2 problems, one day

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(Y/n POV)
There will be violence in this like bashing and can you guys please tell me if I should set this story to mature cause I think violence falls in the 'mature' category also again no hate to Ava for this but we gotta make this story have a problem others wise what tf is the point in a story.

Today I decided to walk to school, I didn't really want to get dropped off be Jayla, I liked walking yesterday so ima do it again today. I got up and out of bed and did my skin care and put on mascara and lip gloss as usual, I got dressed into my clothes from yesterday and I put my hair up in a high pony tail then I went down stairs after grabbing everything I needed for school, I had breakfast and like every other day, my parents aren't home but anyway after eating I brushed my teeth and put my shoes on I went outside and started walked to school.

On the way to school I heard footsteps running up to me from behind, before I could turn around or even react I was pushed to the floor, before my face hit the floor I used my hands to stop me, I layed on the ground facing the floor and I started to get up as quick as I could but then something hit the side of my neck and I fell to the floor on my back cause it was a pretty powerful hit. I opened my eyes and tried to get up again only to see Ava laughing her stupid brunette ass off. I managed to get up before she could swing at me, did this bitch really want a fight? Then I'm giving it to her. She tried to kick me but I grabbed her leg and flipped her over, after like 2 seconds I felt someone turn me around, I got a quick glips of.. I don't know it was a blur but then I got a punch right in my face and I fell to the ground, I was unconscious and I was completely unaware of my surroundings because my eyes started to tear up from the pain so I shut my eyes.

I opened my eyes to the same area I was in before I shut them, I looked at my phone and it was one period before lunch, how long was I down for... dam. I got up and took my hoodie out from my bag and put it on and went straight to school cause I knew I had a huge exam after Lunch and honestly I needed to do it, I swear the things we do just to get good grades. If we skipped this exam for what ever reason then we would receive a 10% loss is the marks, I couldn't afford that since I was stupid already so I had to go. I made my way to school and by the time I got there It was Lunch, I put my hoodie over my head and walked in with my head down. I looked up while walking in the hallways seeing Jaden leaning on the locker with a smirk on his face, surrounded by all his friends, just talking to them. Obviously from the rumours yesterday, everyone saw my post so there all friends again. Anyway he then looked around then spotted me, he was still looking at me while whispering to one of his friends but then he moved his eyes down from my face, he must have seen the mark on my neck from the hit, to be honest, I haven't seen my neck to see how bad it is. He then changed his face expression to a shocked and confused one then I looked away for one sec then looked back to where he was standing but he wasn't there, In like 5 seconds I felt him pull my arm, I was being dragged by him but in a gentle way then he pulled me into the janitors closet.

He pushed my lightly against the wall and rolled his sleeves up, holy shit his arms and hands- the veins and- we must stay focused brothers; we must stay focused.
"It's either gonna be the hard way or the easy way   y/n" Jaden began to speak
"Huh?" I was not understanding what he meant.
"You tell me who did this to you or I'll need to kill every single person in this school until I find out which fucking person did this to you."
"Uh um Ava-" I didn't even get to finish my sentence, he was out of there, fuck he's gonna yell so bad at his Ex. He followed him and he walked into the cafeteria mad as anything then he speed walked up to Ava, as soon as she saw him she was scared, good, I hope she shat her self.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" He yelled so dam loud, everyone turned around and looked at them, now what am I supposed to do?
"Uh I'm well she deserves it for tryna get with my boyfriend!" She snapped back but people in the crowd shouted things,
"Bro we all know it was fake!"
"That was full ass Fake!"
"Im not even your boyfriend anymore!" When the last comment was shouted, I knew was Daniel, he did as he said he would do, he is a man of his word.
"So you make up rumours about me and y/n yesterday and now you decide to physically hurt her today? What is wrong with you?! What is wrong with you?! (Nate Jacobs moment 🤪🤪)
Your so selfish you only care about yourself and your feelings, you didn't care when you cheated on me, you just tried to get back with me cause of my followers, you wanna know what that's called? That's called being selfish!" Jaden kept ramming on going from how Ava cheated on him to what she did to me this morning. You could hear the pain in Jaden voice and I could tell he was starting to cry but then.. Ava was crying? Really? This is turning into an actual Maddie and Cassie scene. I didn't want Jaden to start crying, cause it will make me cry so I grabbed Jaden's arm lightly and pulled him away not trying to hurt him
"Jaden come on it ain't worth it" he instantly calmed down and then he grabbed my arm gently and we walked out of the cafeteria leaving Ava crying for, I don't know and I don't really care reason and everyone just continued on with there lunch like nothing happened.

"Thank you" I said as soon as we were out of that room. He just smiled then the bell rung, time for the big ass exam. I went to class and saw Jas then she ran up to me and gave me a hug.
"I'm so fucking sorry but what I said yesterday! I know you probably don't give one shit but I want you to know that me and Loren are pissed off so much at Ava and Daniel." She said, she sounded very genuine then she pulled out of the hug.
"Ava forced Daniel to do that edit thing and to date her, you know how she is" she smiled then nodded and we went to our seats and then the teacher handed out the papers and I got to work.

The exam was much easier then I thought It would be, although I was stressing on if I would finish it on time, I think I did pretty well for once. The siren went and it was next period, I went to class and got that over and done with then I waited out the front of the school and then Jaden came and sat down on the floor next to me where I was standing. Jayla pulls up 5 minutes later and we get in the car, I go in the front next to Jayla and Jaden goes in the back.
"Wait- woah y/n what the fuck happened to your face...and your neck?" Jayla asked as soon as I got in.
"Geees thanks for asking if I was okay first." I say laughing.
"Ava decided to be a bitch, her and someone else, I couldn't work out who but it's fine"
"Holy shit are you like okay? Do you need to go to the doctors?"
"Nah it can heal on its own" she nodded then drove off and dropped me and my hosue, Jaden didn't say a word on the way home, me and Jayla we're making jokes and laughing at them and usually he makes stupid comments and insaults me for my jokes but he didn't talk one bit that whole drive. I brushed it off and went inside and I went in the kitchen and my mum dropped her apple on the counter and her jaw dropped when she saw me.
"Y/n what the fuck happened" I have never heard her swear unless she was angry but I guess I know why in this situation.
"It was Ava and someone else but I'm fine, it will heal on its own"
"What did she do to you y/n?" She asked coming up to me and kneeled down with her hands on my shoulders and made eye level with mine.
"She uh pushed me over then hit my neck and then she tried to kick my again but I grabbed her leg and flipped her over but then I don't know who but someone turned me around and punched me in the face so um yeah" I says really quickly
"And this happened when?"
"On the way to school.."
"Love, if this happens again tell my straight away, I love you so much and your so lucky nothing serious happened that you needed up in hospital" she pulled me into a big warm hug, she may not be home all the time and same with dad cause of there big compony, but they will make sure that there daughter is okay at all times and will always try to give her the best things in the world, and that's a healthy mindset.

I went upstairs and took a shower, my face stung a little but it was okay, I got out and took my mascara off then did my skin care, it hurt when I touched my face but it didn't hurt to bad. I went back down stairs after putting my pjs on and I heard my mum on the phone to I think Ava's mum because of what she was saying.
"If your daughter ever decides to do what she did to mine today, I will make sure she rejects it! Teach some manners and common sense into her brain if she even has one!" then my mum hung up the phone, she saw me walk in and my dad was leaning on the bench, when he saw me, he got up and hugged me then my mum started to talk
"I just had a go at Ava's mum and if Ava does anything to you again, I give you 100% permission to slap her back" I giggled at what she said then nodded, I said goodnight to them then grabbed an apple and went upstairs and ate it then got my clothes ready for tomorrow and pretty much everything ready then I brushed my teeth and went to sleep.

1938 words.

Enemies to lovers| Jaden Walton x y/nWhere stories live. Discover now