, I'm joking we were actually doing the project. Y'all nasty if you think that was gonna happen. Anyway. We were doing the project on his bed then Javon came in.
"Hey have you- woah why you here in Jadens room with the door closed?" Javon asked looking at me.
"We are working on a project?" He started laughing his head off at my response, rude.
"Yeah sure for a project" he said while using his hands to show a quotation mark when saying 'project'
"Wanna, can't you see the books on the bed?" I ask and he comes up to the bed and looked down at the books and papers scattered around.
"Looks more of a disguise to cover up you both fucking in here" he then looked up at Jaden and then laughed for one second and ran out of Jadens room, Jaden got up off the bed giving Javon a head start then he chased Javon around the whole house. I was in Jadens room for about 4 minutes alone now then Jaden came back into the room and sat on the bed again.
"Is he still alive?" I ask looking at Jaden.
"Yeah I made sure I didnt kill him"

Me and Jaden were actually finished the project now, it only took us 4 hours,
"Ima probably get going now that we've finished."
"Wait, you could stay for dinner if you want." Jaden said as I was about to leave the room
"Uh sure but I'll need permission from your mum"
"I already asked her and she said yes" he said with a straight face.
"Oh okay thanks"
While we were waiting for dinner, I was just chillen on TikTok when I came across an edit of Jaden, it was one of him shirtless.
"Yo Jaden look, you got some fans" I said laughing showing him the edit, he was next to me so I didn't have to move.
"JADEN! No no no! Fuck!" He just started laughing and then Dj called everyone down for dinner
"Your lucky dinners ready, or you would have been dead. Now everyone's gonna think I liked it!"

We were at the dinner table then Jessica asked me a question.
"So y/n, it's your birthday next week right?"
"Oh yeah it is! I actually forgot about that" I said with a smile.
"Are you planning anything?" Jayla asked looking at me.
"Uh I don't know what I'll do, I'll probably just hang out with my friends separately since it's on a Saturday" Jayla nodded and then we continued eating our food. It was getting late and Jayla offered to take me home, I thanked Jess and Dj for the dinner and then Jayla dropped me home.

"Thank you!" I said hopping out the car.
"No worries. Do you wanna walk with me and Jaden tomorrow? I offered to walk with him because I need to go to the shop in the morning anyway." She asked before leaving.
"Yes please" she nodded then waved and I went inside, I went straight to me room after saying hi to me parents. I took a shower and took my make up off then I did my skin care. I put Jadens hoodie in my bag because I forgot to give it to him, it smelt like him and I honestly felt Cosy when I was wearing it before, no one will know.
I put it on then got my clothes ready for tomorrow, did everything I needed to then went to sleep with Jadens hoodie.

Ooooooo Jadens hoodie 🤭

1550 words.

Enemies to lovers| Jaden Walton x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now