Shopping with the waltons

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I apologise for not posting last night something came up last minute but here's the new chapter. Also we gonna bring back Michele from the very start of this story for only a little tiny bit 🫢

(Y/n POV)

Today we decided to go shopping. Jaden and I got ready then locked up our room and went to Jayla and Kylees room, we knocked on the door and we here someone walking up to it.
"Morning!" Kylee greeted me with a hug and I hugged her back.
"Morning! Morning Jay. So when are we going?" I ask walking in the door with Jaden behind then hugging Jayla
"As soon as Javon gets his ass here." While waiting for Javon I got a text from Michele, Jadens close friend. We only ever text when we have a problem we would like to talk about.

Michele 🤫🫥

Y/n, are you and Jaden dating?

What no who told you that?

Back here everyone is
saying your dating

Who's everyone? And why

Well me and the guys.
Jaden was texting us telling
us how you guys have been
Sleeping together.

Are you serious? It's not
By choice. We have to be
in the same room together
And there's one bed. Did he
mention that bit?

Michele🤫🫥                   ❤️
Nope but anyway hope you
And the others are having fun.
Y/n🫣 reacted to text

End of text

Well that's interesting. Javon came in the room and we all got up, locked the doors, said goodbye to Daelo, Jess and Dj then went to the shops. We were walking around for a bit and me and Jaden were behind Jayla, Kylee and Javon cause we're slow walkers so I decided to ask Jaden about what Michele said.
"Did you tell your friends that we're sharing a bed but didn't mention the bit that it's not by choice?" His eyes widened
"No who told you that?" I could tell he's lying, I will pull a whole Maddie and Cassie moment when Cassie fucked Nate Jacobs.
"Your lying" i didn't really care that he told his friends we were sleeping in the same bed but it's the fact that he didn't mention that it's not by choice.
"Yeah okay I did" he said really quickly looking down while we're walking
"And why did you?" He muttered something under his breathe but I couldn't hear him so fuck it. If he wants to not talk then I ain't talking to him.

We were in a clothing store when some people came up to us. There was three girls and two guys.
"Yo your that y/n chick?" One of the guys asked me while his friends were taking pics with the others.
"Yeah that's me." I say with a smile.
"I'm Leon. Could I get like your snap or something?"
I saw Jaden looking at us and he was glaring at Leon. Let's fuck with him.
"Yeah sure here I could put it in your phone for you."
"Uh yeah that works here" I put my snap in and friended his request.
"Thanks" him and the other guy and the three girls got some pictures with me then they left.

We were looking at some dresses then Jaden grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him.
"Why did you give him your snap?"
"Why would you care? You didn't care when you told your friends we sleep in the same bed but didn't mention the bit that it's not by choice." He looked down at his shoes then back at me.
"Look I'm sorry okay you'll understand soon enough but seriously why did you give that guy your snap?"
"Because I felt like it, am I not aloud to have guy friends? It's not like we dating anyways."
"Yeah that's the problem!" Jaden whispered yelled.
"What's the problem?" He just rolled his eyes and walked away. I let out a sigh and saw Javon looking at shoes and I went over to him and we tried some on and I brought a miss-matching pair with Javon.

Enemies to lovers| Jaden Walton x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now