Back to school 😙

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(Also this chapter WILL NOT INCLUDE SMUT because obvious reasons but will include, honestly I don't know how to explain it but tell me if I should take it out cause idk, I'll tell you when it gets to the part)

(Y/n POV)

Guess what today is! Back to school 😃. Fuck my life Javon had the 'let it go' song as the alarm to wake me and Jaden up. I opened my eyes and rubbed them and just looked around the room then looked down at Jaden, he was rubbing his eyes.
"Mm what's the time?" He asks sounding tired.
"7am" I say looking at my phone, I toss my phone on the bed and where it landed has a condom next to it 🤌.
"Why the fuck is there a condom on the bed?" Jaden asked picking it up from the sheets.
"I don't know I thought it may have slipped out of your pockets." I answer back and he looks at me funny.
"You think ima carry a condom in my pocket?"
"I don't know you seem like you would" I say shrugging then get up from the bed and on the corner of my eye I see Javon laughing at the door.
"Real funny Wanna" I say rolling my eyes realising he put it there, he walks in the room still laughing.
"What I had to!" He says still laughing, is this guy high cause he keeps laughing, did he turn into real life Ashy Mashy 😍, I'll buy my drugs from him any day.. oh but he did turn into actual Ashes sadly so I can't do that 😔.
"Why the fuck do you even have condoms?" Jaden asked looking up at Javon who now stopped laughing and looked embarrassed.
"Ha, keep saying me and Jaden are fucking, who are you fucking?" I ask him and he turns his head to look at me.
"That's private, those um.. the uh.. condoms yeah I got them from I mean... for you two yep, I got a whole packet for you two" he says stuttering and rushing the last, seems a bit Sussy wussy to me.
"Mmm sure." I say rolling my eyes with a smirk.
"Well at least I'm giving you guys one to start off with so you don't need to go out and buy any." He says tryna act all innocent.
"Okay cool now get out of my room cause we need to change" Jaden says getting out from under the covers.. oh shit I forgot he was shirtless.
"WOAH! YOU TWO ARE GONNA CHANGE TOGETHER?" Javon says so the whole world can hear.
"Bro, no." I say and push Wanna out the door and lock it. I turn around and see Jaden putting the condom in his draw.
"Why did you put it in there?" I ask walking towards my bag on the floor to get my stuff out.
"Because what if we decide to do it?" He says looking at me with a huge smirk on his face.
"Yeah, no" I say going to the bathroom and close the door so I can get dressed and do everything I needa do for school.

"Okay are we ready?" Jayla asked as me and Jaden are coming down the stairs with our school bags.
"Yep!" We both reply, as we getting out the front door I turn to Jaden and he's already looking at me, we both know what happens from here..
"I CALL SHOTGUN!" I ran to the car and Jaden almost beats me but I'm just to fast for his slow ass then I open the door and get in the passenger seat first.
"Oh fuck you" he says and gets in the back while Jayla gets in the drivers seat.
"So how was your sleep guys?" Jayla asks as she's driving us to school.
"Uh it was hmm good" Jaden said looking a built worried.
"Why u look so scared?" I ask looking at him
"Uh nothing don't worry about it" I raise my eyebrow then shrug and continue looking out my window then I see our school.
"Oh shit were late!" I say looking at the time then say goodbye and thanks to Jayla then literally run inside to my class.

"Mrs and Mr Walton, why are you late?" I look at the teacher real confused and everyone else does to, the class is looking at her and I look back at Jaden and all his dumb ass is doing is smirking and let's out a little laugh. I turn back to the teacher
"Uh um.. I'm not apart of the Walt-"
"You know what, I don't want to hear it, lunch detention!" Gosh why was she so strict.
"But I-" I got cut off by the teacher
"No but I just got back from-"
"Do we want to make that recess as well?"
"No" I mumble under my breathe and the teacher nods and signals for me and Jaden to take the two seats next to each other at the far back corner.
We were doing the work the teacher assigned when Jaden tapped me on the shoulder.
"Y/n Walton can you please give me a pen" he says with a stupid smirk, I smile back and say 'no' happily and he rolls his eyes and goes back to work. Not even 5 minutes later he taps my should again.
"Miss Walton can I have a pen please?"
"Who the fuck you calling 'miss'?" I say looking him up and down in disgust as a joke.
"Javon said it himself, your his sister in law" he says and shrugs then looks to the front of the class, what the marriage is going on? I sigh then get back to my work.

Enemies to lovers| Jaden Walton x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now