What did it mean?

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Tomorrow I may not post cause I'm going to concert, also I've decided with this story we're gonna skip a lot of this Bora Bora trip cause I wanna get back at school cause I have a lot of ideas for y/n and Jaden but here's the new chapter 🥳

(Y/n POV)

Jaden woke me up by playing 'Superman by Eminem' on full fucking blast in my ear. He began to sing it cause he's annoying like that.
"I know you want me baby, I think I want you to, I think I love you-" I cut him off by throwing my pillow in his face.
"I'm trying to sleep!" I yelled then he just got up and stared at my with a straight face
"Your no fun" he said in his morning voice then opened the door and left. I sighed and got up and out of bed and went into the bathroom and did my skin care and put mascara on. I decided to go for a swim today so I put these bathers on:

I put my hair in a claw clip and grabbed my towel and phone then went in the water

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I put my hair in a claw clip and grabbed my towel and phone then went in the water. Javon came a little after and got in the water with me.
"Hey" I say as he gets in.
"Hey, how's you and Jaden?"
"What do you mean?" he rolls his eyes then looks back at me.
"I know something is going on between you guys, I don't even want to know what you two could be doing in bed together" I smacked his head as soon as he said that.
"Well you deserved that." He shrugged in agreement then I saw Jaden walking to us then he went down the stairs and got in the water with us.
"Looks like your in a better mood now" I joke and he looks up at me with a death stare.
"Um ima go play some roblox with Daelo bye" Javon said and rushed out the water.
"What did I do this time?" I ask looking at him with my eyebrow raised, he scoffed and leaned back on the rail bar then threw his head back and closed his eyes.
"What didn't you do?" He said with his eyes closed still.
"If you don't wanna answer my question that's fine" I say and smile even though he couldn't see me cause his eyes were shut but I got out of the water and dried off and changed into some shorts and a baggy t-shirt then I decided to watch the rest of Euphoria.

Jaden bursts into the room looking furious then he grabbed my shirt and lifted me up and pushed me against the wall.
"Jaden what is wrong with you?" I yell and push him away from me, not realising his hand was on my shirt, he dragged me down with him and we both fell, I was on top of him though. I looked up at him then his eyes widened.
"Y/n get off" he says quickly. I then nodded and I was getting up I felt something grow underneath me. Oh gosh. I got up and he got up as well then he went into the bathroom and didn't come out until like 10 minutes. When we came out of the bathroom he pulled me up by my arm and pushed me into the bathroom then he closed and locked the door.
"Jaden what are you doing? It's like you don't even talk tod-" he cut me off by pushing me in front of the counter and started kissing me.

Without me breaking the kiss, I jumped up on top of the counter and wrapped my arm around his neck then he wrapped his around my waist. He broke apart from the kiss and started kissing down my neck to my upper breast. He started kissing me on my lips again then gave me a sign to wrap my legs around him so I did, without breaking the kiss he held on to my body so he wouldn't drop me then walked over and layed down on the bed with me on top of him. He gave me a sign to take my shirt off, I had a sports bra under neath which everyone has seen me in with shorts from a Insta pic so it's not like he was seeing something he hasn't. We were still kissing then our door room opened and there entered a Javon with his head down.
"Hey Jaden have you got m-" Javon cut him self off looking up at us and I quickly jumped off Jaden and went under the covers while trying to find my shirt. Jaden on the other hand glared at Javon and he was pissed.
"Uh I was gonna ask have you got my sh-" he was cut off by Jaden.
"Get out." Jaden said in a calm but pissy tone.
"But it's missing and I-"
"OUT!" He yelled then Javon nodded and went out and closed the door behind him.
"Um so what should we do now?" I ask looking at him, he was still Cleary pissed at Javon.
"Let's just watch something I guess."

It was now dinner and we were in a little private area but it was very close to our room.
Kylee Jayla Jess
Javon Food DJ
Daelo Jaden y/n
While we were eating in silence, Daelo looked down at Jaden's lap then back up at Jaden.
"Why do you have a rock in your pants?" Jayla and Kylee choked on there water and Jess and Dj looked at Jaden with there eyes widened while I continued eating like nothing happened and Javon bursted into laughter.
"Uh it's candy" Jaden Said looking at Daelo with a smile.
"Oh can I have some?" Daelo asked excited.
"Uh yeah yeah later." Jaden said quickly looking back at his food. Then Javon ofc had to make a comment.
"If it's not already gone because of y/-" kylee hit Javons arm to tell him to shut up.
"Uh Jaden you can go back to your room to put the candy in your lollie jar" Jess said with a smile to obviously not make it clear to Daelo. Jaden sprinted out of there faster then Usain Bolt himself.

After dinner which went on like normal just without Jaden, I went back to the rooms and saw Jaden lying on the bed on his phone.
"Hey um you alright you know down there?" I ask walking in closing the door and sitting next to him.
"Uh yeah I took care of it" what do you mean by that 🧐🤨. I raised an eyebrow at him and he looked at me then realised what I got out of that.
"Oh what not in the way!" He said and I started laughing then he did as well. We were both scrolling through our socials then a thought popped up in my head, what did it mean? Like the kissing and hickeys and all that shit today, then getting a rock in his pants twice? This boy has some explaining to do.
"Hey do you wanna watch the rest of Euphoria?" I ask to break the silence.
"Sure" we both got under the covers and watched it from where we left off and I rested my head on his chest, I wrapped my arms around him and he did the same with me and we cuddled together until we drifted away to sleep.

1255 words.

Enemies to lovers| Jaden Walton x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now